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GoodWife / Planet-Love Archives => Threads started in 2005 => Topic started by: Heat on December 25, 2005, 05:00:00 AM

Title: Heat gives a gift to PL
Post by: Heat on December 25, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true.

They have for 27 million Iraqs...........

Title: Re: Heat gives a gift to PL
Post by: mudd on December 25, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Heat gives a gift to PL, posted by Heat on Dec 25, 2005

Very nice video. Even though everybody thinks going there under the pretense of mass destruction weapons was a farce, at least they have the right and ability to vote now for more than one candidate.

Title: Re: Re: Heat gives a gift to PL
Post by: Heat on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Heat gives a gift to PL, posted by mudd on Dec 25, 2005

Even though everybody thinks going there under the pretense of mass destruction weapons was a farce[[

Would you include President Clinton and John Skerry who also stated the same thing in your assessment?

Title: Re: Re: Re: Heat gives a gift to PL
Post by: mudd on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Heat gives a gift to PL, posted by Heat on Dec 26, 2005


Title: But are US troops being poisioned ? Some say YES!
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Heat gives a gift to PL, posted by mudd on Dec 25, 2005

United States Is Actively
Engaged In War Crimes
And Polluting With Nuclear Materials

By Karl W B Schwarz

Today, I am going to address a subject that it as touchy as anti-Semitism and over time is going to be a very painful realization that the citizens of this Republic will have to face.  Americans do not like to have to come to grips with the fact that this nation is not always right, our policies are not always honorable, and our actions in war are not always defending Liberty and Freedom.  Sometimes what is done in our name is so horrible they do not want you to know about it.
Imagine that, coming from a person that is not anti-war, but does see wrong for what it is.  No amount of spin can convert a wrong act into something decent and honorable.
The major media sources in the United States have failed (what's new) to report to Americans many things related to 9-11, Afghanistan, why they have silenced FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, and Iraq.  Even this entire Global War on Terror, or GWOT, is farcical if you analyze it from top to bottom.  They have even failed to report that there is a Balkan War Syndrome as well as the Gulf War Syndrome.  They have failed to report that there is now an Afghanistan Syndrome and even an Iraqi Freedom Syndrome as a result of the current Iraq fiasco.
The media has failed to report that we have left behind deadly radiation that is exposing people in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq and our soldiers to very high levels of deadly radiation and nuclear molecules.  
Some times it is hard to admit that we have leaders in Washington, DC that have no conscience, no morals, no integrity, no humaneness.  What they do in our name, as if they were doing us all a favor, turns to true tragedy and they just keep on as business as usual in our national capital.
In a previous email I disclosed that I was contacted by Dr. Mohammed Daud Miraki, PhD.  He shared with me the findings of experts that have taken soil samples in Afghanistan and had them tested in well known and recognized laboratories.  One is in Canada and the U.S. called the UMRC, or Uranium Medical Research Center and they have been monitoring and researching those US and Canadian troops exposed to DU in Desert Storm, the Balkans, Afghanistan and this current escapade into Iraq by George W. Bush.  I would like to attach all of those reports so you can read but they are large and only go to prove what I am saying in this email is horribly true.  
Remember when Canada joined us in the Desert Storm, the Balkans and then Afghanistan, and then refused to join the US in the Bush II war that was dubbed Iraqi Freedom?  Everything happens for a reason and part of that reason is the findings that UMRC has uncovered in its research.  Part of it was due to Bush Lies about WMD, imminent threat and Al Qaeda, but part of it was because the Canadian soldiers have been exposed to some things the U.S. it trying to keep quiet.  Those Canadians that served in the coalitions are now coming down with major illnesses and life long problems.  Some of them are even no longer with us because what they were exposed to is deadly and can kill quite quickly.  I remember well the Bush Administration painting Canada as not being a good neighbor and good ally, but that is only what you heard on CNN and FOXNews or come out of the mouths of Bush, Cheney, Rice, et al.  No one down here bothered to report that the results are mounting quickly that our use of DU weapons is condemning our troops, those of other nations and the civilian populations of the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq to thousands of years of toxic nuclear waste nightmares.
What they found was very disturbing to me.  
Imagine getting pregnant and both the husband and wife are filled with joy of a child coming into their lives.
Imagine the shock and horror when you get faced with the realities of US military policy and its use of DU weapons.  This is a photo of a child in Iraq.  The photos of those in Afghanistan will be in our hands very soon and I have heard they are as bad and even worse.  

Imagine watching your child grow and all of the hope you had in your heart turned slowly into a nightmare and eventually to death.

Look at what we do in the name of liberty and freedom and then hide the results of our actions. It is no secret that birth defects and toxic nuclear radiation are directly related.
The United States used DU weapons (depleted uranium) in Afghanistan when there were little or no armored vehicles to dispose of in that invasion. The Taliban had no significant armored forces. DU weapons were created as anti-armor weapons. They have found DU in the soil samples in Afghanistan, in the drinking water and in human bodies. They have also found non-depleted uranium, very lethal and toxic and is strictly man-made. It is known to produce grotesque birth defects and that can occur when either the man or the woman have been exposed to DU or non-depleted uranium. However, they found something else.
When I learned that they found non-depleted uranium my first questions was whether or not it was indigenous or naturally occurring in that area. Maybe it could have been, so I asked.
The answer that I got was not what I expected. In addition to finding non-depleted uranium they have also found plutonium and U-236 that are both made in nuclear reactors and are not naturally occurring in nature. That [U-236] and plutonium are man-made elements and only possible in nuclear reactors. The United States has lots of plutonium and U-236 as a result of our weapons program and our nuclear power plants.
In making their DU bombs evidently they do not care if deadly U-236 and Plutonium Pl-239 are left in the DU. It could be removed but that would entail more work and cutting into someone's profit margin.
Evidently, our government has used bunker buster bombs that had DU in them but also had non-depleted uranium U-236 and plutonium [Pl-239] as well. That is no laughing matter. It is easily classified as a crime against the environment and the people living in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq, but it is also easily classified as a crime against humanity that will affect men, women and children far into the future in Afghanistan and other areas we imperially use DU weapons that are not completely depleted uranium,. They are finding U-236 and Plutonium too and neither occurs naturally in nature so it is not the result of uranium being in Afghanistan or there as a result of mining operations. No, this deadly stuff we imported into the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq because our leaders in Washington DC do not care a wit about other people or even our soldiers that have been exposed to this deadly stuff. Our defense contractors care more about the profits and not about leaving a legacy of environmental and human damage that can last for millions of years.
Too few Americans know that a criminal tribunal was assembled in Japan to hear the evidence regarding our use of DU weapons in Afghanistan. That is another matter the US media failed to tell you about. They also failed to tell you that the United States and George W. Bush have been convicted by the evidence presented in this Tribunal of War Crimes.
If you did not know that, don't feel bad about it. Just get mad as Hell about it and start thinking about Regime Change in Washington, DC.
The International Criminal Tribunal For Afghanistan
December 14, 2003
Case NO. 2003-01 2003-02
Prosecutors vs. George W£ÆBush
Result of the Survey of UMRC (Evidences Nos. 120, 190, 191)
1. Asaf Durakovic, an expert on Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, adviser of all American scientists, became in charge of the nuclear medical clinic created by the US Veterans Administration after the Gulf War, established the Uranium Medical Research Center (UMRC), an independent organization with offices in the United States and Canada, and for the past number of years, has continued to examine cases of depleted uranium contamination of civilians and soldiers in the US, UK and Canada.
The two medical teams of the UMRC, immediately after the hostilities in 2001~2002, conducted investigations in Afghanistan. The first team arrived in June 2002, and made a survey intensively in the region of Jalalabad. The second team conducted their wide-ranging investigations in areas including Kabul for 4 months after that. The fact-finding team collected samples of urine and soil during their survey and took them home and analyzed their contents
The result publicly announced by the UMRC of the above-mentioned survey was rather shocking.
2. To wit, the samples taken from the examinees in Jalalabad, Kabul revealed 20~200 times of uranium far more than the normal average of ordinary residents. This proved the extremely high level of uranium contamination. (Exhibit 190.191).
Also, the result of analyzing the uranium isotopes collected from these samples revealed that the composition of the isotope was about 99.27% of U238 and about 0.0054 0.72% of U236 including 0.72% of U235, and not only that, it also became clear that it also a miniscule amount of U236 (Evidence No. 120).
This uranium 236 is not found in nature, as it is a substance that has been genetically formed artificially by plutonium extraction process.
Thus, regarding this contamination, on cannot evade the issue by saying that it is "natural uranium." This is the "dirty depleted uranium" that was produced by extraction process of plutonium at the nuclear weapon factory in Boulder, Colorado, etc., and there is no better proof than this to prove that The U.S. has used this "dirty depleted uranium."
As previously stated, this variety of depleted uranium made from spent nuclear fuel, compared to depleted uranium made from natural uranium, it has a high property of 0.15% gross activity quantity and 0.5% alpha-ray quantity.
Accordingly, the depleted uranium contamination in Afghanistan, compared to the casualties so far of depleted uranium made from natural uranium, has much, much more serious consequences and the hazards are extremely high.
I think most Americans have heard about Gulf War Syndrome that has developed as a result of the actions of George H W Bush and the use of such weapons in Desert Storm.
I do not want to hear any more Progressives whine about how Clinton was so strong on the environment and Bush is not. When Clinton decided to attempt Regime Change from 20,000 feet in the Balkans they used DU weapons and have exposed millions of people to deadly DU and even deadlier highly toxic U-236 and Plutonium.PL-239. If you recall all that was going on while the Monica Lewinsky matter was in the courts and Slick Willie was out playing Wag the Dog to deflect attention from his sins. No, this is no environmental president. Millions have been exposed and tens of thousands or maybe millions will die as a result of such gross criminal negligence.
As an environmental, foreign policy and domestic policy president, George W. Bush is a complete disaster. However, Bill Clinton does not have clean hands when you consider the Balkans and the continued bombing of Iraq during the UN sanctions to attempt regime change in that nation too. Each time we bombed we polluted the environment even more.
To step back in time, and to demonstrate yet another time and in another way that George H W Bush, Clinton and George W Bush are equally sleazy, I am going to share with you a story from 1992 that our media and our government has also not told you about.
My ex-wife came down with a strange illness in 1992. At first they thought it was carpal tunnel syndrome but it then got worse. The doctors referred her to a diagnostic clinic and they ran test. At first they thought she had rheumatoid arthritis, then lupus and then fibromyalgia. Her doctor was suddenly called up by the military and was sent to the Gulf Region. When he retuned months later he apologized for not being able to see her and continue the medical work, but told us a story that did not add up until many years later when I was writing One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas.
Approximately one-half of the USS America carrier task force had suddenly come down with arthritic symptoms. Feet so painful they could not walk, sore backs, aching knees where some pilots could not get in or out of the jet fighters. Crews could not bend to attach rockets and bombs to the jets. He was perplexed at the time, but over time it is now known that those sailors were given a bad batch of the anthrax vaccine. It is now known that there is a direct link between that anthrax vaccine and amyloidosis, deep vein thrombosis, and other ailments that they are generalizing as Gulf War Syndrome. Each of those conditions can be confused with arthritis like symptoms early on. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, but over time they learned that these sailors who never set foot in Iraq at all were coming down with Gulf War Syndrome too. If you consider this group of sailors and Navy pilots as a control group that never set foot in Iraq, it is a little easier to understand that it was not some biological weapon that Saddam Hussein used on our troops. It is a bio-terror weapon we inflicted upon ourselves.
They knew all of this back in 1991 and 1992, yet in 2002 and 2003 the current Bush Administration kept pumping this poison into our troops.
Those same symptoms are seen at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany almost every day by the army doctors and nurses based there. As a result of Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom, over 1 million U.S and coalition soldiers have been given an anthrax vaccine that CIDRAP has deemed as harmful to the health of our soldiers. Why would our Commander-in-Chief allow our troops to be given something that undermines the strength of our military? The correct answer is -- some insider is making a lot of money and the health of our troops is not going to let profits from being made. I call it treason and criminal negligence and willfully causing harm to the health of many Americans.
They do not ever admit or report that the anthrax vaccine that is causing so many problems is not even designed to protect against the known types of weaponized anthrax. In short, it is useless except for someone to make a lot of money and maybe a larger strategy of undermining the health of our armed forces.
There is a group of soldiers and even UN personnel suffering from Balkan Syndrome.
It is no secret that Gulf War Syndrome is man-made and they are trying to hide that. Many of the soldiers that served in Desert Storm are now prematurely dead or suffering life-long chronic health problems. They do not want you to know that.
It is being kept a secret that our soldiers are having health problems due to DU exposure, anthrax vaccine and other matters relating to Iraq. I interviewed army doctors and nurses about the orders they were given to hide certain medical realities and findings.
I recently read where the new Bird Flu vaccine has 20-200 times the acceptable levels of mercury, an element known to create very serious health problems. This is the same vaccine they want us all to take due to the Bird Fly hysteria they are generating. On the other hand, I also read where they will only have 20 million doses at a cost to US taxpayers of $2.0 billion, or $100 per shot. That article said that the effort to get those 20 million doses were only for "essential personnel" which probably does not include you and me. If that does not tell you that it is all about them and you do not matter, it should scream out loudly how these elitist snobs view themselves versus how they view you and the average American citizen. I for one would not mind if they self-inflict damage to themselves for a change and go ahead and take that vaccine that has unacceptable levels of mercury. Then maybe they would wake up and do something about it.
The peoples of the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq -- and even Kuwait since we bombed that nation to push Iraq out, are having health problems as a direct result of being exposed to DU, highly toxic U-236 and Plutonium.
First ask yourself -- "Why are they keeping it quiet about our soldiers being exposed to DU, U-236 and Plutonium?"
Next ask -- "Why are they keeping it quiet that this nation has exposed millions of civilians and hundreds of thousands of our troops to DU, U-236 and Plutonium?"
Next ask -- "Why is this poisoning of the environment in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq being kept quiet by the media?"
Nest ask -- "This same poisoning of our environment in the U.S. is occurring with deadly radioactive waste, so why is the media not telling us about that?"
Next ask -- "Why have they not reported that the U.S. and George W. Bush were found guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan?" That is a reflection on you as a U.S. citizen and on the Nation as a whole.
What we are talking about here is gross criminal negligence, so why are they not reporting on it?
Sadly, it gets worse because they are also not reporting that this same type of deadly poison is polluting our nation as well.
I was on the air one day with John Stadtmiller for 2 hours on his National Intel Report. A lady called in from South Carolina during the Listener Call-in segment of the show and what she dropped was some disclosure. She lives near the Savannah River Nuclear Storage facility where they store nuclear waste in above ground containers. Somewhat like oil storage tanks where clusters of above ground storage are put in the same area of land. The plutonium waste tanks are leaking plutonium waste into the drinking water (the aquifer) and the river in and around Savannah. The government has known about this for some time, yet they dragged their feet on getting anything done to remedy the problem.
This is no minor issue. Plutonium is one of the most deadly and toxic substances that has ever been created and U-236 is about a deadly.
When I dug deeper into what this caller was telling me and Stadtmiller I found that we have many nuclear weapons and nuclear fuel sites that have leeched deadly toxic nuclear waste into rivers and streams, into the air and soil and into the water aquifers many cities and towns rely on for drinking water. There are least twelve (12) US facilities that have leaked deadly nuclear waste into our rivers and aquifers, polluted our air and continue to pose a major health risk to anyone living on those areas. If it is in the air and soil, it is also getting into our food supplies in some areas.
Do they ever tell the local citizens that the drinking water is deadly?
Rarely and even then the media does not pick up on it and stay on it until Washington, DC is forced to face up to their gross criminal negligence, here or abroad.
It is little wonder to me that many foreigners think Americans are complete idiots since the peoples of other nations know about this DU poisoning of the environment and millions of people in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq. They sense that since we do not talk about it, it is not on our news, and we do not take action to put a halt to it, we are implicitly condoning what is being done by the U.S. government.
Dr. Miraki set up a 501(c)(3) and attempted to raise funds to research, prove the extent of the problem in Afghanistan, and deliver remedial services to try to stem this biological and environmental nightmare. To his dismay, Americans were not responsive to doing anything about it.
He contacted me because I was running for President and he hoped that I would do something about it. I would, but I learned that while Americans are thirsting for information they are not thirsting to get directly involved in the battles that have to be fought, and won.
We put out a call earlier this year for candidates to run for all U.S. House seats and the 33 US Senate seats that are up for re-election. Nationwide we had two responses.
I have said it many times publicly that the problem is both sides of the aisle and both sides are owned by the same special interests. Those special interests are adverse to what is best for you and me, but that does not matter in D.C.
Knowing that Regime Change is what is needed in Washington, DC, it is imperative that such a change from RNC and DNC control has to happen starting in 2006. Otherwise, if conditions permit that a Third Party candidate can take the White House in 2008, a distinct possibility by the way, he or she could not get anything done with the RNC and DNC thugs firmly in control of Congress. To behead this beast, it will take control of the House, Senate and White House in the hands of quality people other than RNC and DNC candidates. The only other possibility is to find RNC and DNC candidates that would buck the ideologies of their own parties and that is both unlikely and something that a person like me cannot hold their breath waiting for it to happen.
Criminal negligence is not a sign of greatness.
One of our nanotechnology divisions will spin off next year and it produces a novel way of cleaning the air and water using nanotech filters. We have committed to Dr. Miraki that Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC will deploy its knowledge and technology to see if things can be improved in the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Iraq. But the more fundamental issue is -- watch the U.S. government try to stop us from doing that. Since the bulk of our scientists are not U.S. and controllable by this evil government, we can work on solutions to things our government does not want you to know about.
Our nanofilter division is actually going to spin-off as three separate companies that specialize in air filtration, domestic water filtration for home and office and a separate division for addressing industrial and municipal water supply pollution. We might also provide needed capital to address this matter in the manner it should be addressed, there where the nuclear pollution is and here where they try to hide it from you.
It might not be the most profitable thing to do, but I know in my heart that it is the right thing to do.
They want secrets so they can appear to have clean hands, but I know they do not have clean hands. The evidence is overwhelming that our leaders do not have clean hands or any honor in them.
As I was closing, a friend from Pennsylvania sent me an article where a Marine commander is speaking out. He is a Dartmouth graduate and a very bright man. I finish with what he recently had to say with excerpts from the article: You might want to read the entire article if you have time.
Ex-Marine leader poses hard questions about war
The Post and Courier
Within the first days of the invasion in 2003, the U.S. military dropped leaflets in Iraq: "Surrender and be part of the new Iraq."
"It was a brilliant success," said Nathaniel Fick, a former Marine commander who participated in that first campaign.
The military is made up of individuals who are overwhelmingly conservative and predominantly Republican, he notes. "And that's a problem."
When most people in an organization share the same view, the world is seen in terms that are too absolute, he said.
Fick, who worked with Canadian, British, Australian and German forces, said he had the sense that they were more diverse politically and economically than the U.S. military.
This diversity encourages a nuanced interpretation of world events, he said.
Perhaps the biggest risk is represented by a largely apathetic public.
"People don't care about it because it doesn't touch them," he said.
The vast majority of Americans have made no sacrifice or investment in the Afghan and Iraqi wars. Instead of asking them to turn in metal objects to the government or reduce their consumption of gasoline, President Bush merely encouraged more consumerism, Fick said in an interview.
"Americans were told to keep shopping!"
"What's important to me is that we're not apathetic about it," he said. "I have more sympathy with the anti-war protesters, at least they're involved. My gripe is with the apathetic middle."
Such is America in this year of 2005, a line officer of the US Marine Corps who is concerned about the "pathetic middle". The US government knows that as long as 71 million eligible US voters do not vote, and the apathetic middle does not come out of their "life pigeon holes", they can keep on killing, polluting, covering up everything from 9-11, to nuclear pollution here and abroad, and just about anything they want to do and cover up.
Afghanistan happened as a result of 9-11 and very few of the purported 9-11 Truth Movement leaders have said a word about what you have just read, or worse, will ever do anything about it.
Best regards,

Title: Who ya gonna believe?A question of judgement.
Post by: Pete E on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to But are US troops being poisioned ? Some..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005

Guess we are hurting for chica stories.
There is a bigger question here than any particular incident.Its how do we know about anything we do not have direct personal experience with,how do we get our imformation about the world and who do we choose to belive?
I remember one time when I was still an atheist[ I now consider myself spiritual but believe little of things ancient and my god is not a man in the sky with a long white beard ]I was in ac discussion with a traditionally religious friend,we were talking specifically about a man in the sky type god.I said I have seen no evidence,nor have you.He said do you believe there is a New York? I said yes.He said have you ever been there? I said no.He said then why do you belive it?I said because it is consistent with everything I have read seen or heard about.
So its about judgement about evidence from others that we can choose to belive or not belive.And logic.For instance what kind of a cover up or conspiracy would be required for 9/11 to sell us the story of the world trade center buidings being hit by other than the commercial airliners we are told it was?In my mind an unbelieveable conspiracy would be required.Its just not BELIVABLE,not even close,not a million to one.Just the question of what happened to the real airliners makes it a million to one.
Its not a question of intelligence,I know very intelligent people who believe this.One bought a cabin in the woods for Y2K.Its a question of judgement,and even looking within for a reasson why someone would want to belive something so incredible.
Its seems to me a big element is total distrust of any traditional sources,then the ability to belive very non traditional sources.My friend who got into this is a tax rebel,I thinks thats how he bumped in to internet sites that then went way off in to other things.And about intelligence,I think the intelligence to dream up or put together details on some of these off the wall theories is very high.
I personally have faith in the  army of news reporters and investigative journalists who would like nothing more than to find something very unique to report about to smoke out the the evidence and truth in anything that might come up.
Its seems to me the 9/11 conspiracy has no credability at all.Nor does another theory that we are being bombarded by electrons from space.2 people including my very intelligent friend buy that one.His answer is you have to examine the evidence.Evidence from who is my first answer,then maybe you look at what they are saying having first looked at the first part of the question.Another factor is does it have enough credibility to even be talked about in the mainstream press or by journalists with credibility?
Some people answer to this approch is another vast conspiracy with people being controlled or affraid to even talk about it.Not in the present world in the US is my answer to that one.
So who is saying what,who is even bothering to dispute,if there is not even a SERIOUS dispute that tells me alot,and logically how likely is it to be true?
Now I could talk about thinks like the JFK assasination that does have serious dispute,although even here I think most reporters with good judgement will tell you the chance of more than one shooter is extremly remote,but at least there is lots of serious disagreement about that,and it is a subject not nearly as vulnerable to logic as the 9/1 conspiracy would be.
The issue of chemical issues with our troops in the middle east and enviremental damage in general has alot of serious dispute,but people seem to line up behing their political beliefs.No surprise a person who belives this thinks we are doing huge irreparable damage to mother earth.Lining up with pre concieved notions.
So is there a Bagdad?I say yes,millions to one.Consistent with ALL evidence.Were the Trade center buildings hit by other than commercial aircraft.No.Millions to one.Inconsistent with credible evidense and TOTALLY inconsistent with logic.Was there chemical damage to some troops?I think yes,some,thousands to one  to one,but its probably VERY much more limited than many would belive.Was Oswald the lone assasian?I say yes,100 to
one,lots of you might think I am crazy on that one.As you can see I'm not big at all on conspiracy theories.
One of my friends,a woman,and I got in to a discussion of the assination.She was getting her evidence from the movie on the subject.I said you are taking your evidence from a  story that is fictionalised,parts just totally made up. There may be more fiction running around on the internet than that.
Judegement is the question,based on current CREDIBIBLE evidence.My religious friend belives in Noah and the Ark.I do not,but I told him if they find that ark it will be a WHOLE differet story.Untill then I do not belive every species of life got on one boat,or that the world was totally flooded less than 6000 years ago,but then we get in to religion,which has a bigger effect on personal belief and judgement than  anything I can think of.You are even told suspend your judgement.
Anybody got a chica story?


Title: Are we expected to read all that?
Post by: Bob S on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to But are US troops being poisioned ? Some..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005


United States Is Actively
Engaged In All Manner of Naughtiness

By Karl 'America Sux' Schwarz

ZZZzzzz.... (- -)

Title: Re: Are we expected to read all that?
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Are we expected to read all that?, posted by Bob S on Dec 26, 2005

Hi Bob,

You are right I should have only posted the most imortant part of the article along with the URL for thois that want to read more. Here it is:

The United States used DU weapons (depleted uranium) in Afghanistan when there were little or no armored vehicles to dispose of in that invasion. The Taliban had no significant armored forces. DU weapons were created as anti-armor weapons. They have found DU in the soil samples in Afghanistan, in the drinking water and in human bodies. They have also found non-depleted uranium, very lethal and toxic and is strictly man-made. It is known to produce grotesque birth defects and that can occur when either the man or the woman have been exposed to DU or non-depleted uranium. However, they found something else.
When I learned that they found non-depleted uranium my first questions was whether or not it was indigenous or naturally occurring in that area. Maybe it could have been, so I asked.
The answer that I got was not what I expected. In addition to finding non-depleted uranium they have also found plutonium and U-236 that are both made in nuclear reactors and are not naturally occurring in nature. That [U-236] and plutonium are man-made elements and only possible in nuclear reactors. The United States has lots of plutonium and U-236 as a result of our weapons program and our nuclear power plants.
In making their DU bombs evidently they do not care if deadly U-236 and Plutonium Pl-239 are left in the DU. It could be removed but that would entail more work and cutting into someone's profit margin.

Title: The farm hand speaks out...............
Post by: Heat on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Are we expected to read all that?, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005

Dude stick to milking the cows..You failed in Cali and that is all the teat you will ever see.

Title: If only you knew what you are talking bout....
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The farm hand speaks out..............., posted by Heat on Dec 26, 2005

Elizabeth is a beautiful slender Calena that lives in San Antonio is waiting for me return to Cali, but she knows that I have to finish the first stage of the legal case I have been working on all year. She met Pete and his two roommates that were livng there at the time. We have been in email and phone contact since we met.

Its time or you to get a brain and realize you dont know what you are talking about. Get a life and dont worry about mine !


Title: I guess that makes two of you then
Post by: Fuzzyone on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to If only you knew what you are talking bo..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 27, 2005

I think I would believe heat alot more then you any day of the week. At least
he don't post bull that nobody but a moron would believe.  I think it is funny
that you choose to post that wad of crap after heat put a very good post up
about Iraq.

 I for one think it is time you sue someone to get a brain who knows maybe this
time you will get a brain from a smart person instead of the monster!!! Dam igor anyway why did he
have to drop the other brain for...

Title: Re: If only you knew what you are talking bout....
Post by: Heat on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to If only you knew what you are talking bo..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 27, 2005

Sure will believe anything.  You only make 25 thousand a year how can you afford her?


Title: Try agian moron !!!
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: If only you knew what you are talkin..., posted by Heat on Dec 27, 2005

Now you admit I did NOT fail in Cali so now you know you are worried about how much I make ???  When I return to Cali money wont be a problem, its not now. My time away from work is the problem now.

You or Pete know nothing about what I am making now so shove your nonsense.
In other words you need to mind your own business!


Title: Re: Try agian moron !!!
Post by: Pete E on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Try agian moron !!!, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 27, 2005

I said nothing about it.It wasn't me.


Title: Re: If only you knew what you are talking bout....
Post by: Fuzzyone on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to If only you knew what you are talking bo..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 27, 2005

I wonder what she does while she is waiting for you. I would not worry I bet she
will wait forever if she has too.  I would be carful with the info you are posting
the white house might beem death rays at you to punish you.

 Is there not a web site where you can post all this bullsh@t you want? Before
you tell someone else to get a brain you should get a MRI to make sure you even
have oe it does not appear you do. Good luck I hope they don't come take you
away your poor girl who is waiting forevee for you might be upset.

Title: The Sheat head keeps blowing .....
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The farm hand speaks out..............., posted by Heat on Dec 26, 2005

Did you really work for the DEA or are just a blowhard ?
You now say that you worked for yourself for 30 years ?

Did you ever wonder why drug use and the flow of drugs has expanded sine we declared the "War on Drugs" back in the 80s ? Its all BS !!!

Title: Up your medication and pull down the foil hat!
Post by: Heat on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to But are US troops being poisioned ? Some..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005

Because you are a farm hand with a mental problem.

Title: Hey sHeat Head ! They dont lie at Congressional Hearings!!!
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Up your medication and pull down the foi..., posted by Heat on Dec 26, 2005

Film Poison DUst features vets exposed to DU

By David Hoskins

February 20, 2005--The premiere showing on Feb. 15 of "Poison DUst"--a documentary highlighting the effects of Depleted Uranium [DU] on veterans returning from the Iraq war-- attracted a large and engaged crowd at the New School theater. Filmmaker Sue Harris was on hand to introduce the film and take questions afterward. Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and Sara Flounders, national co-director of the International Action Center, also spoke at the event.

Title: Hey Ben!
Post by: Ray on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey sHeat Head ! They dont lie at Congre..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005

Do yourself a big favor and quit listening to all that stupid anti-American communist propaganda. You'll sleep much better at night... :-)

Ramsey Clark IS NOT on our side!


Title: Re: Hey Ray!
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey Ben!, posted by Ray on Dec 26, 2005

The truth is that many of our troops are coming home sick, and we are all entitled to free speak freely. Am I correct ?


Title: Yes Ben
Post by: Ray on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Hey Ray!, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 27, 2005

You are certainly entitled to speak freely. Did someone tell you that you can’t speak? I think you are hallucinating again. Better listen to Heat and take your meds… :-)

I served 20+ years in the U.S. armed forces to make sure that folks like you can say what you want in the USA. And I also came home sick from serving overseas. Sick of ass-hole America-hating commies like that sniveling Ramsey Clark and his ilk who never pass up an opportunity to bash America. If you want to quote traitors like that, you are certainly free to do so, as I am also free to tell you to stuff that communist shit up your ass. There, how’s that for free speech Bennie? ROFLMAO!

Now have a Happy New Year,


Title: I agree
Post by: Joeylikey on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Yes Ben, posted by Ray on Dec 27, 2005

I agree 100% with Ray on this one.

Title: Great minds think alike ? NOT!
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Yes Ben, posted by Ray on Dec 27, 2005

[This message has been edited by BenKramer1]

Hey Ray,

Are you going to deny that many of our vets came back home from Vietnam poisioned from agent Orange, came home from GulfWar I with the Gulf War Illness, and are still coming home to this day sick from the weapons they have been exposed to ? If you deny that then you need shove your narrown minded thinking up you @sshole !!!

At times the US Govt has denied using DU weapons and at time they have defended the use of DU weapons. Does that sound like Clinton or Bush ? Sounds like both of them if you ask me, I think both of them are huge liars.

Read some of these links that have nothing to do with Ramsey Clark that tell about depleted uranium that many of our troops are exposed to and have died from after they came back home. I am sure you dont think the US Govt. would lie about the MIAs from past wars either right ?


Title: Cheap Communist Propaganda
Post by: Ray on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Great minds think alike ? NOT!, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 27, 2005

Ben, I think you’re suffering from depleted intelligence… LOL!

If you believe all that anti-American propaganda that you have been spouting, then you’re either dumber than a box of rocks or you’re one of them. Now take your commie conspiracy theories and your America-hating friends and flush them down the nearest toilet with the rest of the smelly shit you’ve been reading. You aren’t fooling anyone here with your garbage.

Now why do really hate your country?


Title: You just can handle the truth can you Ray ?
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Cheap Communist Propaganda, posted by Ray on Dec 27, 2005

When ever the Neocons come across something that they cant face up to they only have one answer. You must be a commie!

Clinton said once "you cant hate your Govt. and love your country." Ray you are just as full sh!t as Bill Clinton.


Title: You wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit you in the ass Ben
Post by: Ray on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You just can handle the truth can you Ra..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 27, 2005

I have absolutely no problem facing up to commies and their propaganda. I spent most of my adult life training to kill communists and I can smell one a mile away. And you sure aren’t going to find the truth in that leftist garbage that you have been quoting here.

You little whining leftist weenies just can’t handle any criticism, can you? You think you can spout your anti-American garbage and when someone responds in a way you don’t like, you snivel and whine and claim that people won’t let you speak your mind. Why don’t you go to Cuba or North Korea and try to put down the government in public. The commies will lock your ass up or shoot you, you little weenie.

You still haven’t answered the question. Why do you really hate your country? Come on, spit it out.

Ray :-)

Title: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You wouldn't recognize the truth if it b..., posted by Ray on Dec 27, 2005

Its a long story Ray but for one thing back in 1995 I did a legal maneuver against a municipal judge that was perfectly legal. But it worked so well that it  would have forced the judges in THE STATE OF OHIO to recognise the state and national constitution in its full scope. Well the judges  in this state were not going to allow that to happen so the Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court conspired with  the Ohio legislature and got some laws passed. What I did was legal at the time  but with the laws they passed it was illegal and they used Expost Facto laws against me. Now in case you dont know what that is, they passed laws after the fact, and used those laws against me. Which is direct violation of the Constitution. I was sued with three judge all conspiring against me. You think I had any rights at all ? NO!!!

So anyone that says they dont believe in govt conspiracies, they just dont kow what they are talking about.  I have been a victim of a govt conspiracies with the highest levels of govt in Ohio, the Governor included. Thats about all the details I will get into on this board and would not have gone this far had ray not insisted in it.

I also have a close friend that wound up in prison twice because he blew the whistle on some govt operations, one was a kiddy porn ring, one was a drug ring. You understand some things now Ray ???


Title: Yes, you sound like a victim
Post by: Ray on December 29, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I could write a book on why I depise the..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 28, 2005

[This message has been edited by Ray]

O.K. Ben, so you had some problems with the legal system in your state and you’re pissed. Big deal! I have no problem with those who dislike, distrust, or despise the government or who are opposed to the war. You certainly have the right to feel the way you do for whatever reasons you may have.

BUT, you have posted some stuff on this forum, for the world to see, that mocks the United States of America, it’s military, and it’s leaders in time of war, while brave Americans are dying and putting their lives on the line for their country. Since you posted it without comment, I must assume that you agree with it. The Americans that undermine their country in a time of war and give aid and comfort to it’s enemies are nothing but traitors in my book. You can claim your right to free speech all you want, but you are still betraying your country. Yes, hating your country is your right, but in time of war, when your fellow Americans are dying, you have no right to side with our enemies and still call yourself an American.

I consider Ramsey Clark and others that you are so quick to quote as traitors to their country. I have more respect for dog crap than ass-holes like Ramsey Clark. To imply that the war on terror is a farce and 9-11 was a government conspiracy is just plain garbage. When you post that trash here, you are no better than the traitors who wrote it. If you don’t agree with everything that you posted, you didn’t say so, so I’ll assume that you also feel as they do about their country and I’ll give you the same respect that I give them, zero!

Hate your country if you wish, but don’t expect other Americans to sit by and watch you aid our enemies on this forum without some harsh comments in reply.


Title: Sounds like you are p!ssed now !
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 29, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Yes, you sound like a victim, posted by Ray on Dec 29, 2005

But I have no doubts at all that time will prove that I am right in what I say. You will realize that you have had the wool pulled over your eyes.


Title: Not pissed, just disgusted...
Post by: Ray on December 29, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Sounds like you are p!ssed now !, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 29, 2005

...with the whining hate-America crowd.

I'm sure that time will only prove that your crowd is a bunch of whackos and as Heat would say, you have had the tin foil pulled over your eyes :-)


Title: ??????
Post by: Joeylikey on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I could write a book on why I depise the..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 28, 2005

Oh no, the Conspiracy Theory!!

Title: Re: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: Pete E on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I could write a book on why I depise the..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 28, 2005

You were prosecuted based on a law that was not in effect at the time you did whatever they want to prosecute you for?Seems any lawyer could get you off on that one,its unbelievable.What makes me think we are not getting the whole story?I suspect there is LOTS MORE to it.
But,one thing,if you choose to fight the IRS for instance,you can run out of money trying and they can proceed forever,which gives them an unfair advantage.
I know a guy who lost a big row with them and everything he had and choose to live an underground lifestyle,in effect screwing himself to avoid dealing with them.He was wealthy once and probably could have created that wealth again by staying mainstream,but he has been underground for years living a marginal lifestyle.He sure showed them ,right?Cutting of his  nose to spite his face?They could care less.
There comes a time to just drop these it ain't right wars and get on with your life,or you can wind up screwing yourself trying to  spite someone else or in an effort to be vindicated.Life can be unfair sometimes.Do you want to make your whole life about fighting a being right issue.


Title: Pete, Its all about getting due process in the Court
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I could write a book on why I depise..., posted by Pete E on Dec 28, 2005

Which there is so very little of these days in the US. From what I hear its not much different in other countries either. My friend who I am working with won a RICO suit in Federal Court, but the crooked judges are preventing him from collecting on it. How much more corrupt can you get than that ???


Title: No Pete I was NOT fighting the IRS N/T
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I could write a book on why I depise..., posted by Pete E on Dec 28, 2005


Title: Re: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: doombug on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I could write a book on why I depise the..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 28, 2005

A rock and a hard place.  People expect (or believe) laws to be set in stone, yet there has to be an allowance for malleability as the country  progresses (or degresses, hehe).  

Contrast Thomas Jefferson's take on ex post facto...

"The sentiment that ex post facto laws are against natural right, is so strong in the United States, that few, if any, of the State constitutions have failed to proscribe them. The federal constitution indeed interdicts them in criminal cases only; but they are equally unjust in civil as in criminal cases, and the omission of a caution which would have been right, does not justify the doing what is wrong. Nor ought it to be presumed that the legislature meant to use a phrase in an unjustifiable sense, if by rules of construction it can be ever strained to what is just."

...with the decision fifteen years earlier in Calder v. Bull (1798).

"Justice Paterson argued that the bar on the impairment of contracts suggested that the framers of the Constitution intended the prohibition on ex post facto laws to include 'crimes, pains, and penalties, and no further.'

"According to Justice Iredell, the purpose of the ex post facto clause did not extend to 'civil cases, to cases that merely affect the private property of citizens.'"

The decision makes sense on a certain level.  One has to allow for the potential outlawing/restriction of unforseen practices that could one day get out of hand, infringe on others, or squeek through loopholes.  

By the way, this wasn't a dig on you or your situation.  I just wanted to share an element of ex post facto that people might not have been aware of.

Peace out!  

Title: Re: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: Keith NC on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to I could write a book on why I depise the..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 28, 2005

Just another leftwing lawyer.  You guys are destroying this country.

Title: Re: Re: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: doombug on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I could write a book on why I depise..., posted by Keith NC on Dec 28, 2005

LOL!  You may be more right than you know (regarding lawyers).

I'm reading a great book right now, "Big Fat Liars:  How Politicians, Corporations, and the Media use Science and Statistics to Manipulate the Public," and there's a chapter titled "The Attack on Business" that addresses this problem.

"As recently as 1972, there were 10,000 more doctors than lawyers (including judges) working in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Yet by 1999, the country had in excess of 200,000 more lawyers (not counting judges) than doctors.  And this imbalance is growing."

He estimates that there are now roughly 950,000 non-government lawyers in the U.S.

"Trial Lawyers, Inc. [a report on the nation's biggest tort law firms]... is among the biggest businesses in the nation, even though it produces nothing and instead leeches off the production of others.  The tort lawyer industry in the U.S., [the] report notes, has revenues half again as great as Microsoft Corp. and twice the income of Coca-Cola."

The book quotes some findings from a 2003 report on Trial Lawyers, Inc. that was released by the Center for Legal Policy of the Manhattan Institute:

"The classic conception of a plaintiff's lawyer is an advocate who waits until he is approached by a client with a grievance to be resolved--by negotiation, if possible, and by court action only as a last resort.  But that conception is far from the current reality, at least for the big paintiffs' attorneys running Trial Trial Lawyers, Inc."

"These leading plaintiffs' lawyers run complex, multi-million dollar organizations that use sophisticated and expensive marketing to pursue clients through every commercial avenue, including the Internet.  Like any business expanding its market presence, Trial Lawyers, Inc., uses sales tactics such as no-cost, no-risk offers.  As one lawsuit-industry-sponsored Web site declares, 'Seek justice NOW by submitting your class action information online to be considered for a FREE case evaluation!'  These tactics are often designed to launch mass tort cases of the sort that have all but replaced the principle of fair and impartial justice with a new governing principle: winning through intimidation."

Title: Re: Re: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: I could write a book on why I depise..., posted by Keith NC on Dec 28, 2005

I am not a lawyer, but a self educated paralegal, and I am far from being a left winger. Wise up man !

Title: Something strange
Post by: Joeylikey on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: I could write a book on why I de..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 28, 2005

I work in the jail system and you sound a lot like an inmate. A wannabe jailhouse lawyer. Blaming the government for everything and anything. Never taking responsibility. HHMMMMMMMM

Title: Something strange
Post by: Joeylikey on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: I could write a book on why I de..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 28, 2005

I work in the jail system and you sound a lot like an inmate. A wannabe jailhouse lawyer. Blaming the government for everything and anything. Never taking responsibility. HHMMMMMMMM

Title: Re: Something strange
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 29, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Something strange, posted by Joeylikey on Dec 28, 2005

Sure easy for you to say something stupid like that when you dont know what you are talking about. Its about due process, do you know what that is  ? Dont keep talking like a total moron.


Title: Re: Re: Something strange
Post by: Keith NC on December 29, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Something strange, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 29, 2005

What are you, like 10 years old?  I will be amazed if any of the ladies in Latin America wants to be with someone like you.  You sound like a sniveling little brat that doesn't get his way.


Title: Re: Re: Re: Something strange
Post by: Joeylikey on January 03, 2006, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Something strange, posted by Keith NC on Dec 29, 2005

The secret is out Ben. You really need to find a forum, not this one, to spew your hatred. Like Keith said, I also will be amazed if you can get a Latin women.

Title: I have a girl friend in Cali so........
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 30, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Something strange, posted by Keith NC on Dec 29, 2005

if you dont like my attitude you can shove it man ! What makes you I give a damn what you think ? LOL !


Title: Just curious
Post by: Joeylikey on December 29, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Something strange, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 29, 2005

So, when was your release date. You should really control your hatred. Yes, I do know what due process is all about. It looks like the only opionion you want to hear is your own. If we don't bow down to you we must be the enemy. In my job I work with a lot of wackos. 99.9% of them sound like the stuff that you are preaching. You should re-read your posts. Does that sound like the thoughts of a normal person?

Title: Re: Just curious
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 29, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Just curious, posted by Joeylikey on Dec 29, 2005

I have attorney friends that complain they dont get due process in the courts also,and that the legal system is corrupt so if your theory is correct they are wackos too, right ? Your ability to  analyze the truth is sooo professional ! Keep talking stupid !


Title: Re: Re: Re: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: Fuzzyone on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: I could write a book on why I de..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 28, 2005

You have me thinking now Kramer. Lets see a paralegal, I heard a jail house
lawyer call himself that once. You see most inmates in jail that dream of being a
lawyer are all self educated the same way.

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: I could write a book on why ..., posted by Fuzzyone on Dec 28, 2005

Why would I want to be a lawyer when most people hate, despise, or at least distrusts most of them ?

Besides I can bring arguments into the court that that members are of Bar Ass(es) cannot file or argue in court including some US Supreme Court  decisions. This drives them insane !

Most if not all of the judges are legislating la from the bench Tom DeLay brought this up the press reports on it then suddenly he is indicted. Time to get your head out of your Fuzzy @ass


Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: Fuzzyone on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: I could write a book on ..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 28, 2005

I think maybe you should get your head out of Tom Delay's @ss. Tom thought
he could have it both ways, don't happen that way, you should know that right?
Did they let you take all your books when you left the jail?

Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I could write a book on why I depise the Govt.
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 29, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I could write a book..., posted by Fuzzyone on Dec 28, 2005

They never kept me in jail much more than a few hours or a few days, but sure long enough to file some damn fine lawsuits. I have won one in the court of appeals and got some dismissed for various reasons but I have never been charged with anything more than a misdemeanor. Now who knows what they are talking about ? You or me ??


PS. My RICO suit against the Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court and others is yet to come !  They are the perfect example of an organized crime syndicate

Title: Re: You wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit you in the ass Ben
Post by: valuedcustomer on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You wouldn't recognize the truth if it b..., posted by Ray on Dec 27, 2005

"I spent most of my adult life training to kill communists"

It sounds like you play the same video games as my nephew.


Title: Why do you?
Post by: Joeylikey on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to You wouldn't recognize the truth if it b..., posted by Ray on Dec 27, 2005

I think a lot of us here would like to know that answer Ben. What your writing is Commie 101. Very basic crap. I to think there is another reason you hate this country. I know it's an old saying, but if you hate this country so much why are you living here???

Title: Re: Hey sHeat Head ! They dont lie at Congressional Hearings!!!
Post by: Keith NC on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey sHeat Head ! They dont lie at Congre..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005

I guess you are drinking the liberal koolaid again?  You better stay away from that stuff.  I hear it damages the brain.

Title: Gullible
Post by: doombug on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey sHeat Head ! They dont lie at Congre..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005

[This message has been edited by doombug]

Do you ever wonder why people judge what you post here as propaganda?  Likely, it's because your links and "sources" SCREAM it!

On that very the top margin, you find this:

"Information, Activism, and Resistance to U.S. Militarism, War, and Corporate Greed, Linking with Struggles Against Racism and Oppression"

The site is an outlet for radical anti-Americanism.  Yet, you assume these independent, biased, nut-case sites carry more weight than long-established news departments.  Activist sites have little reason to conduct oversite.  Why?  Because they know there's a following for this stuff; they know people such as yourself will assume anything they put forth to be true.    

International Action Center ( was supposedly founded by Ramsey Clark.  

Ramsey Clark!?!?!?!

Here's a refresher course on Mr. Clark (courtesy of Wikipedia):

"Following his term he worked as a law professor and was active in the anti–Vietnam War movement. He visited North Vietnam in 1972. In 1974 he was the Democratic Party's candidate for the United States Senate from New York, losing to Jacob Javits.

"More recently, Clark has become controversial for his radical political views. He has also provided legal counsel and advice to controversial figures in conflict with Western governments, including:

* Nazi concentration camp boss Karl Linnas

* The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Advisory Board during late 1970s and early 1980s

* Branch Davidian leader David Koresh

* Antiwar activist Father Philip Berrigan

* American Indian prisoner Leonard Peltier

* Crimes of America conference in Tehran in 1980

* Liberian political figure Charles Taylor during his 1985 fight against extradition from the United States to Liberia

* Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, a leader of the Rwandan genocide

* PLO leaders in a lawsuit brought by the family of Leon Klinghoffer, the wheelchair bound elderly tourist who was shot and tossed overboard from the hijacked Achille Lauro cruise ship by Palestinian terrorists in 1986

* Camilo Mejia, a US soldier who deserted his post in March 2004 allegedly in protest against the US war against Iraq.

* Radovan Karadzic, of Yugoslavia and accused war criminal

* Counsel to Slobodan Milosevic, former president of Yugoslavia, accused war criminal

* Saddam Hussein, former president of Iraq and accused war criminal

"In December 2005, Clark went to Iraq to try to join the legal team defending Saddam Hussein before the Iraqi Special Tribunal, and now acts as an advisor to Hussein's legal team. Clark returned to Iraq in late November 2005 to assist and draw publicity for Hussein's defense and the anti-war movement and was admitted to join Saddam Hussein's defense team as adviser on November 27, 2005.

"Clark is affiliated with VoteToImpeach, an organization advocating the impeachment of President George W. Bush. He has been an opponent of both Gulf Wars. He is the founder of the International Action Center, which has significant overlapping membership with the Workers World Party [Yes, dear reader, your instincts are correct:  Workers World Party is one of America's very own communist parties]. Clark and the IAC helped found the protest organization ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism)."

Do you really think Mr. Clark, the IAC, or any of these "sources" you've posted thus far share a modicum of impartiality?  

Are you that naive???

Title: The Nuclear Physicis and Dr. are Gullible too right ???
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Gullible, posted by doombug on Dec 26, 2005

On June 26th, as a result of the efforts of grassroots organizations
around the country, the Subcommittee on Human Resources, Committee on
Government Reform and Oversight held a hearing on Gulf War Syndrome
which addressed the question of the use of depleted uranium weapons.
Testimony was heard from exposed Gulf Veterans exposed to DU; Leonard
Dietz, nuclear physicist from Knolls Atomic Laboratory, and Dr. Asaf
Durakovic; formerly of the VA where he was in charge of studying
imbedded DU fragments in Gulf vets. Members of the Pentagon,
specifically Dr. Bernard Rotsker, and the VA also testified to defend
the use of radioactive and highly toxic depleted uranium weapons
during the Gulf War.

Title: Re: The Nuclear Physicis and Dr. are Gullible too right ???
Post by: doombug on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to The Nuclear Physicis and Dr. are Gullibl..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005

[This message has been edited by doombug]

Follow this, now.

First, from the IAC/Ramsey link you provided, closing paragraph:

"In his testimony, Dr. Rotsker quoted from the book, 'Metal of Dishonor: How the Pentagon Radiates Soldiers and Civilians with Depleted Uranium Weapons.' The DU Education Project has documented DU exposures in this recently published book which is available by calling 1-800-247-6553 or by contacting the above address."

A simple editorial book review of "Metal of Dishonor" from

"The drastic health and environmental consequences of a new generation of radioactive weapons, Depleted Uranium (DU), currently being used in U.S.-waged wars are discussed in these essays. This 'new kind of nuclear war' is examined alongside the effects on Vietnam and Gulf war veterans and the indigenous people on whose land these weapons are being tested. Among the issues covered are the collaborative military and media cover-up of DU, the government's denial of DU's toxic effects, uranium development on Native American land, nuclear testing on the Marshall Islands, and radioactive residue in the Middle East. Contributors include RAMSEY CLARK [my emphasis], Pat Broudy, and Helen Caldicott. Official government documents on DU and its effects and charts illustrating where DU is tested and stored in the United States are included for further examination."

So, Clark contributed to the very book that the "doctor" deferred to during this hearing.  Do you see ANY conflict of interest here?  Anything come off as contrived?

By the way, the publisher of "Metal of Dishonor"...

(Are you ready?)

The International Action Center.

Furthermore, do a little follow-up on the "editors" of the book--Sara Flounders and John Catalinotto.  They, too, are affiliated with, and frequent contributors too, the IAC's/DU Education Project's website.  On the side, Catalinotto is a member of the (communist) Workers World Party.  

His profile:

Not coincidently, Flounders is also a member of WWP, and a contributor to their newsletter--"Workers World".  Her profile:

Newsletter samples:
Additionally, she and other IAC types are die-hard supporters of convicted cop-killer/Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Finally, check out the scant/poor reviews of the books these nuts have authored (actually, they appear only to co-author books) on  Many of these IAC "coordinators/co-coordinators" have co-authored a range of anti-American books--all published by the IAC.  Here's a sampling:

Credible people, you presume.

Title: Try to debunk the message !
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: The Nuclear Physicis and Dr. are Gul..., posted by doombug on Dec 27, 2005

[This message has been edited by BenKramer1]

You miss the point, the US Govt is using DU weapons that are lethal to our troops. Read this bill introduced to congress to study this problem. Try to attack the message and not the messengers OK ?

And while you are there check out some of these other links too.

Title: Re: Try to debunk the message !
Post by: Fuzzyone on December 28, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Try to debunk the message !, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 27, 2005

I think it is more like attack the guy who believes everything he reads. Why
don't you give us a break don't you know that it really is not that hard to get a
bill intro to congress, but getting it approved is another story, won't happen.

Title: those quirky messengers
Post by: doombug on December 27, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Try to debunk the message !, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 27, 2005

Most of the congressional findings in your link detail common-sensical stuff, such as:  general descriptions about depleted uranium munitions, their dispribution, usage, and their obsolescence.  Though, these two findings stood out:

"(7) No definitive cause has been established for the various illnesses (commonly referred to as Gulf War Syndrome) that affect approximately 130,000 members and former members of the United States Armed Forces who served in Southwest Asia during the Persian Gulf War in 1991.

"(8) The former Iraqi Government claimed that depleted uranium from depleted uranium munitions was adversely affecting the health of Iraqis, although such claims have not been independently verified."

Furthermore, here are a few quick finds I discovered that seem to counter the hyperbole of the anti-DU movement:

Sandia National Laboratories report, July 2005:

"An Analysis of Uranium Dispersal and Health Effects Using a Gulf War Case Study"

"The study described in this report used mathematical modeling to estimate health risks from exposure to depleted uranium (DU) during the 1991 Gulf War for both U.S. troops and nearby Iraqi civilians. The analysis found that the risks of DU-induced leukemia or birth defects are far too small to result in an observable increase in these health effects among exposed veterans or Iraqi civilians. Only a few veterans in vehicles accidentally struck by U.S. DU munitions are predicted to have inhaled sufficient quantities of DU particulate to incur any significant health risk (i.e., the possibility of temporary kidney damage from the chemical toxicity of uranium and about a 1% chance of fatal lung cancer). The health risk to all downwind civilians is predicted to be extremely small."

"According to a European Union study released in 2001, 'most of the ingested DU (between 98% and 99.8%, depending on the solubility of the uranium compound) will be rapidly eliminated in the faeces.' The vast majority of any remaining uranium will be "rapidly cleared from the blood" in a few weeks. Similarly, the majority of inhaled DU dust will also be cleared via the bloodstream and kidneys. The EU report concluded that 'exposure to DU could not produce any detectable health effects under  realistic assumptions of the doses that would be received.'"

My whole point is, there's a huge difference between healthy skepticism and "life's calling."  It appears that you are relying on a lot of activist/anti-American organizations to support this view that the U.S. government is purely diabolical.  

On a personal note, I served as an infantryman with the 1st Marine Division during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and never contracted anything resembling Gulf War Syndrome.  I took the anti-malarial and anti-nerve agent tabs for a three-month period, patrolled through the oil fields that were set ablaze by Sadam's forces, and snooped around and collected a souvenir or two around the tanks and in the trench lines/bunkers that were leveled by our forces.  I soaked this  up for three months, and no GWS (but I certainly could have feigned it and filed a claim).  I wonder, what percentage of GWS claims do you think are bogus?  There's even a revised name for it floating around:  Gulf Lore Syndrome:

But as relates to the issue of DU, I think this is among the fairest, most level-headed, and unbiased takes you'll find:

"The Science of the Silver Bullet"

A bio of the writer and a synopsis of his article:

Finally, I couldn't help but notice this front page "Press Release" headline on the site you linked to (


The internet version of tabloid journalism.

Title: Ramsey Clark..Saddam s lawyer? up THE MEDS!!
Post by: Heat on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey sHeat Head ! They dont lie at Congre..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005 really got a good one there.  Ramsey Clark has Saddam Hussein has him for a lawyer.


Title: Re: Hey sHeat Head ! They dont lie at Congressional Hearings!!!
Post by: BenKramer1 on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Hey sHeat Head ! They dont lie at Congre..., posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 26, 2005

Would anyone like to deny the information on this website ?

Title: Re: Up your medication and pull down the foil hat!
Post by: Dan Las Vegas on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Up your medication and pull down the foi..., posted by Heat on Dec 26, 2005

Make sure he uses environmentally safe foil, name brand foil contains deadly radiation and is a secret plot by George bush to silence his

Title: Re: Re: Up your medication and pull down the foil hat!
Post by: Joeylikey on December 26, 2005, 05:00:00 AM
... in response to Re: Up your medication and pull down the..., posted by Dan Las Vegas on Dec 26, 2005

Didn't they find foil in the levy system in New Orleans. I hear George Bush put it there so the levy system would collaspe. This was due to Racial Profiling by our government. Learn something new everyday.