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Author Topic: Know what makes a person special for me?  (Read 9278 times)
« on: August 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

It is someone that can fold when the odds are great....someone that knows when to apologize and admit to one's mistakes.

NOT someone who thrives on "pretenses" and still have the gall to brag about them.

I have to admit,  it is very sad that in a span of nearly 2 months this board has totally gone from one of easy banter amongst friends to ill-will and maybe, right at this moment to gloating over what has happened.

Remember,  I am sure that, ALL of US here,  have messed up at least once in our lifetime.  

For Carr,  she has my respect more than those who have hurt feelings of others and yet have forgotten the very basic value of respect and apology.

I don't think  I need say more.

« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Know what makes a person special for me?, posted by may10 on Aug 2, 2001

« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Know what makes a person special for me?, posted by may10 on Aug 2, 2001


Yes it's sad to go from 'easy banter' to 'ill-will' in a short time.  But your friend played a large role in that.  For me, these are some of the things that make her 'special':

1. Going into Troll mode on another board and trashing a member of this board and his wife.

2. Refusing to admit to it.

3. Coming back on this board in Troll mode.

4. Posting on this International Dating Forum that those who seek to find an Asian wife through penpal services are "Trafficking Pinays" and regard them only as pretty faces and numbers.

I met my wife through a penpal service and her statements are offensive to me.  It is no better than the view of a Troll who comes along and says we are seeking "submissive sex-slaves."


« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: special, posted by Jimbo on Aug 2, 2001

    It always severely disappoints me to hear about a Filipina who flatly condemns the women who join pen pal clubs.  I can understand an AW who knows nothing about this to make these accusations - I've received plenty of that in the past.   But a Filipina who is married to an American and knows all the INS requirements to get here should know very well what the truth is about how these clubs work.  Nobody can just "Pick out a woman" and order her!!  Period.   The crap about "Trafficking in Women" is just that - pure crap -you can dig a hole and put it in the ground and it is great fertilizer, nothing more.  LOL

 To be honest, when I hear someone make these statements, I have to wonder if her priority is to save the image of her fellow Filipinas or if she just wants to air her own personal prejudices towards these women.   I think, more often than not, she is just wanting to place herself above others by any means she has at her disposal and, by d@mn if the way she met her husband can be used, then she'll us it.  

 I am open to welcoming anyone to this Board who wants to meet Asian ladies (or men in Lori's case), no matter how they meet, BUT I personally get a bit irritated when someone continually makes it known that they didn't meet through one of those "nasty low-classed ol' Mail-Order-Bride clubs", but rather met in the much more socially acceptable method of personal introductions by friends or family.   If they think it is such a low classed way of meeting, why do they want to hang around with us low lifes who DID meet that way?  Smiley   And I'm not talking about those of you who just happened to meet by personal intros - I'm talking about those who proclaim they are above the address catalogs.   Do I really have to say that though?   I think I have been here long enough that no one will be offended that I do not intend to offend.   Smiley


PS - I lost ALL respect for the current President of the Philippines when I saw that her offical stand on pen-pals was this same old tired garbage of "Trafficking in women".

Dave H2O
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Agree 999% Jim!, posted by SteveG on Aug 3, 2001


I believe this whole attitude against pen pal clubs is connected to the infamous crab mentality. Wealthy Filipinas like Gloria Arroyo can travel and go to school in America if they choose. They certainly have the opportunity to meet American or Western men and are not limited to their town or barangay. Now this opportunity has been granted to the poor masses through pen pal clubs. To think that a poor Filipina or Filipino might meet, fall in love, and marry an American or Westerner is unthinkable. Through greater opportunities this poor Filipina might even obtain greater wealth than the crab back home...unspeakable!

I have the feeling that there is US Governmental and feminist movement "encouragement" for these attitudes and policies in the Philippines. Immigrantion from the Philippines is #2 behind Mexico. The majority are spousal and fiance(e) Visas. Since there is no quota and any attempt to limit these immigrations would meet great opposition, why not stop the source where most of these relationships are formed...the penpal clubs. Well, now there is the Internet clubs and chat...hard to regulate or stop. I doubt Gloria will act upon her sentiments. I don't think that the Philippine polititions want to lose the vote of the masses, who benefit from these relationships.

Dave H.

« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Agree 999% Jim!, posted by SteveG on Aug 3, 2001

Jim and Steve. to follow - up.
Like Tess said about Carrisse below it may have a lot
to do with the Crab Pot mentality that is so prevalent
in Filipino Society.  "Some" Filipina who is already here
and did not meet her man the penpal route and suddenly they
are above the others.  As for Gloria Arroyo her stance on
the issue isn't really a surprise.  She is telling the
Western World what she thinks they need to hear.
Actually you don't have to go as far as the Philippines
to find a Filipina politician with femi-nazi positions.
In Washington State there is a District Representative named Velma Veloria she is an official member of the
F.M.H.C.of.A. (Filipina Man Haters Club of America).Ok not really..just kidding. Please Velma don't deport my wife
before she even gets here LOL.
When Susana Blackwell was shot to death by her estranged
American Husband.(See Susana's story at the bottom of this post) Velma stated in regards to American Men
meeting and marrying Filipinas and bring them to the US.
That "We have got to Stop this."
She still shows up at all the local Filipino Festivals that
are attended by many mixed couples many of whom met their
spouses via the Penpal route and campaigns herself as she
slaps some of her country women in the face for DARING to
be a "M.O.B" as she refers to them.

So now it looks as if the board is being infiltrated
by another femi-nazi wolf in sheeps clothing.....


Susana came to Washington State on a I-130 then shortly after her arrival she claimed abuse by the hands of her American petitioner husband Timothy Blackwell she then ran off with another pinoy who ended up getting her pregnant. A divorce was filed so Timothy gunned her down in the local court house. Now he's where he belongs and the F.M.H.C.of.A
now has more ammo against "US"

« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Agree 999% Jim!, posted by SteveG on Aug 3, 2001

Jim and Steve. to follow - up.
Like Tess said about Carrisse below it may have a lot
to do with the Crab Pot mentality that is so prevalent
in Filipino Society.  "Some" Filipina who is already here
and did not meet her man the penpal route and suddenly they
are above the others.  As for Gloria Arroyo her stance on
the issue isn't really a surprise.  She is telling the
Western World what she thinks they need to hear.
Actually you don't have to go as far as the Philippines
to find a Filipina politician with femi-nazi positions.
In Washington State there is a District Representative named Velma Veloria she is an official member of the
F.M.H.C.of.A. (Filipina Man Haters Club of America).Ok not really..just kidding. Please Velma don't deport my wife
before she even gets here LOL.
When Susana Blackwell was shot to death by her estranged
American Husband.(See Susana's story at the bottom of this post) Velma stated in regards to American Men
meeting and marrying Filipinas and bring them to the US.
That "We have got to Stop this."
She still shows up at all the local Filipino Festivals that
are attended by many mixed couples many of whom met their
spouses via the Penpal route and campaigns herself as she
slaps some of her country women in the face for DARING to
be a "M.O.B" as she refers to them.

So now it looks as if the board is being infiltrated
by another femi-nazi wolf in sheeps clothing.....


Susana came to Washington State on a I-130 then shortly after her arrival she claimed abuse by the hands of her American petitioner husband Timothy Blackwell she then ran off with another pinoy who ended up getting her pregnant. A divorce was filed so Timothy gunned her down in the local court house. Now he's where he belongs and the F.M.H.C.of.A
now has more ammo against "US"

« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: special, posted by Jimbo on Aug 2, 2001

For Jim:

I agree with everything you said.

For May:

May, I like you and think you are a really great lady. But I think Carrisse is starting to make a fool out of you. Please tell her that she knows she can post here anytime she wants WITHOUT registering, unless Patrick banned the Boeing ISP server. In that case, she can register under a REAL name. By using you to post her message for her, she is not respecting you. Why is she trying to drag you into all this mess? She is using you! Sorry May, but I just had to say that.

Frankly, I am getting sick and tired of all this Carrisse drama!

For Carrise:

If you want to act like a decent person and show some respect for this board, then cut with all the crap and just register as YOURSELF and continue posting. And give poor May a break. I’m sure she is a good friend, but you don’t seem to appreciate that.

Just my $.02,


« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'll Second That..., posted by Ray on Aug 2, 2001

I did what I did for a friend....just like I would do you a favor, if you asked me to because I consider you a friend as well.

I will only "fold" on someone when I know that I am only being taken for ride.  Carr is still one person that I can trust for she has never given me any indication to the contrary.


« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2001, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ray......, posted by may10 on Aug 2, 2001

…as your friend I would never ask you to fight my battles for me while I hid behind phony Ids.

May, since you seem to be the semi-official president of the Queen Carrisse Fan Club, could you please cancel my membership immediately? Thanks so much!

Your friend,


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