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Author Topic: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.  (Read 10905 times)

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2019, 07:29:08 PM »
utopiacowboy said:

The country YOU love and defend? WTF? Like my son and daughter in law didn't defend it?

Every day I read about MAGA pendejos chewing out people for having a private conversation in Spanish hollering that this is an English speaking country blah blah blah. Yet there I am watching the Liga MX en espanol and sure enough there are ads for the US Army and US Navy en espanol recruiting the same Latinos the MAGA pendejos are cursing out.

I am sure in Nazi Germany in the 1930s there were guys babbling, hey you can't criticize Hitler, this is my country right or wrong and we love it and will defend it to the death etc etc etc. I gotta a good job at the concentration camp and this is the greatest country in the world. If you don't like Nazi Germany then why don't you just leave blah blah blah..
I said it before and I will say it again. You don't like this country, pick up your lousy ass and get the hell out! Don't let the door hit it on the way out either! People like you make me want to hurl because you are so damned unappreciative of what you have. Go on! Take your [snip] and begone with you!

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2019, 07:44:29 PM »
I said it before and I will say it again. You don't like this country, pick up your lousy ass and get the hell out! Don't let the door hit it on the way out either! People like you make me want to hurl because you are so damned unappreciative of what you have. Go on! Take your [snip] and begone with you!

The US Army oath (along with the other services) states "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States." The Constitution includes the First Amendment right of free speech. Every service member therefore takes an oath to support and defend the right of free speech. This includes speech that he or she may not agree with. This is what they are defending.

If you want a country where everyone thinks alike and everyone worships the Great Leader, maybe you are better suited for life in North Korea.

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2019, 08:05:30 PM »
The US Army oath (along with the other services) states "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States." The Constitution includes the First Amendment right of free speech. Every service member therefore takes an oath to support and defend the right of free speech. This includes speech that he or she may not agree with. This is what they are defending.

If you want a country where everyone thinks alike and everyone worships the Great Leader, maybe you are better suited for life in North Korea.
I know the oath of Enlistment since I recited it and did my time. But how quaint you want to use the Constitution now to defend yourself but it in the same breath berate the country that up holds it! Since you seem to hate and loath everything this country stands for. You don't even want to acknowledge who the President is. But since you have stated it previously this isn't Nazi Germany and no one is stopping you! Go find your better country! Go to North Korea! Go to that 'utopia' you have hijacked as your moniker! You won't find a better place than right here. Its seems you like to talk the talk, now lets watch you walk the walk!

Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2019, 08:05:30 PM »

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2019, 02:26:49 PM »
I know the oath of Enlistment since I recited it and did my time. But how quaint you want to use the Constitution now to defend yourself but it in the same breath berate the country that up holds it! Since you seem to hate and loath everything this country stands for. You don't even want to acknowledge who the President is. But since you have stated it previously this isn't Nazi Germany and no one is stopping you! Go find your better country! Go to North Korea! Go to that 'utopia' you have hijacked as your moniker! You won't find a better place than right here. Its seems you like to talk the talk, now lets watch you walk the walk!
North Korea? You mean Kim Il Trump's favorite country along with Russia? 

When AOC is president, I want to see you sing your little Love it or Leave it song then. I am sure you will be cursing her and the country that voted for her with every breath you take. (Of course you will never imagine that will happen lol!)

As long as you and the white supremacists rule, sure there's no better place on earth but when the young and the women and the minorities take over, you'll be crying along with all the other old white men like they do on the False News Network. Just the thought of AOC is enough to make them foam at the mouth and vow to commit mass murder.

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2019, 04:48:15 PM »
Fellas, what's "AOC"??

I musta missed something...
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2019, 05:57:27 PM »
Fellas, what's "AOC"??

I musta missed something...
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2019, 08:14:56 AM »
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Thanks. I had concerns about her from the start. She was rather well off as a child, from age 5 on, living in a very white, very upper income area in an exclusive NYC suburb, just outside the city, Westchester County's Yorktown Heights. She went to the best schools there, then onto also uber establishment Boston College, where Hispanics, really all minorities,  were just that, a small minority,  and at that, many brought in as wealthy exchange students from overseas-- not urban, ghetto types she pretends to champion.

She hugely overplayed her (as she described them) compassionate, formative to her upbringing) visits back to the Bronx (where she was actually born) but where she showed her true colors, was in getting to Amazon change their mind about placing their new HQ in her district.

While almost to a one, her low income constituents were ecstatic when they heard Amazon, and all those needed jobs, was coming, her RICH constituents, the 'establishment',  did NOT want Amazon coming in and changing the status quo. So she catered to the rich and gave mouthspeak to the poor, trying to convince them that Amazon coming would be like devil.

She has all the potential to become another hilliary clinton,  albeit wearing fashionable, designer clothes.

And I have a feeling that if she's reelected and gains more legislative power, spending tax dollars for all the new programs and services she's inventing, that our unfathomably high national debt will only get higher.
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2019, 10:39:34 AM »
Thanks. I had concerns about her from the start. She was rather well off as a child, from age 5 on, living in a very white, very upper income area in an exclusive NYC suburb, just outside the city, Westchester County's Yorktown Heights. She went to the best schools there, then onto also uber establishment Boston College, where Hispanics, really all minorities,  were just that, a small minority,  and at that, many brought in as wealthy exchange students from overseas-- not urban, ghetto types she pretends to champion.

She hugely overplayed her (as she described them) compassionate, formative to her upbringing) visits back to the Bronx (where she was actually born) but where she showed her true colors, was in getting to Amazon change their mind about placing their new HQ in her district.

While almost to a one, her low income constituents were ecstatic when they heard Amazon, and all those needed jobs, was coming, her RICH constituents, the 'establishment',  did NOT want Amazon coming in and changing the status quo. So she catered to the rich and gave mouthspeak to the poor, trying to convince them that Amazon coming would be like devil.

She has all the potential to become another hilliary clinton,  albeit wearing fashionable, designer clothes.

And I have a feeling that if she's reelected and gains more legislative power, spending tax dollars for all the new programs and services she's inventing, that our unfathomably high national debt will only get higher.
Without a Donald there's no AOC. We are so polarized with political extremes these days, with no end in sight....

Offline robert angel

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2019, 12:54:51 PM »
Thanks. I had concerns about her from the start. She was rather well off as a child, from age 5 on, living in a very white, very upper income area in an exclusive NYC suburb, just outside the city, Westchester County's Yorktown Heights. She went to the best schools there, then onto also uber establishment Boston College, where Hispanics, really all minorities,  were just that, a small minority,  and at that, many brought in as wealthy exchange students from overseas-- not urban, ghetto types she pretends to champion.

She hugely overplayed her (as she described them) compassionate, formative to her upbringing) visits back to the Bronx (where she was actually born) but where she showed her true colors, was in getting to Amazon change their mind about placing their new HQ in her district.

While almost to a one, her low income constituents were ecstatic when they heard Amazon, and all those needed jobs, was coming, her RICH constituents, the 'establishment',  did NOT want Amazon coming in and changing the status quo. So she catered to the rich and gave mouthspeak to the poor, trying to convince them that Amazon coming would be like devil.

She has all the potential to become another hilliary clinton,  albeit wearing fashionable, designer clothes.

And I have a feeling that if she's reelected and gains more legislative power, spending tax dollars for all the new programs and services she's inventing, that our unfathomably high national debt will only get higher.

All the above I said,  and I hoped better for her when I first saw and heard her. She was 27 or 28 y/o, supposedly a NYC bartender (I didn't imagine star, sniffy Boston College grads tending bar) making a run for a then thought impossible seat in Congress against a very long time, entrenched congressman.

It was a cross between "Maid In Manhattan" , "Legally Hispanic", err 'blonde?), Cinderella and "Rocky". I had to root a bit for the underdog upstart....

But movies and fairy tales rarely come true.

But she was cute, in her fashionable clothes, borderline hot, she played to the camera quite well, being obviously highly educated, well spoken.  You gotta look at a 'looker' especially a talking one.

Good source for network video, typically with fiery sound bites.

But she's all of 29 now---Hell, when I was 29, I thought I knew the answers to everything. And I'd tell them to you too!

But she came to Washington all mouth, not enough ears. Like it or not you have to cooperate,  even in 'the swamp'.

But with her preconceived 'agenda' she came in mouth forward, like she was gonna save us from 1929 Great Depression,  like the great man (and quite the 'ladies man') President Roosevelt, and the """New Deal"". And for all that HE, political royalty he was, desperate depression and  'all that' , it still required him to execute a lot (too much) "horse trading". Probably as was the custom then, occasional "cloak room deals" too.

Lincoln had to do a great deal of that as well.

Like John Dingell, our late, great close family friend, a man who was our friend and in congress before I was even BORN. John Dingell, who followed his Father to Congress and served FIFTY NINE years up on 'the hill.'

As a kid, I had lunch in congressional dining room with Rep.Dingell and he was as down to earth as could be, all the whilst guiding the earliest forms of health care reform and a 1000 other things daily on the house floor.

On Republican deals and whether or not they let him  help write them, he explained: "Fellows, believe me, you'd rather have me in the tent NOW, rather than looking IN later." And they did.

Rep Dingell worked BOTH sides of the aisle artfully,  eventually known as "the most important politician to never become President". 

He died when OAC was already in office, I hope she looks at his legacy and learns something.

Oh, I almost forgot, FDR was, as I recall,also in charge of the last war that we actually won. And quickly at that.

Polio, The Great Depression, The New Deal AND WWII, just for starters. And finding 'extracurricular' time for 'ladies' too? = quite a guy. Talk about "Time Management ", eh?

A " purpose driven life" no doubt....

AOC in present mind and work is, and most assuredly will never be, another FDR, Lincoln, Kennedy or Dingell.

She may get lost in Washington DC, in "the swamp", unable to get anyone but reporters to talk with, (I volunteer as lifeguard), beaten down by W. DC, but I hope by age 30+, she catches onto the 'curve' a bit, perhaps some climate control projects that create jobs, realistic affordable health care--things she needs to get seasoned on. God knows we DO need changes in govt, but you have to have a grip on something before you can change it...
« Last Edit: March 07, 2019, 03:56:35 PM by robert angel »
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2019, 10:15:14 AM »
Thanks. I had concerns about her from the start. She was rather well off as a child, from age 5 on, living in a very white, very upper income area in an exclusive NYC suburb, just outside the city, Westchester County's Yorktown Heights. She went to the best schools there, then onto also uber establishment Boston College, where Hispanics, really all minorities,  were just that, a small minority,  and at that, many brought in as wealthy exchange students from overseas-- not urban, ghetto types she pretends to champion.

She hugely overplayed her (as she described them) compassionate, formative to her upbringing) visits back to the Bronx (where she was actually born) but where she showed her true colors, was in getting to Amazon change their mind about placing their new HQ in her district.

While almost to a one, her low income constituents were ecstatic when they heard Amazon, and all those needed jobs, was coming, her RICH constituents, the 'establishment',  did NOT want Amazon coming in and changing the status quo. So she catered to the rich and gave mouthspeak to the poor, trying to convince them that Amazon coming would be like devil.

She has all the potential to become another hilliary clinton,  albeit wearing fashionable, designer clothes.

And I have a feeling that if she's reelected and gains more legislative power, spending tax dollars for all the new programs and services she's inventing, that our unfathomably high national debt will only get higher.

UC you go.on and on about the "rich"  ..the top 1% pay more than 50 % of the taxes in Canadá and the US. The top 10% closer to 70%.

The "rich " are susidizing everyone else.

And you  have been to Colombia and elsewhere so you can figure out you and your family are " rich" compared to World standards.

I just love how champagne Socialists define the "rich" anyone who is more sucsesssful than them.

I will say it again..Trump is a vile, racist( based on things he is purported to have said),oportunistic, lieing, conman, and many of his supporters are worse,but it would be an absolute horrible económic disaster  for the US and the world if AOC and her ilk came to.power.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 10:18:13 AM by Elexpatriado »

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2019, 11:51:12 AM »

UC you go.on and on about the "rich"  ..the top 1% pay more than 50 % of the taxes in Canadá and the US. The top 10% closer to 70%.

The "rich " are susidizing everyone else.

And you  have been to Colombia and elsewhere so you can figure out you and your family are " rich" compared to World standards.

I just love how champagne Socialists define the "rich" anyone who is more sucsesssful than them.

I will say it again..Trump is a vile, racist( based on things he is purported to have said),oportunistic, lieing, conman, and many of his supporters are worse,but it would be an absolute horrible económic disaster  for the US and the world if AOC and her ilk came to.power.

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2019, 01:18:51 PM »

UC you go.on and on about the "rich"  ..the top 1% pay more than 50 % of the taxes in Canadá and the US. The top 10% closer to 70%.

The "rich " are susidizing everyone else.

And you  have been to Colombia and elsewhere so you can figure out you and your family are " rich" compared to World standards.

I just love how champagne Socialists define the "rich" anyone who is more sucsesssful than them.

I will say it again..Trump is a vile, racist( based on things he is purported to have said),oportunistic, lieing, conman, and many of his supporters are worse,but it would be an absolute horrible económic disaster  for the US and the world if AOC and her ilk came to.power.

Just my own take on it, but I think U.C. sees things going from bad to worse. Take that, boil it down, an it in reality has nothing to do with how much people make and taxes paid by whom. It's about, and I'd reckon he'd go along with me thinking along the same line, that we're seeing a greater polarization,  hatred and just 'not right' treatment amongst people of a different skin tone/ethnicity .

Feck, just on the streets, with a mass shooting just about each week. People are not 'getting along' well. Not playing well.  I thought we were supposed to have learned all that in kindergarten

I think, although a lot of hyperbole has been injected, complicating the whole thread, but that U.C. wants to see people who don't fit the: "My family came with the Pilgrims ON the Mayflower" picture, to be treated with the same dignity and respect, regardless of being half this, half that, or even a straight up legal immigrants, such as many of our wives are.

I don't really see U.C's tack as being purely political, I see it more like he especially with his family, but really all men, women and children, he feels they should be  treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

People in a lotta places haven't always been nice, but I think in the USA, people are less civil, less tolerant,  just nastier than they used to be. Like other countries,  dominated by people, work and personal technology, we're removed from the way our lives used to be.

Life's complicated, haters are still hating and it's just not looking Rosie any time soon

And in a different but similar vein, where I live, (in Georgia)  there's been a racial divide, that's gone from bad to worse.

Blacks, whereas back in the day, they dealt with overt segregation, integration,  prejudice, I have seen it do a '360'  morphing into a newer style of prejudices.

It's like our white devil slave holding ancestors need to make reparation payments, but now we're taking the heat and footing the bill.

NOW, in the 2000's, blacks hold the highest positions in the police, general govt., and schools. Between blood nepotism then again along with sorority and fraternity alliances, you have to be inside. Women in high places in particular,  who also do hiring.

They often know the exact person they're going to hire all along, but will interview 15 people, just to "Keep it legal and transparent---LOL

It's like now that they've got the upper hand, it's like we're supposed to be paying back in being 'hirable', well paid, accpted. Be a white guy, I was going to get a bumper sticker for my car, saying:

"Save the white males"

Even at that, six months after retiring, just past the required 'sit out date' they started calling me back for difficult, what I always called 'hand grenade' cases. I can pretty much pick my days, maybe a day here, a few there, but my wife continues to encourages me NOT to work. We'll see.

But a wife encouraging her hubbie NOT to work--$$$$$--- how bout dem apples?) But that's to avoid all the catty dramas that typically fall along racial lines anyways. Blame games, etc. Power jockeying each other, back and forth, to stroke, heart attack land. Feck em.

But back to main subject, U.C.s Texas residential,  regional report sounds different than mine, but both seem (sound) to be getting worse, rather than better.

U.C., if you're still there, how has the US Military treated your enlisted children?  My 2nd, 3rd hand experience seems to indicate those considered ethic, half blood, even English 2nd language persons seem to get a fair (fairER) shake with the branches of the US Military, espec compared to civilian life stateside  True?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 01:29:02 PM by robert angel »
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2019, 05:36:33 PM »
I am sure that WS on the otherhand will soon be witness to the prejudice and bias UC is seeing with his family in the US from those "pendejo" Trump supporters

And he wont have his Spanish language ignorance and his wife's cover-ups to shield him from the cruelty of the people heckling and chismoso behind his back ..likr he does in Colombia..with a latino wife and step children it will be right in his face and in his own language

The  cruelty and ignorance of a large percentage of the population in most   places astounds me.

Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2019, 05:36:33 PM »

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2019, 06:25:21 PM »
I am sure that WS on the otherhand will soon be witness to the prejudice and bias UC is seeing with his family in the US from those "pendejo" Trump supporters

And he wont have his Spanish language ignorance and his wife's cover-ups to shield him from the cruelty of the people heckling and chismoso behind his back ..likr he does in Colombia..with a latino wife and step children it will be right in his face and in his own language

The  cruelty and ignorance of a large percentage of the population in most   places astounds me.

Any bloke who brings a 100%, 'all growed up" largely non English speaking moreno Colombiana to any place north of the border--some place that fancies homogenized milk, white Wonder Bread, white people and twinkies, is in for one helluva "reality check" before long.

Melded extra family members, their  ages and aspirations, all that,  new language, cultural divides and more, will just add complexity that's hard to imagine.

I don't know how this sort of endeavor typically plays out in places like Iowa, Nebraska,  Ohio, etc.

WS, does the Mom speak much English?
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #39 on: March 08, 2019, 08:37:09 PM »
elex said:
I am sure that WS on the otherhand will soon be witness to the prejudice and bias UC is seeing with his family in the US from those "pendejo" Trump supporters And he wont have his Spanish language ignorance and his wife's cover-ups to shield him from the cruelty of the people heckling and chismoso behind his back ..likr he does in Colombia..with a latino wife and step children it will be right in his face and in his own language

The  cruelty and ignorance of a large percentage of the population in most   places astounds me.
elex, you don't know WTF you are talking about! That has got to be the dumbest thing you have ever said! There are no issues here with anyone speaking a foreign language. The town that I grew up in has an entire latino community. The 'Coal Region' over the hill from where I live now, is still peppered with people speaking Italian and eastern European dialects, (Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Russian, et al). And lets not forget the Amish, from where I have my roots! So you are completely fcked in your way of thinking!UC's family shouldn't have any problems because of the Latino community that completely inundates Texas! If there is, it is Latinos from Mexico pissed at Latinos from Colombia! The only 'pendejos' are the people that think up this sh!t!Robert angel asked:
WS, does the Mom speak much English?
The mother doesn't speak any English now but she is taking courses in April. The son is fluent and the young daughter is trying to converse with me in English. So let me go on further here. There is a large medical center that has many people from different countries on its staff. My company, just where I work at, (not HQ), employs many people from India, PR, one engineer who is a friend of mine is from Jordan, and the list goes on and on! There aren't any prejudices here!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 08:42:35 PM by Wildstubby »

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #40 on: March 09, 2019, 05:47:29 AM »
It's good that there sounds  like there's some cultural diversity, hopefully more Spanish speakers than just PR. When my wife got here, I was all about signing her up with cable TV in her language. Maybe realizing it would be counterproductive to her learning better English,  she didn't want to.
Not everyone feels the need or necessity  to learn reasonably conversant, never mind 'fluid' English.

My wife did, and went to the local college,  where they had free grad Speech Pathology students help her with speaking English, but even with written English. I'm lame on Spanish, but I think the speech and handwriting structure is quite different. Hell, sometimes, going on 14 years here, I'll ask my wife a question and she'll still have 'a time' answering. She eventually admitted that even after spending a third of her life here, she often thinks--'processes' information and replies in her language and things don't always translate smoothly!

But she even went back and took college and technical school courses for career skills and did well.
Everyone's situation,  needs is different.  The older one is, the harder to pick up a new language. It seems harder than most for Colombianas. Some don't need English, some don't care, being largely 'OK' staying mostly at home-- lots of variables there.

How's your Spanish, W.S.? I am a bit of a jerk sometimes,  impatient when we can't understand each other, asking each to repeats something 2, 3 times so we're clear.
I'd go nuts if most communication required that, hand signs, 'dancing around" words and expressions.
Hoping for the best for you, but eh, clear, comprehensible, so called 'common English communication between Men and Women who both speak the SAME language is often lacking.
I am pretty sure you're gonna have some 'moments', but hopefully,  as the Angel's say, "love conquers all"
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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2019, 06:16:26 AM »
Robert angel asked:
How's your Spanish, W.S.? I am a bit of a jerk sometimes,  impatient when we can't understand each other, asking each to repeats something 2, 3 times so we're clear.
My Spanish is poor to mediocre to say the least. Listening is very difficult for me to catch the nuances and accents. I can read it with about ~80% accuracy. That being said, when I first embarked upon this journey, (immediately after my ex walked out of the house!), I set my sights on a foreign woman. At first I was attracted to women from Eastern Europe. But quickly realized there was quite a scam gig going on there. Also, later I learned that my best friend's BIL got burned by a woman there so that was severely biased. I shifted my gaze to South America, courtesy of Cote de Pablo, ;) . I was really looking for was to get revenge on my ex, since she clearly thought I was 'washed-up', (I actually thought that for a while until I made my first trip to Colombia!). If I really wanted to get 'digs' in on the ex, I should have looked closer to Asia because she has quite a disdain for people from Japan, Korea, PI, etc.
Sorry I'm taking the long way around the barn here. Ultimately, I decided that wherever I found my next mate, I was going to take time out to learn her native language. If I expect her to live with me here in the US, and she has to learn English, I feel it is my duty to learn her tongue. Whether its Spanish, Russian, Tagalog, etc! I have been using Rosetta Stone. If you want, PM me and I will get into the details of using it but it does indeed help.

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2019, 10:23:57 AM »
The funny thing is my grandchildren - the ones that are half Mexican and the ones that are half Korean - all have ancestors that DID come over on the Mayflower as well as ancestors that fought with George Washington in the American Revolution and were granted land by William Penn among other things. So appearances aside, their roots go back to the beginning of the country. In fact the ones that are half Mexican have Native American ancestry as well so their ancestors were here before the Mayflower.

In answer to your question, Robert, the US military is the one institution that has an excellent record treating everyone equally. Of course it's not perfect but compared to much of American life, the US military is a beacon of tolerance and mutual respect. I often think that we would be better off under a military dictatorship but then that would probably corrupt the military. 

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #43 on: March 09, 2019, 11:32:10 AM »
elex said:elex, you don't know WTF you are talking about! That has got to be the dumbest thing you have ever said! There are no issues here with anyone speaking a foreign language. The town that I grew up in has an entire latino community. The 'Coal Region' over the hill from where I live now, is still peppered with people speaking Italian and eastern European dialects, (Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Russian, et al). And lets not forget the Amish, from where I have my roots! So you are completely fcked in your way of thinking!UC's family shouldn't have any problems because of the Latino community that completely inundates Texas! If there is, it is Latinos from Mexico pissed at Latinos from Colombia! The only 'pendejos' are the people that think up this sh!t!Robert angel asked:The mother doesn't speak any English now but she is taking courses in April. The son is fluent and the young daughter is trying to converse with me in English. So let me go on further here. There is a large medical center that has many people from different countries on its staff. My company, just where I work at, (not HQ), employs many people from India, PR, one engineer who is a friend of mine is from Jordan, and the list goes on and on! There aren't any prejudices here!

You may soon be surprised.Unless you choose to be   totally unaware.

Not everyone is open and liberal as you are to believe.

I can see UCs point.. I cant say whether Pensylvania compares to South West Texas. Bit ignorant people existe everywhere. Even in "libera"l Canada.

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #44 on: March 09, 2019, 12:09:07 PM »
elex said:
You may soon be surprised.Unless you choose to be   totally unaware.

Not everyone is open and liberal as you are to believe.

I can see UCs point.. I cant say whether Pensylvania compares to South West Texas. Bit ignorant people existe everywhere. Even in "libera"l Canada.
I don't even know how you can qualify yourself on this subject! When you (claim to) have lived the last 8 years in Colombia! Yeah, I'll admit there is some bias of an ethnic group. Many of us mock the people at Verizon's technical support group, who tend to show a lack of empathy while reading their response cues off of the computer. Their diction and syntax rhythms demonstrate they don't give a rats ass about your problems.

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2019, 01:38:56 PM »
elex said:I don't even know how you can qualify yourself on this subject! When you (claim to) have lived the last 8 years in Colombia! Yeah, I'll admit there is some bias of an ethnic group. Many of us mock the people at Verizon's technical support group, who tend to show a lack of empathy while reading their response cues off of the computer. Their diction and syntax rhythms demonstrate they don't give a rats ass about your problems.

I have and hate VZN = Verizon,  the BIG red pig. They have the ability and moral obligation to almost block robo calls, but like a lot of features they want more for, they want $3 a month. Their profit's usually around two BILLION a month. They bought and ruined AOL.COM, making people pay again, and for slower, computer freezing 'service', bought and ruined Yahoo. Yahoo IM is gone, bought and ruined tumblr. Telecommunications they're awful but where I live, they have the most coverage.  Now that Comcat/Xfinity uses, has to use VZNs towers and charges a little less, I might change carriers. My Samsung,  phones, except for the Galaxy S3 way back, have irritated me over the years but slap me silly, I have the new Galaxy S10 Plus coming this week.

Maybe like Churchill  said back in his day, about the USA Democratic form of govt? "The WORST type of govt, EXCEPT for ALL the rest?"
« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 01:49:02 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2019, 09:26:56 AM »
Robert angel said:
I have and hate VZN = Verizon,  the BIG red pig. They have the ability and moral obligation to almost block robo calls, but like a lot of features they want more for, they want $3 a month. Their profit's usually around two BILLION a month. They bought and ruined AOL.COM, making people pay again, and for slower, computer freezing 'service', bought and ruined Yahoo. Yahoo IM is gone, bought and ruined tumblr. Telecommunications they're awful but where I live, they have the most coverage.  Now that Comcat/Xfinity uses, has to use VZNs towers and charges a little less, I might change carriers. My Samsung,  phones, except for the Galaxy S3 way back, have irritated me over the years but slap me silly, I have the new Galaxy S10 Plus coming this week.
Not to hijack the thread but I have been fighting with Verizon since Nov. 2015 over lack of internet access to the point I am ready to take out an advertisement in the Wall St. Journal as a way to deter potential investors, (hit their bottom line, they will take notice!). But to the subject, I am not prejudiced against people from India. As a matter of fact, my church pastor is from Colombo, Sri Lanka. But when you (try) to talk to these people, you know by their speech pattern, their diction and syntax that there is no sincere empathy for the customer. I think if you were to put even a person from the US there, the results would be the same. Like reading a script for a play performance for the first time, having no idea where to place emotional emphasis!

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2019, 03:30:53 PM »
I have and hate VZN = Verizon,  the BIG red pig. They have the ability and moral obligation to almost block robo calls, but like a lot of features they want more for, they want $3 a month. Their profit's usually around two BILLION a month. They bought and ruined AOL.COM, making people pay again, and for slower, computer freezing 'service', bought and ruined Yahoo. Yahoo IM is gone, bought and ruined tumblr. Telecommunications they're awful but where I live, they have the most coverage.  Now that Comcat/Xfinity uses, has to use VZNs towers and charges a little less, I might change carriers. My Samsung,  phones, except for the Galaxy S3 way back, have irritated me over the years but slap me silly, I have the new Galaxy S10 Plus coming this week.

Maybe like Churchill  said back in his day, about the USA Democratic form of govt? "The WORST type of govt, EXCEPT for ALL the rest?"
Freeing myself from my Verizon contract was costly but worth it...

Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2019, 03:30:53 PM »

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2019, 04:18:47 PM »
mambocowboy said:
Freeing myself from my Verizon contract was costly but worth it...
I would love to be free of Verizon. But for me, its the only 'gig' in town. See, this has to do with my landline. I have to go at a minimum of a mile either side of my house to get any cell signal. Verizon, ATT, Sprint et al! The problem lies in my internet which is DSL. Because I use a network extender, I can't do satellite because of the latency issues. There is no cable, (I would love it but it is 2 miles away!), so I am stuck with DSL and 15000' of copper! What sucks is if I lose my land line, which I have several time this past year, if I have an emergency, I have to drive said 2 miles to get reliable cell service!

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Re: Super Bowl Team owner's Patriot missile caught on tape.
« Reply #49 on: March 10, 2019, 09:55:25 PM »
That's a drag. When we had a very minor brush with the outer rings of a hurricane,  our neighborhood had no cell phone service. If the streets were impassable due to debris, we'd have been screwed, as if you could drive far enough, you might catch a working tower.

The few folks w landlines lost service too. But so few people use landlines now that the cost of keeping up poles, lines, inground landline connections, is way more than what the landline folks, the 'Ma Bell's' take in from LL users paying their bills.

When crazy weather sets in, eventually most people by far, will have zero connectivity, not LL's, cellular,  no computer internet....maybe except for a battery powered radio, to be clued in.

If the internet goes down for long, we are totally flucked. Obama said a top priority was to "harden our internet".

Anybody remember the 2nd or 3rd Bruce Willis 'Diehard " movie, where terrorists disabled the internet and banks, traffic lights, trains, trucks, gas stations and grocery stores all shut down?

It COULD happen.

I don't Obama's attempts at hardening,  bringing safety to the internet's worked, or that's stopped the Russians, Chinese, Korean or countless teenagers and adults from right here, (to name just a few) from hacking into banks, the Pentagon and more.

My 'bug out kit' includes a wind up AM-FM, Weatherband radio.

One of my best friends is into ham radios, which he uses for FEMA,  as well as a fun hobby, and to communicate all over the planet.

He tells me when everything, namely when 'the grid' is down, he has flagpole like antennas he can set up after the disaster's passed. He has a generator, lots of batteries too.

But the old LL's served us pretty well 'back in the day'-- but they're not long for the world. Not enough people paying enough to sustain a system that like our bridges, is rapidly deteriorating already.

No transportation,  no stocked groceries, no roads usable?

Sounds like guys with lots of bullets and vegetable seeds will be holding the most usable 'currency' for survival.

I mean, what would you rather have: gold and silver coins and nothing to buy with them, or seeds to grow veggies, along with fruit, and bullets to hunt game and keep people from stealing yours stuff? That and trading, bartering, being able to build fences, fix generators, access fuel, mend roofs, all in exchange for food and potable water, that's not beyond imagination.

No wonder the price of ammo (and shortages of ammo) make ZERO sense. There's PLENTY of lead, tin and brass, which like gunpowder ingredients, none of it's increased hugely in commodity price individually, but the price of ammo itself in stores has mysteriously increased far beyond reason.

Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!


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