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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2005 => Topic started by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
I recently made my first trip to Colombia.  I read several of these forums prior to my trip, and I improved my Spanish before the trip also.

I have been to Colombia only once, and I have used only one agency there.  My experience is limited in Colombia, but I talked to many other American men while there.

My trip was a disaster.  Colombia is an ugly country and the women are very overrated.  The worst part, however, was the agency.  I was about 24 hours away from getting engaged to a Colombian woman that the agency knew is a prostitute.  The agency told me that she was a "sales clerk in a nice store."

Why is Colombia touted so highly on these forums?  I don't understand it.  Based on my conversations with other American men there, my experience in Colombia is common.

Why do you trust the agencies in Colombia?

Title: I can immagine
Post by: Pete E on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

A guy thinking because he met a hooker at an agency that this is common and that the agencies condone it.While there may be hookers at agencies most agencies will bounce them fast when they find out,they do not need guys like you thinking they condone it.Its bad business pure and simple.
BUT,any guy who tells me Medellin is ugly,especially the area around Colombian sweethearts had to be looking from inside his a-s.Which would explain the other misperceptions.
I don't doubt you met a hooker.I don't doubt you were  dumb enough to almost ask her to marry you.The rest of it is a very bad attitude blaming an agency and all other agencies for your own bad judgement.Then seeing only sh!t where others  see a beautifull country and have found  great women.


Title: Within 24 hours....yeah sure! NT
Post by: Frank O on December 19, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I can immagine , posted by Pete E on Dec 18, 2005


Title: Credibility Alert
Post by: Looking4Wife on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

These contradictory comments speak for themselves...

"I recently made my first trip to Colombia... the women are very overrated... I was about 24 hours away from getting engaged to a Colombian woman... The American women where I live are definitely hotter than the Colombian women in Medellín"

Title: Re: Credibility Alert
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Credibility Alert, posted by Looking4Wife on Dec 18, 2005

My comments are not contradictory.

Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: zack on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005


I haven't been to the agency scene for quite a while and perhaps things have changed since then. I have met a few bad ladies in this quest but I have never dated a prostitute (as far as I know) from an agency. The gringos I have talked to, despite a few setbacks, had good things to say about Colombia and the ladies. I'm not saying that none of the agency ladies are prostitutes. I'm sure some are but I have never known a gringo (personally) who had that experience. I have been reading this forum for years and almost all first-timers return from Colombia happy and enthusiastic about finding a future wife. You are one of the few who had a very bad experience on your first trip.

I strongly recommend you take another trip to a different Colombian city. If you don't like agencies perhaps you can attend a tour party. Or maybe you can search for a Latina on the web, exchange some emails and later make a trip to visit her. If you give up on Colombia then what is your next plan? American Ladies? European Ladies? Remain single? Whatever your choice, keep your head up and don't get discouraged, as difficult as that may be at times. Good luck.


Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by zack on Dec 18, 2005

I may go back for a second trip but without using any of these bogus agencies.  None of the other American men that I met in Colombia spoke positively about the agencies, either.  It surprises me that a few defend such agencies on these forums.  It surprises me even more, however, that the American men that I met in Colombia keep using such agencies - it seems self-destructive.  They seem to be stuck in a rut that they can't get out of.

Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Craig on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

[This message has been edited by Craig]

Colombia is an ugly country? Are you kidding me? I've been to every state in the USA and Colombia is right up there with some of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. You know in order to see Colombia you need to get out of your room from time to time... Stop smoking what you got cause anyone who say's Colombia is ugly is full of S@#T in my book.

Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Dan Las Vegas on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

Why would you even think of getting engaged to a women you have only known for a couple of weeks? Would you do the same here in the states?  

Why do so many complain that they were used and abused, yet they don't take any time to really get to know these women?  

Perhaps we are regulating the wrong people??? Should we enact a law to protect men from themselves???


Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Dan Las Vegas on Dec 18, 2005

You are asking the wrong questions.  The right question is...Why are agencies lying to their American customers and aggressively "pushing" women that they know are prostitutes?

Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: ROGUEAGENT on December 22, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

RonA wrote:
The right question is...Why are agencies lying to their American customers and aggressively "pushing" women that they know are prostitutes?

The right question is...what is your basis for such an extreme assertion? Have you taken a poll of many agencies throughout Colombia that you have personally visited, done interviews, and gathered statistics? What evidence do you have that your experience is much more than the unusual, isolated case? American men are open about the flaws of various agencies just like they are able to complain about the flaws and failures of customer service of many other sorts of businesses, but I have never heard of what you speak of even once. Agencies are sensitive to the major damage done to their reputations by having prostitutes among their female members. Of course there's exceptions to any rule, but they are just that...exceptions. Much more likely is a failure to screen sufficiently, or a lower level employee having suspicions but no real evidence to back them up, or many other possibilities. Some agencies and services don't do any screening. (And how do we *know* that and have no subscribers that are prostitutes?) It's unfortunate if you in fact ran into the rare exception, but making sweeping, excessively negative, statements about other agencies because of your one experience makes *your* credibilty and perceptions look questionable.

(no, I'm not affiliated with an agency)

Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Dan Las Vegas on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

I think asking why you would even consider becoming engaged with a woman you have only know for a couple of weeks, a correct question.  You make some wild allegations...what evidence do you have to support your conclusions? aside from what you have heard from other allegedly disgruntled customers?

Either way, I wish you well...good luck in your search.

Title: Advantage of Marrying a Prostitute
Post by: Ray on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

At least you can take her for a test drive to see if the sex is going to be any good… :-)

Title: Re: Advantage of Marrying a Prostitute
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Advantage of Marrying a Prostitute, posted by Ray on Dec 18, 2005

I did that, and the sex was good.  I still need to go to the doctor for a STD test.  Who knows what she has swimming around in there.

Title: Re: Re: Advantage of Marrying a Prostitute
Post by: Ray on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Advantage of Marrying a Prostitute, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

Tip of the day: Next time you go out with a prostitute, wear a rubber :-)

Title: Re: Re: Re: Advantage of Marrying a Prostitute
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Advantage of Marrying a Prostitu..., posted by Ray on Dec 18, 2005

Unfortunately, I didn't know that she was a prostitute at the time.  I found out later.

I guess condoms are recommended for sex with women from agencies.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Advantage of Marrying a Prostitute
Post by: CelticUrge on December 19, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Advantage of Marrying a Pros..., posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

You are certainly far more trusting and willing to accept risk than I would be with ANY woman the first time.

Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: WindyCity on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

Hey RonA,
Thanks for the post...but drop some names! What city in Colombia were you in, and at what agency?? But, don't let one bad experience stop you from going again. There are a couple of good agencies in Colombia, depending what city you are visiting, and a lot of great women! But for the most part, a lot of agencies suck! Their only interest is to get your cash anyway they can...even if it takes them to convince you in marrying a woman that is completely wrong for you. Now in the end, every man is responsible for making sure the woman they want to marry is the right one, and follow a normal process in getting to know her. But "working girls" in the agencies has always been a big problem. Some agencies know about them and take action, others know and don't care, while others just don't know. I was at an agency in Cali called "Latin Internet" in which I had "personal" knowledge that one of the girls in their files was a working girl. After informing them of what I knew, I was under the impression that she would be history...but that was not the case. She remained on their files and they were sending her on dates like she was a good ol' church girl! But, don't give up on Colombia, give it time, but more important, don't be stupid, guy! Anybody that marries a woman without putting in the time, is asking for a world of hurt!

Title: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Cali James on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by WindyCity on Dec 18, 2005

I was at an agency in Cali called "Latin Internet" in which I had "personal" knowledge that one of the girls in their files was a working girl. After informing them of what I knew, I was under the impression that she would be history...but that was not the case. She remained on their files and they were sending her on dates like she was a good ol' church girl!

By  "personal" knowledge are you suggesting you visited a whore house and either had sex with this woman or saw her there with someone else?  Now if that's what in fact happened, you'd be as guilty as the woman in my mind. As you know there are two sides to every transaction.  Maybe the agency should find out if any of it's members are visiting whore houses, why only apply the rule to the women.

Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: WindyCity on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Cali James on Dec 18, 2005

Say look Father Cali James,
The real problem is not the fact that the girl is a prostitute, but the fact that either she, or the agency, are covering it up. Hoes need loving too, as long as they admit to it and the man accepts it, whats the problem! I know a guy who I work with that married a PI working girl and has a great marriage. I'm not a saint, like you, I've been around, you know...and my woman knows that. But, the real problem will always be people who lie about what they've done in life. "Me I always tell the truth, even when I lie"...Thank you Tony Montana! (That was meant to be a joke for you stiffs!!)

Title: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Cali James on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by WindyCity on Dec 18, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

"The real problem is not the fact that the girl is a prostitute, but the fact that either she, or the agency, are covering it up."

I think the problem is that many gringos want to have it both ways.  They want to be free to visit whores on the side while in Colombia looking for a wife.....but the moment they change hats and become the gentlemen wife slayer, they expect the agency and the girl to tell them what she was up to the night before while they themselves are secret about their activities.  This rings of hypocrisy to me and I'm not buying the spin stories.  When your cita asks you what you've done while on vacation in Cali, you're not telling her about your trips to Flores Frescas!!  

If a guy takes his time and gets to know a woman before he proposes, things like this will never even be an issue.  Guys who want to propose on their first trip to Colombia are nothing more than stupid.  They should be looking in the mirror before complaining about what some agency should or shouldn't have done.

Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by WindyCity on Dec 18, 2005

I used the Colombian Sweethearts agency in Medellin, but I heard that there is another agency in Medellin that is even worse.  And no American man that I met had anything positive to say about Cali, either.

If everybody knows that there are so many prostitutes in the agencies, then why are they so popular?  I don't understand it.  It seems self-defeating.

If I return to Colombia, I definitely won't use an agency again.

Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: jim c on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

[This message has been edited by jim c]

Hey TROLL why don't you drag your bait for an arguement elsewhere. We all know better than your accusations. No agency would knowingly maintain a prostitute on their books, unless of course she was your mama. Go away! You are not even a keeper.

The Cartagena Hooker-

Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by jim c on Dec 18, 2005

You are the only person that denies that Colombian agencies have many female members that are prostitutes.

Every repeat visitor to Colombia that I met in Colombia knew that there are many prostitutes in the agencies.

Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Kiltboy1 on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by jim c on Dec 18, 2005

Now Jim

I personaly know WINDY CITY  and know his story to be true. I also have met girls that were in the BUSINESS . Ask pete E, he had a date with an agency girl that he saw stripping the night before. Hookers are in most every agency and maybe the owner knows about it and maybe not, but they are there and i am 100% certain of it.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: jim c on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Kiltboy1 on Dec 18, 2005

Listen Cowboy.
I didn't say there were no possible prostitutes in the agencies. I am saying that the agencys I am aware of, would not maintain one on their books. There would be no profit in it for them. But, on the otherhand, there are sure plenty of Bozos on this site that accuse girls of being one because they see them with other gringoes after being rejected.

  I am amazed that this obvious troll with one post could cause this much discussion. I am aware that you have been bitter in the past about agencies and Calenas. But running with dennis the dentist and others of the same ilk, Will surely not heighten your respect for Colombian women. I have met and enjoyed conversing with mongers about their whorehouse conquests in the PI, Chezk Republic, Bankok. But I don't see the same in Colombia.I have met mongers in the agencies and I have met guys that go to Flores Frescas for a night out. There is a total difference in attitudes. Generally this reputation of the agencys come from disgruntled Gringoes. I dare anyone to find a hooker in Latin Best. The Cartagena Hooker

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Kiltboy1 on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by jim c on Dec 18, 2005

lighten up Jim. All i said was that i know windy city and he is a good guy and not a bullshiter, i will agree that i expect Latinbest would not tolerate this, but most of the others in cali would or just would prefer to look the other direction. It makes no difference to me as i do not use agencies anymore and also i know what to look for, but many men do not and can get fooled, but maybe they should not be going after the hotties anyway as many are hookers of some sorts, IE Goldigers, which to me is the same as a hooker. They are both with a guy for the Money.

Title: Latin Best
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by jim c on Dec 18, 2005

"Latin Best" - that is one of the agencies that I was told is even worse regarding the acceptance of prostitutes.  It's in Cali.

Title: Re: Latin Best
Post by: wizard on December 19, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Latin Best, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

Ron, you're an obvious troll... Please take your diatribe elsewhere...

Title: Bold faced LIE!!!!!! Latin Best is honest!!!! Your full of shit
Post by: Heat on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Latin Best, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

You are full of sssssssssssssshit.

Latin Best is run by an honest decent women.


Title: Latin Best
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Bold faced LIE!!!!!! Latin Best is hones..., posted by Heat on Dec 18, 2005

It's not a lie.  I've never used the agency, but I was told by multiple people in Medellin that Cali agencies - and Latin Best in particular - are even worse than the Medellin agencies.  Considering everything that I saw and heard at a Medellin agency, I will never use a Cali agency (especially Latin Best).

Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Kiltboy1 on Dec 18, 2005

Everybody said the same thing in Medellin.  Everybody said that it is common for the women in the agencies to work as prostitutes.

I wish I had explored Medellin without using an agency.  I threw away a three-week vacation and thousands of dollars.

Title: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Cali James on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

I wouldn't be surprised that there are some prostitutes in agencies.  It only makes sense, how many guys go to Colombia looking for a wife yet still visit whorehouses on the side.  Hey, some of the prostitutes have figured this out and now work the agency just like they would the street.  I don't think the women who do this are any worse than the guys who are whoremongering at night while acting like gentleman at the agency during the day.

The bottom line, is each individual needs to know the person they are dating and know them well.  I would prefer that agencies filter out prostitutes if they in fact know it to be true.  But what should they do about the guys who are members and visiting prostitutes?  I think it's a double-standard, maybe it's just better left alone unless it can be applied equally....

Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Cali James on Dec 18, 2005

I agree with you.  I think that this industry needs to be regulated.  Frankly, I'm very angry.  I wasted a three-week vacation and thousands of dollars at that agency.

These agencies seem to be some sort of bizarre meeting place for Colombian prostitutes and American whore mongers.  Everything is a lie, and everybody is a liar.

Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: EbonyPrince on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

From what I read of the previous post is that the law is only going to keep Americans with criminal records from being able to marry a latina.  It will be tough to regulate agencies operated in other countries.  The only ones that will be affected is the men seeking women in a different country.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by EbonyPrince on Dec 18, 2005

At least the new law is a good start!

Title: Actually not
Post by: Patrick on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

It's going to have the opposite effect you think.  Foreign owned and operated agencies (which will be immune from these laws) are generally going to be operated with less honesty than an American owned and operated one.  This law will simply put (some of) the American owned agencies out of business and create more opportunities for the foreign owned agencies.  Hopefully there will be more guys like Nelson in Bogota stepping forward, but I suspect things will get worse from both a female safty perspective and a customer service point of view.

All-in-all, this may be a good thing.  Sometimes I think there's too many guys doing this.  When I was in the hunt, I was able to get great results from simply placing a personal ad in newspapers.  These days, they hardly generate any interest at all.  For men who can speak Spanish and don't need to have their asses wiped for them, the opportunities will still exist and the competition from weenies throwing money at women while an agency walks them around by the hand will be out of the picture.

I think you had a bad experience and are turned-off at the moment either by what you saw, or what you thought you saw.  I don't think you stated how you know the woman is a hooker.  Not saying she is or isn't, but I've seen a lot of false accusations from men who went in paranoid and expecting the worst.  When you look for the worst, sometimes you see it, even if it's not there.

Maybe you could describe the evidence that leads you to believe you were about to marry a prostitute.

Title: American-Owned and Operated
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Actually not, posted by Patrick on Dec 18, 2005

The agency that I used is American-owned and operated.  I would hate to think that the Colombian-owned and operated agencies are even worse.  Incredible.

Another American told me that she is a prostitute.  He didn't know that I was going to get engaged to her.  I didn't believe him, and I was angry.  I called her, and I told her that I wanted to see her.  I confronted her in person.  I asked her if she worked at a particular location.

She admitted it and laughed.  She thought the whole thing was a big joke.

Title: Re: American-Owned and Operated
Post by: Pete E on December 19, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to American-Owned and Operated, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

She obviously thought you were a big joke too,laughing off the whole thing.With that kind of skill in character selection you could have got a green card shark who you might have married and hauled to the states and it would have cost you alot more money.Consider yourself lucky someone filled you in,you obviously where not reading her well yourself.
I don't know who you are talking to saying Latin Best is the worst agency for keeping obvious prostitutes around,but they obviously do not know what the hell they are talking about.Is it possible there are TWO disgruntled guys who made poor choices and want to blame an agency or did you dream the whole thing up?


Title: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Cali James on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

I'm not suggesting regulation at all!  Bottom line, people need to be responsible for their own choices.

Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Cali James on Dec 18, 2005

But fraudulent agency owners should not be responsible?  Why not?

I think that agency owners should be responsible, and that's why regulation is needed.

Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Craig on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

I think you full of cocka..... eat it Ron!

Title: Please elaborate, Craig
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Craig on Dec 18, 2005

Posted by Craig on 12/10/2005

I just returned from another trip to Manizales Colombia to see my fiancée. No offense to my brothers here in the states but I enjoy being the only Gringo in a city and this time did not meet one gringo my entire stay. The truth as I see it… Cali is ruined by the gringos and goof balls all over the world that have made it difficult to meet desirable women at an agency. The women have also been corrupted and have so many choices. This is because only about 8% of all the women in an agency are being asked out …the most attractive of course. The re-sellers are selling the same contact information, making the odds of meeting a women very difficult, and I know for a fact that many of the women are not available…many married…some in the states studying English in Miami and many with multiple boyfriends who they play. This is the truth ask any of the veterans on this board and I’m sure they will agree. About 3% of the most attractive women are getting 98% of the contact. This is what you’re up against. My fiancée went with 6 women from work to a letter writing site who sells to re-sellers of the six women she got 45 letters the rest combined got 0 that’s amazing…0. The same at the agencies the same 3% are getting 98% of the citas. It’s funny a girl on an agency web-site who said I was her soul mate is now married to a another guy 3 months after I left Cali. It's laughable…but expected these women are not going to wait around and they shouldn’t but is this the kind of girl you should marry?

I met my fiancée in Colombia in the town of Manizales she was a friend of a friend. My Colombian friend told me if I wanted to party stay in Cali if you want marriage material meet a Piasa, or a Manizalita. Hell…I’ve been going to Cali for 6 years and I love that city but it was time for a change. After about a year of dating my fiancée showed me letters she received on one of those dating web-sites she had joined before she met me…what I found out was amazing. She received about 45 letters in a three-week period. From doctors, cops, you name it she got it. I was stunned when I read them. The arrogance just spilled out. The doctor who was a good looking guy very successful wrote a five page letter describing how lucky a women would be to get the chance to be by his side and she better act quick or he won’t be available. Telling her he could tell she was a beautiful person by looking into her eyes. Other guys telling her basically the same thing but just not as arrogant. I asked my fiancée “why me?” I’m not the best looking guy the richest, or the smartest… so why me? The answer to this question is obvious and I will tell anyone who is truly interested in meeting a beautiful women how not to make a complete ass out of yourself. I will tell you how I did it but not in this post just send me e-mail and I will call you or you can call me. I will tell you how a decent guy got the best, most intelligent, good natured, attractive, sexy women I have ever known and loved.

Manizales is a great city. At night college students walk the streets late in the night. Lots of little coffee shops, bars, and things…very bohemian like. Beyond that not much to do. The city is much more beautiful then Cali as cold and damp as Bogota or worse. It rains, fog and the airports closes all the time and since the Avianca pilots fly by site into Manizales airport if it’s bad weather your not going anywhere. As far as agencies go there is one somewhere but I have no idea where in Manizales...they don’t advertise and do a lot of reselling. I don’t think you could go to Manizales without a command of the Spanish language and meet women, unless you made contact before and established some sought of friendship through writing and phone calls. The women seem more reserved and made no notice I was a gringo unless they saw me with my fiancée then we got lots of attention. If any of you want my advice on the agency scene in Cali of elsewhere I would love to help and offer you my advice and return the good will I received over the years by others. Take care.


Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: mudd on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

So lets see, you make one trip and almost get engaged on your 1st trip, to some girl you barely know... most employee’s of an agency don’t know each girl personally. how could they, most have over 300 girls, how do you think they are going to know what each girl is doing, unless the owner or secretary is a close friend of the girl. It is your job to get to know her, which means making several trips BEFORE you get engaged.

I don’t fault the agency as much as I fault you.  Either make several trips, or go with a more personal agency with less girls and  more personal service. You also could try Peru, which is an alternative to Colombia.

Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by mudd on Dec 18, 2005

If I buy a car that is a lemon, then I suppose it is my fault because I didn't drive it a few thousand miles before buying it?  The agency knows the woman is a prostitute.  Everybody knew she is a prostitute - except me.  The agency knowingly and intentionally lied.  She isn't a "sales clerk in a nice store" - she's a prostitute.  The agency is located in Medellin, and the other American men said that she isn't the only one.  They also said that Cali is even worse than Medellin.

Again, why is Colombia so highly touted and why do you trust these agencies?  None of the American men that I met in Colombia seem to trust these agencies, but they inexplicably use them on a regular basis.  Why?  I don't understand it - it seems masochistic.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: mudd on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

ok, so who is the girl, and who did you tell at the agency that this girl was a hooker, where was your proof that she was a working girl?

like i said before, you can try peru, less agency influence there.

Title: Perplexed
Post by: utopiacowboy on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

The women are overrated? Maybe Latinas just aren't your type. I would say, as a group, the Colombianas are the most beautiful women on earth. If you can speak Spanish, why rely on an agency? Also, what city were you in? When I go to Colombia, I do not see any gringos, ever.

Title: I love Latinas!
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Perplexed, posted by utopiacowboy on Dec 18, 2005

I was at the Colombian Sweethearts agency in Medellin.  I should have explored Medellin on my own instead of using an agency.

There were plenty of "Gringos" at the agency - but they all hated it and every other agency that they had used.  That's what I don't understand.  If the agencies are operated fraudulently, then why use them?

Title: Re: I love Latinas!
Post by: utopiacowboy on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I love Latinas!, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

Now I'm really confused. IMHO, the paisas are the hottest women on the planet. In 30 minutes in Laureles or Belen you see more hot chicks than you'd see in a week here. I would never use an agency unless I could not speak any Spanish and I needed someone to hold my hand. Also, the paisas do not tend to favor marriage agencies nor are they particularly interested in leaving Medellin.

Title: Re: Re: I love American women, too!
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I love Latinas!, posted by utopiacowboy on Dec 18, 2005

The American women where I live are definitely hotter than the Colombian women in Medellin.

Title: Re: Re: Re: I love American women, too!
Post by: WindyCity on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: I love American women, too!, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

Dude, now you're getting carried away!!

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: I love American women, too!
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: I love American women, too!, posted by WindyCity on Dec 18, 2005

I live in a college town in Florida, and the women here are more attractive than what I saw in Medellin.

Title: I've been to plenty of college towns
Post by: utopiacowboy on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: I love American women, t..., posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

[This message has been edited by utopiacowboy]

I've been to Austin, TX; Lubbock, TX (women of Texas Tech are suprisingly good-looking but all rubias); State College, PA; Missoula, MT; Durham, NH; SLC, UT; Durham, NC; Las Cruces, NM; Cambridge, MA; Amherst, MA; Burlington, VT; Charlottesville, VA; Boulder, CO; and many many more. Sure they're full of cute little girls but for women, nothing beats Medellin.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I love American women, too!
Post by: Kiltboy1 on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: I love American women, t..., posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005


You are too OLD or too UNINTERSTING  or too UNATTRACTIVE to hook one of those HOT COLLEGE GIRLS, so you needed to go to COLOMBIA ???


Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: EbonyPrince on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

Can you elaborate on why you think that Colombia is an ugly country?  I am thinking about making a trip in February, and I am absorbing all the information that I can prior to making a decision.  I realize that things are in the eyes of the beholder.  

The only poor country that I have been to is the Dominican, but I loved the natural beauty of the country.  I totally didn't expect it to be like the US.  I have seen some not so nice looking cities here in America.  I found that the Dominican had some gorgeous women, maybe not beautiful, but sexy and attractive.  I am sure every place has its good and bad.

So I am just looking for elaboration on your comments.

Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Craig on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by EbonyPrince on Dec 18, 2005

Hey Bro don't listen to this wack job..he's pulling your leg...Colombia is great the only bad part are the a-hole American wack jobs who travel there. Try Cali for your first time. Don't listen to this ass unless you beleive this cocka then in that case I suggest you travel to another fine destanation Haiti

Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Joeylikey on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Craig on Dec 18, 2005

I agree. Colombia is a beautiful country. Don't listen to that wacko. Just use common sense and you will be fine.

Title: Medellin is Ugly
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Joeylikey on Dec 18, 2005

Pollution, litter, ugly architecture, no green areas, etc.

Title: Ron...Eternally single
Post by: Craig on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Medellin is Ugly, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

[This message has been edited by Craig]

Ron it's no wonder to me why your single..keep up the good work ass...hahahahaha

Title: Craig...eternally immature.
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Ron...Eternally single, posted by Craig on Dec 18, 2005

This is a forum about chasing women in foreign countries.  I assume most of the men here are single.

Congratulations, Craig.  Apparently, you finally found a desperate girl that is so poor that she will accept even someone as unappealing as yourself.  How many years of trips to Colombia did it take, Craig?  Based on your posting profile, it looks like you've been striking out for a looooong time.  What a stud!

Title: Please elaborate, Craig
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Craig on Dec 18, 2005

Posted by Craig on 12/10/2005

I just returned from another trip to Manizales Colombia to see my fiancée. No offense to my brothers here in the states but I enjoy being the only Gringo in a city and this time did not meet one gringo my entire stay. The truth as I see it… Cali is ruined by the gringos and goof balls all over the world that have made it difficult to meet desirable women at an agency. The women have also been corrupted and have so many choices. This is because only about 8% of all the women in an agency are being asked out …the most attractive of course. The re-sellers are selling the same contact information, making the odds of meeting a women very difficult, and I know for a fact that many of the women are not available…many married…some in the states studying English in Miami and many with multiple boyfriends who they play. This is the truth ask any of the veterans on this board and I’m sure they will agree. About 3% of the most attractive women are getting 98% of the contact. This is what you’re up against. My fiancée went with 6 women from work to a letter writing site who sells to re-sellers of the six women she got 45 letters the rest combined got 0 that’s amazing…0. The same at the agencies the same 3% are getting 98% of the citas. It’s funny a girl on an agency web-site who said I was her soul mate is now married to a another guy 3 months after I left Cali. It's laughable…but expected these women are not going to wait around and they shouldn’t but is this the kind of girl you should marry?

I met my fiancée in Colombia in the town of Manizales she was a friend of a friend. My Colombian friend told me if I wanted to party stay in Cali if you want marriage material meet a Piasa, or a Manizalita. Hell…I’ve been going to Cali for 6 years and I love that city but it was time for a change. After about a year of dating my fiancée showed me letters she received on one of those dating web-sites she had joined before she met me…what I found out was amazing. She received about 45 letters in a three-week period. From doctors, cops, you name it she got it. I was stunned when I read them. The arrogance just spilled out. The doctor who was a good looking guy very successful wrote a five page letter describing how lucky a women would be to get the chance to be by his side and she better act quick or he won’t be available. Telling her he could tell she was a beautiful person by looking into her eyes. Other guys telling her basically the same thing but just not as arrogant. I asked my fiancée “why me?” I’m not the best looking guy the richest, or the smartest… so why me? The answer to this question is obvious and I will tell anyone who is truly interested in meeting a beautiful women how not to make a complete ass out of yourself. I will tell you how I did it but not in this post just send me e-mail and I will call you or you can call me. I will tell you how a decent guy got the best, most intelligent, good natured, attractive, sexy women I have ever known and loved.

Manizales is a great city. At night college students walk the streets late in the night. Lots of little coffee shops, bars, and things…very bohemian like. Beyond that not much to do. The city is much more beautiful then Cali as cold and damp as Bogota or worse. It rains, fog and the airports closes all the time and since the Avianca pilots fly by site into Manizales airport if it’s bad weather your not going anywhere. As far as agencies go there is one somewhere but I have no idea where in Manizales...they don’t advertise and do a lot of reselling. I don’t think you could go to Manizales without a command of the Spanish language and meet women, unless you made contact before and established some sought of friendship through writing and phone calls. The women seem more reserved and made no notice I was a gringo unless they saw me with my fiancée then we got lots of attention. If any of you want my advice on the agency scene in Cali of elsewhere I would love to help and offer you my advice and return the good will I received over the years by others. Take care.


Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by EbonyPrince on Dec 18, 2005

I was in Medellin.  Supposedly, Medellin is one of the more attractive cities in Colombia.  I would hate to see what the rest of Colombia looks like.  Medellin is just an ugly, sprawling mess.  Medellin has an awful nightlife scene, too.

Post by: Craig on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005


Title: Please elaborate, Craig
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to EAT ME TROLL, posted by Craig on Dec 18, 2005

Posted by Craig on 12/10/2005

I just returned from another trip to Manizales Colombia to see my fiancée. No offense to my brothers here in the states but I enjoy being the only Gringo in a city and this time did not meet one gringo my entire stay. The truth as I see it… Cali is ruined by the gringos and goof balls all over the world that have made it difficult to meet desirable women at an agency. The women have also been corrupted and have so many choices. This is because only about 8% of all the women in an agency are being asked out …the most attractive of course. The re-sellers are selling the same contact information, making the odds of meeting a women very difficult, and I know for a fact that many of the women are not available…many married…some in the states studying English in Miami and many with multiple boyfriends who they play. This is the truth ask any of the veterans on this board and I’m sure they will agree. About 3% of the most attractive women are getting 98% of the contact. This is what you’re up against. My fiancée went with 6 women from work to a letter writing site who sells to re-sellers of the six women she got 45 letters the rest combined got 0 that’s amazing…0. The same at the agencies the same 3% are getting 98% of the citas. It’s funny a girl on an agency web-site who said I was her soul mate is now married to a another guy 3 months after I left Cali. It's laughable…but expected these women are not going to wait around and they shouldn’t but is this the kind of girl you should marry?

I met my fiancée in Colombia in the town of Manizales she was a friend of a friend. My Colombian friend told me if I wanted to party stay in Cali if you want marriage material meet a Piasa, or a Manizalita. Hell…I’ve been going to Cali for 6 years and I love that city but it was time for a change. After about a year of dating my fiancée showed me letters she received on one of those dating web-sites she had joined before she met me…what I found out was amazing. She received about 45 letters in a three-week period. From doctors, cops, you name it she got it. I was stunned when I read them. The arrogance just spilled out. The doctor who was a good looking guy very successful wrote a five page letter describing how lucky a women would be to get the chance to be by his side and she better act quick or he won’t be available. Telling her he could tell she was a beautiful person by looking into her eyes. Other guys telling her basically the same thing but just not as arrogant. I asked my fiancée “why me?” I’m not the best looking guy the richest, or the smartest… so why me? The answer to this question is obvious and I will tell anyone who is truly interested in meeting a beautiful women how not to make a complete ass out of yourself. I will tell you how I did it but not in this post just send me e-mail and I will call you or you can call me. I will tell you how a decent guy got the best, most intelligent, good natured, attractive, sexy women I have ever known and loved.

Manizales is a great city. At night college students walk the streets late in the night. Lots of little coffee shops, bars, and things…very bohemian like. Beyond that not much to do. The city is much more beautiful then Cali as cold and damp as Bogota or worse. It rains, fog and the airports closes all the time and since the Avianca pilots fly by site into Manizales airport if it’s bad weather your not going anywhere. As far as agencies go there is one somewhere but I have no idea where in Manizales...they don’t advertise and do a lot of reselling. I don’t think you could go to Manizales without a command of the Spanish language and meet women, unless you made contact before and established some sought of friendship through writing and phone calls. The women seem more reserved and made no notice I was a gringo unless they saw me with my fiancée then we got lots of attention. If any of you want my advice on the agency scene in Cali of elsewhere I would love to help and offer you my advice and return the good will I received over the years by others. Take care.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: WindyCity on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

Dude, now for sure, it's time to crawl back into your hole!!!

Title: They have to work.
Post by: utopiacowboy on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

They work five days a week with a half day on Saturday so Medellin's nightlife is pretty much dead from Sunday through Wednesday. A little life on Thursday. Friday and Saturday are the only good nights.

Title: Boring Nightlife
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to They have to work., posted by utopiacowboy on Dec 18, 2005

Yes, only Friday and Saturday are good nights.  Thursday is marginal.

I have been to other Latin countries where they party every night!  Medellin is boring.

Title: Re: Boring Nightlife
Post by: Craig on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Boring Nightlife, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

[This message has been edited by Craig]


Title: Please elaborate, Craig
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Boring Nightlife, posted by Craig on Dec 18, 2005

Posted by Craig on 12/10/2005

I just returned from another trip to Manizales Colombia to see my fiancée. No offense to my brothers here in the states but I enjoy being the only Gringo in a city and this time did not meet one gringo my entire stay. The truth as I see it… Cali is ruined by the gringos and goof balls all over the world that have made it difficult to meet desirable women at an agency. The women have also been corrupted and have so many choices. This is because only about 8% of all the women in an agency are being asked out …the most attractive of course. The re-sellers are selling the same contact information, making the odds of meeting a women very difficult, and I know for a fact that many of the women are not available…many married…some in the states studying English in Miami and many with multiple boyfriends who they play. This is the truth ask any of the veterans on this board and I’m sure they will agree. About 3% of the most attractive women are getting 98% of the contact. This is what you’re up against. My fiancée went with 6 women from work to a letter writing site who sells to re-sellers of the six women she got 45 letters the rest combined got 0 that’s amazing…0. The same at the agencies the same 3% are getting 98% of the citas. It’s funny a girl on an agency web-site who said I was her soul mate is now married to a another guy 3 months after I left Cali. It's laughable…but expected these women are not going to wait around and they shouldn’t but is this the kind of girl you should marry?

I met my fiancée in Colombia in the town of Manizales she was a friend of a friend. My Colombian friend told me if I wanted to party stay in Cali if you want marriage material meet a Piasa, or a Manizalita. Hell…I’ve been going to Cali for 6 years and I love that city but it was time for a change. After about a year of dating my fiancée showed me letters she received on one of those dating web-sites she had joined before she met me…what I found out was amazing. She received about 45 letters in a three-week period. From doctors, cops, you name it she got it. I was stunned when I read them. The arrogance just spilled out. The doctor who was a good looking guy very successful wrote a five page letter describing how lucky a women would be to get the chance to be by his side and she better act quick or he won’t be available. Telling her he could tell she was a beautiful person by looking into her eyes. Other guys telling her basically the same thing but just not as arrogant. I asked my fiancée “why me?” I’m not the best looking guy the richest, or the smartest… so why me? The answer to this question is obvious and I will tell anyone who is truly interested in meeting a beautiful women how not to make a complete ass out of yourself. I will tell you how I did it but not in this post just send me e-mail and I will call you or you can call me. I will tell you how a decent guy got the best, most intelligent, good natured, attractive, sexy women I have ever known and loved.

Manizales is a great city. At night college students walk the streets late in the night. Lots of little coffee shops, bars, and things…very bohemian like. Beyond that not much to do. The city is much more beautiful then Cali as cold and damp as Bogota or worse. It rains, fog and the airports closes all the time and since the Avianca pilots fly by site into Manizales airport if it’s bad weather your not going anywhere. As far as agencies go there is one somewhere but I have no idea where in Manizales...they don’t advertise and do a lot of reselling. I don’t think you could go to Manizales without a command of the Spanish language and meet women, unless you made contact before and established some sought of friendship through writing and phone calls. The women seem more reserved and made no notice I was a gringo unless they saw me with my fiancée then we got lots of attention. If any of you want my advice on the agency scene in Cali of elsewhere I would love to help and offer you my advice and return the good will I received over the years by others. Take care.


Title: eat crap Troll
Post by: Craig on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Boring Nightlife, posted by Craig on Dec 18, 2005


Title: Please elaborate, Craig
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to eat crap Troll, posted by Craig on Dec 18, 2005

Posted by Craig on 12/10/2005

I just returned from another trip to Manizales Colombia to see my fiancée. No offense to my brothers here in the states but I enjoy being the only Gringo in a city and this time did not meet one gringo my entire stay. The truth as I see it… Cali is ruined by the gringos and goof balls all over the world that have made it difficult to meet desirable women at an agency. The women have also been corrupted and have so many choices. This is because only about 8% of all the women in an agency are being asked out …the most attractive of course. The re-sellers are selling the same contact information, making the odds of meeting a women very difficult, and I know for a fact that many of the women are not available…many married…some in the states studying English in Miami and many with multiple boyfriends who they play. This is the truth ask any of the veterans on this board and I’m sure they will agree. About 3% of the most attractive women are getting 98% of the contact. This is what you’re up against. My fiancée went with 6 women from work to a letter writing site who sells to re-sellers of the six women she got 45 letters the rest combined got 0 that’s amazing…0. The same at the agencies the same 3% are getting 98% of the citas. It’s funny a girl on an agency web-site who said I was her soul mate is now married to a another guy 3 months after I left Cali. It's laughable…but expected these women are not going to wait around and they shouldn’t but is this the kind of girl you should marry?

I met my fiancée in Colombia in the town of Manizales she was a friend of a friend. My Colombian friend told me if I wanted to party stay in Cali if you want marriage material meet a Piasa, or a Manizalita. Hell…I’ve been going to Cali for 6 years and I love that city but it was time for a change. After about a year of dating my fiancée showed me letters she received on one of those dating web-sites she had joined before she met me…what I found out was amazing. She received about 45 letters in a three-week period. From doctors, cops, you name it she got it. I was stunned when I read them. The arrogance just spilled out. The doctor who was a good looking guy very successful wrote a five page letter describing how lucky a women would be to get the chance to be by his side and she better act quick or he won’t be available. Telling her he could tell she was a beautiful person by looking into her eyes. Other guys telling her basically the same thing but just not as arrogant. I asked my fiancée “why me?” I’m not the best looking guy the richest, or the smartest… so why me? The answer to this question is obvious and I will tell anyone who is truly interested in meeting a beautiful women how not to make a complete ass out of yourself. I will tell you how I did it but not in this post just send me e-mail and I will call you or you can call me. I will tell you how a decent guy got the best, most intelligent, good natured, attractive, sexy women I have ever known and loved.

Manizales is a great city. At night college students walk the streets late in the night. Lots of little coffee shops, bars, and things…very bohemian like. Beyond that not much to do. The city is much more beautiful then Cali as cold and damp as Bogota or worse. It rains, fog and the airports closes all the time and since the Avianca pilots fly by site into Manizales airport if it’s bad weather your not going anywhere. As far as agencies go there is one somewhere but I have no idea where in Manizales...they don’t advertise and do a lot of reselling. I don’t think you could go to Manizales without a command of the Spanish language and meet women, unless you made contact before and established some sought of friendship through writing and phone calls. The women seem more reserved and made no notice I was a gringo unless they saw me with my fiancée then we got lots of attention. If any of you want my advice on the agency scene in Cali of elsewhere I would love to help and offer you my advice and return the good will I received over the years by others. Take care.


Title: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Cali James on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

Ron, you need to readjust your expectations IMO.  The agency is there to introduce you to some women and you shouldn't expect anything more than that.  The responsibility to discover if a woman is a match rests with you and only you.  The agency in many cases does not know the woman on a personal level.  I'm not defending agencies, I'm sure some are dishonest or have employees of the same.  When I used agencies, I took it upon myself to find out about the women I was dating.  That meant taking my time, learning the culture and language and visiting Colombia often.  You shouldn't be thinking about getting engaged on your first trip.  This sounds extremely desperate if not foolheardy to me.  

There are a many negatives to Colombia and bottom dwellers that a person needs to learn to stay clear of.  However Colombia is a beautiful country if you take the time to get to know it.

Title: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: RonA on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by Cali James on Dec 18, 2005

The agency actively - almost aggressively - "pushed" this particular woman.  They told me that she was a "sales clerk in a nice store."  However, everybody at the agency knew that she is a prostitute.  The agency knowingly and intentionally lied about her.  I almost got engaged to her.  Fortunately, another American at the agency gave me a tip.  My trip was a disaster, but it would have been an even bigger disaster.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: Kiltboy1 on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005


Just stick To Cancun, that place was made for lazy guys like yourself

Title: Re: Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster
Post by: gcman on December 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Another Colombia Disaster, posted by RonA on Dec 18, 2005

you seem to have had a bad time but why oh why would u consider becoming engaged in such a short perfect for failure and is ON you