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Author Topic: Bit of a Dilema  (Read 85901 times)

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #425 on: August 27, 2014, 09:07:50 PM »
I've said it a million times. Nazly is an amazing exception to a lot of rules. Also take into consideration Whitey wasn't exactly "wife hunting" for a Colombiana. Their courtship was more natural that anyone else's here. Not saying guys can't find women like Nazly in Colombia....but again, pretty much the equivalent of hitting the lottery. And by lottery I mean the Mega Million Multistate jackpot! A Costena that owns property when you meet her?!!!!!! I think not!

My girl is not a costena but is a paisa and she is 1/3 owner of a house there.  Whats more is she is very frugal and she has often turned me down on my offerings.  She works on the weekends and goes to school on the weekdays.  The only thing she let me buy her was a Samsung Galaxy which she adores and charishes.  She is very honest and reliable.  Sorry if I take the opportunity to brag once again.
tengo una esposa de medellin

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #426 on: August 27, 2014, 10:33:19 PM »

I can't speak for CDR but my love affair with Colombia is based more on the culture and the country itself. Colombianas are on average the most beautiful women on the planet if blue-eyed blondes aren't your cup of tea. I don't think anyone who's spent significant time there would argue differently. But after visiting multiple cities, enjoying the music, the food, the people and most importantly the wide variety of beautiful landscapes, the women became more like sprinkles in the icing on a cake of many layers. I can eat arepa con huevo and a strong tinto with lime every morning and never get tired of it. LOVE IT! I love Ron Medellin...even more than Jack Daniels. I love that it rains every morning in Pereira for around 20 minutes and that clean, crisp smell in the air as soon as the sun comes out afterwards. I love partying in Barranquilla until the sun comes up at the night and my friends singing old school Vallenato at the top of our lungs until we lose our voices. Then wake up and have an Aguila for breakfast. I love watching the sunset from the top floor of my hotel in Bogota smoking a Don Jose Correa. I think the air pollution there is beginning to have the same effect on sunsets as it does in Los Angeles. JA JA!!!  ;D

Every now and then I jokingly tell my current girlfriend, "You know if we get married you'll have to move to Colombia one day." She always gives me a, "You gotta be [snip]ing kidding me," look. She doesn't even want to move to the United States, so Colombia's definitely out of the question. Her and I having that discussion seriously is a long way off, but I will honestly always be drawn back there. And I'm absolutely sure that one day I'm going to just stay for good. That has very little to do with the women though.

This post almost brought a tear to my eye.  Whew!  I feel the same exact way.  My colombia experience is limited to a couple of months in medellin and a week in cali but I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT.  Both times I left I felt depressed showing up to the airport in bogota to go home.  The rumba is just so easy and accessible.  The food.  The people.  I'd go to a tipical, non fancy restaurant in medellin and the old man who ran the place along with the waitresses treated me like family.  They made a pollo guisado that was GOTDAMN EXQUISITE!  The fresh fruit and fresh squeezed juice in the morning.  The ladies at my hotel treated me like family.  I could go on and on about the little things I love about colombia.  And this is coming from someone who's seen the very ugly side of colombia.  Plus the women are stunning, the weather is gorgeous.  I need to get my arse back there asap!

Oh yea I gotta mention the strip clubs.  Lord knows I spent countless nights slamming guaro and slapping big booties in the fine strip clubs of colombia.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 10:57:46 PM by Awesome »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #427 on: August 28, 2014, 04:24:09 AM »

 I don't like blue-eyed blondes either, so a place like the Ukraine or anywhere else in Eastern Europe would probably be a bust for me for more reason than one...second being it will probably be a cold day in hell before a woman from the Ukraine marries a Black American.  ;D

Truth be told, many, many Colombian women, especially Paisas, and Rolas in Bogota feel the same way as the Ukrainian women.  I'm surprised in all your extensive travels in Colombia that someone hasn't told you this.   In my many years of experience in Colombia, and also living there for the last 5 years, the vast majority of colombianas that I have known have confided in me regarding their feelings toward having an intimate relationship with a Black man, be him American or Colombian.  Even in Cali where there are a large percentage of Black people, very, very rarely will you see a hot Caleña with a Black man. 

There are high class private night clubs in Bogota where Blacks are forbidden entry.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 05:24:44 AM by bernard »

Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #427 on: August 28, 2014, 04:24:09 AM »

Offline benjio

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #428 on: August 28, 2014, 05:43:23 AM »

Truth be told, many, many Colombian women, especially Paisas, and Rolas in Bogota feel the same way as the Ukrainian women.  I'm surprised in all your extensive travels in Colombia that someone hasn't told you this.   In my many years of experience in Colombia, and also living there for the last 5 years, the vast majority of colombianas that I have known have confided in me regarding their feelings toward having an intimate relationship with a Black man, be him American or Colombian.  Even in Cali where there are a large percentage of Black people, very, very rarely will you see a hot Caleña with a Black man. 

There are high class private night clubs in Bogota where Blacks are forbidden entry.


Do an advanced search from my profile for my posts, referencing the word "racism." I've talked about being rejected for being black in Colombia so much on this board it doesn't make sense for me to continue to mention it. ESPECIALLY BY BLACK COLOMBIANAS!!!! Believe me.....I've been there. I will admit however, that I've been to some of the most high end places in Bogota and I've never had a problem getting in. Put on a nice suit and a pair of Italian Loafers and you'd be surprised how far it goes. I'm still curious you remember the name of any of these places?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 05:51:07 AM by benjio »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #429 on: August 28, 2014, 06:01:42 AM »
Except they let you in cuz they are too scared to say no.. :D :D ;)

Yeah, truth be told, the South Americans are very behind North Americans and Europeans in race relations and a lot of other things. The open prejudice isnt like it was un the South of US 5o years ago ,and still is in private for some people from there, but the racial class system from the days of Simon Bolivar still exist in some form.

I personally have no time for those pea brain  uppitty white Paisas and Calenos who made their money off of drug proceeds and now launder it in some type of business, went to some dorky mickey mouse university to get their dorky useless degree in administracion de empresas or Diseno de modas, and look down on everyone else.

Truth be told, many, many Colombian women, especially Paisas, and Rolas in Bogota feel the same way as the Ukrainian women.  I'm surprised in all your extensive travels in Colombia that someone hasn't told you this.   In my many years of experience in Colombia, and also living there for the last 5 years, the vast majority of colombianas that I have known have confided in me regarding their feelings toward having an intimate relationship with a Black man, be him American or Colombian.  Even in Cali where there are a large percentage of Black people, very, very rarely will you see a hot Caleña with a Black man. 

There are high class private night clubs in Bogota where Blacks are forbidden entry.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 06:04:10 AM by Elexpatriado »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #430 on: August 28, 2014, 06:15:32 AM »
Except they let you in cuz they are too scared to say no.. :D :D ;)

Yeah, truth be told, the South Americans are very behind North Americans and Europeans in race relations and a lot of other things. The open prejudice isnt like it was un the South of US 5o years ago ,and still is in private for some people from there, but the racial class system from the days of Simon Bolivar still exist in some form.

I personally have no time for those pea brain  uppitty white Paisas and Calenos who made their money off of drug proceeds and now launder it in some type of business, went to some dorky mickey mouse university to get their dorky useless degree in administracion de empresas or Diseno de modas, and look down on everyone else.

+25 :D :D
She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #431 on: August 28, 2014, 06:56:26 AM »


Do an advanced search from my profile for my posts, referencing the word "racism." I've talked about being rejected for being black in Colombia so much on this board it doesn't make sense for me to continue to mention it. ESPECIALLY BY BLACK COLOMBIANAS!!!! Believe me.....I've been there. I will admit however, that I've been to some of the most high end places in Bogota and I've never had a problem getting in. Put on a nice suit and a pair of Italian Loafers and you'd be surprised how far it goes. I'm still curious you remember the name of any of these places?

Easy now Ben...I just thought it was ironic that you mentioned how Ukranian women wouldn't be caught dead marrying a Black American, when, as a whole, the same thing can be said about Colombian women.  That's all....

And regarding names of the private clubs...well, they are private so unless you're accepted as a member (impossible since you are Black) or if you are an invited guest (impossible since you are Black), you would have zero chance if even encountering one.  They don't have signs, and are normally large converted houses .  They aren't subject to closing times or liquor laws.  These exist in every large cities in Colombia.  Have been to a few in Cali.  Blacks have zero chance getting in.

Some of the best times I've had in a night club have been the times I've been to Pachanga y Pachola, a basically all Afro-Colombiano night club in Bogota.  You should check it out next time you're in Bogota....but then again, didn't you say you're not attracted to Black women?

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #432 on: August 28, 2014, 07:07:19 AM »
Except they let you in cuz they are too scared to say no.. :D :D ;)

Yeah, truth be told, the South Americans are very behind North Americans and Europeans in race relations and a lot of other things. The open prejudice isnt like it was un the South of US 5o years ago ,and still is in private for some people from there, but the racial class system from the days of Simon Bolivar still exist in some form.

I personally have no time for those pea brain  uppitty white Paisas and Calenos who made their money off of drug proceeds and now launder it in some type of business, went to some dorky mickey mouse university to get their dorky useless degree in administracion de empresas or Diseno de modas, and look down on everyone else.

Sounds exactly like Peru, although in Peru most of the racism is towards amerindian Peruvians, the "Cholos", black people are very rare in Peru. The high end "pituco" discos in Lima are notorious for refusing entry to people who look too "indian", although things are changing there because there is a now a law that prevents this kind of discrimination.

Latin America is very racist and xenofobic in general. You just have to look at Youtube comments to see this...

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #433 on: August 28, 2014, 07:09:24 AM »

I can't say this ever happended to me in Ecuador or Colombia. If I ever got rejected by a woman, I blamed my approach and not my skin. I never got rejected going to a club in Colombia or Ecuador nor experience any overt racism in either place. You must be doing something wrong

Except they let you in cuz they are too scared to say no.. :D :D ;)

Yeah, truth be told, the South Americans are very behind North Americans and Europeans in race relations and a lot of other things. The open prejudice isnt like it was un the South of US 5o years ago ,and still is in private for some people from there, but the racial class system from the days of Simon Bolivar still exist in some form.

I personally have no time for those pea brain  uppitty white Paisas and Calenos who made their money off of drug proceeds and now launder it in some type of business, went to some dorky mickey mouse university to get their dorky useless degree in administracion de empresas or Diseno de modas, and look down on everyone else.

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #434 on: August 28, 2014, 07:30:49 AM »
Easy now Ben...I just thought it was ironic that you mentioned how Ukranian women wouldn't be caught dead marrying a Black American, when, as a whole, the same thing can be said about Colombian women.  That's all....

And regarding names of the private clubs...well, they are private so unless you're accepted as a member (impossible since you are Black) or if you are an invited guest (impossible since you are Black), you would have zero chance if even encountering one.  They don't have signs, and are normally large converted houses .  They aren't subject to closing times or liquor laws.  These exist in every large cities in Colombia.  Have been to a few in Cali.  Blacks have zero chance getting in.

Some of the best times I've had in a night club have been the times I've been to Pachanga y Pachola, a basically all Afro-Colombiano night club in Bogota.  You should check it out next time you're in Bogota....but then again, didn't you say you're not attracted to Black women?

No biggie my man...I was just saying I have some experience with that in Colombia. All the other brothers I've met that live there have been through it as well.  ;) The difference in Colombia is there are actually quite a few women that have absolutely no problem dating black men. Some that actually prefer us!!! My last Colombian girlfriend probably had the lightest skin of any girl I've ever dated, and she has always dated black men exclusively. She use to always tell me, "a mi ME ENCANTAN LOS MORENITOS!!!" It has always been her preference. Race is a factor everywhere in Latin America, but it wasn't really of any circumstance to me when I was dating in Colombia. If a girl didn't want to date me just because I was black, it never bothered me because there were plenty of others that did. When I first went to Jamie's there were 30-35 women that showed up to meet me. That was just the women in his agency, and that was just a small smaple of the women from a single Colombian City. I've never been to the Ukraine, but I'm assuming it would be almost impossible for me to date there...which is a HUGE difference in comparison to a country like Colombia. Take a look at one of my past posts that details my perspective on racism in Colombia.

Sorry, I misunderstood you when you were talking about the clubs. I assumed you were talking about high end, dressy night clubs with $45,000 COP cocktails. LOL!!! I have experience with some of those private places as well, but none in Colombia.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 07:40:41 AM by benjio »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #435 on: August 28, 2014, 09:06:55 AM »

No biggie my man...I was just saying I have some experience with that in Colombia. All the other brothers I've met that live there have been through it as well.  ;) The difference in Colombia is there are actually quite a few women that have absolutely no problem dating black men. Some that actually prefer us!!! My last Colombian girlfriend probably had the lightest skin of any girl I've ever dated, and she has always dated black men exclusively. She use to always tell me, "a mi ME ENCANTAN LOS MORENITOS!!!" It has always been her preference. Race is a factor everywhere in Latin America, but it wasn't really of any circumstance to me when I was dating in Colombia. If a girl didn't want to date me just because I was black, it never bothered me because there were plenty of others that did. When I first went to Jamie's there were 30-35 women that showed up to meet me. That was just the women in his agency, and that was just a small smaple of the women from a single Colombian City. I've never been to the Ukraine, but I'm assuming it would be almost impossible for me to date there...which is a HUGE difference in comparison to a country like Colombia. Take a look at one of my past posts that details my perspective on racism in Colombia.

Sorry, I misunderstood you when you were talking about the clubs. I assumed you were talking about high end, dressy night clubs with $45,000 COP cocktails. LOL!!! I have experience with some of those private places as well, but none in Colombia.

I think on the coast it's a little more accepted, especially with you being a very light skinned Black man.
That being said, there is a huge difference between dating, and sometimes dating on the sly, and actually marrying.  I actually think you might be surprised at the number of Ukrainian women who would date you, but as you said, marrying would be a whole different matter.

Although I'm not too familiar with the agency scene and how it works, but I'm sure this Jamie guy urges many women to show up.  What is the normal show up rate for a fat, bald, old white guy?  If it is 20-25 I wouldn't be puffing my chest out too much if you got 30-35.  How many showed up out of curiosity? And maybe because you were younger than most.  You said in the linked post that some said in their profiles "no blacks".  I think at the end of the day, and behind closed doors, this is the case amongst the majority of non-black women in Colombia.  I hear it from their mouths all the time and understand the culture greatly.  And if a woman is being honest, she wouldn't say "me encantan los morenitos"...she would say "me encantan los negros"....

Regardless, as always there are exceptions, and I'm sure it's the case in the Ukraine also.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 09:10:11 AM by bernard »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #436 on: August 28, 2014, 09:27:10 AM »
In Colombia, it is the same issue with amerinian peple as well. The social ladder in Latin America is something like

1. White Europeans
2. Meztizos and Mulatos
3. Blacks and indigenous people
Its always , been this way, except of course way worse.

Its real interesting reading the history of South America. Right now I am reading a book on the Life of Simon Bolivar, the Author is Maria Arana, a Peruvian American. Good reading.

Sounds exactly like Peru, although in Peru most of the racism is towards amerindian Peruvians, the "Cholos", black people are very rare in Peru. The high end "pituco" discos in Lima are notorious for refusing entry to people who look too "indian", although things are changing there because there is a now a law that prevents this kind of discrimination.

Latin America is very racist and xenofobic in general. You just have to look at Youtube comments to see this...
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 09:31:44 AM by Elexpatriado »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #437 on: August 28, 2014, 09:39:50 AM »
In Colombia, it is the same issue with amerinian peple as well. The social ladder in Latin America is something like

1. White Europeans
2. Meztizos and Mulatos
3. Blacks and indigenous people
Its always , been this way, except of course way worse.

Its real interesting reading the history of South America. Right now I am reading a book on the Life of Simon Bolivar, the Author is Maria Arana, a Peruvian American. Good reading.

Yeah, very true. This exists in almost all countries in Latin America and is still very much part of the culture there.

That book sounds interesting, Is it this one?

Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #437 on: August 28, 2014, 09:39:50 AM »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #438 on: August 28, 2014, 09:42:17 AM »
Sometimes I think they pay these women to show up at these agencies. I sure wouldnt take anypride or shame in who does or doesnt show up.But it really doesnt matter, the more you meet, by whatever method, the better.

I think on the coast it's a little more accepted, especially with you being a very light skinned Black man.
That being said, there is a huge difference between dating, and sometimes dating on the sly, and actually marrying.  I actually think you might be surprised at the number of Ukrainian women who would date you, but as you said, marrying would be a whole different matter.

Although I'm not too familiar with the agency scene and how it works, but I'm sure this Jamie guy urges many women to show up.  What is the normal show up rate for a fat, bald, old white guy?  If it is 20-25 I wouldn't be puffing my chest out too much if you got 30-35.  How many showed up out of curiosity? And maybe because you were younger than most.  You said in the linked post that some said in their profiles "no blacks".  I think at the end of the day, and behind closed doors, this is the case amongst the majority of non-black women in Colombia.  I hear it from their mouths all the time and understand the culture greatly.  And if a woman is being honest, she wouldn't say "me encantan los morenitos"...she would say "me encantan los negros"....

Regardless, as always there are exceptions, and I'm sure it's the case in the Ukraine also.

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #439 on: August 28, 2014, 09:45:30 AM »
And if a woman is being honest, she wouldn't say "me encantan los morenitos"...she would say "me encantan los negros"....

People in Latin America will often say "moreno" instead of "negro" because negro (and "indio" as well) is sometimes used as an insult and some people get offended when you call them negro.

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #440 on: August 28, 2014, 10:08:07 AM »
Mmmmm....I think you guys need to do a little more research on Jamie's before making some of these assumptions. His track record isn't as good as it is for no reason. I can without hesitation make the statement that he doesn't "pay women to show up." That's absolutely absurbed. And I wasn't puffing out my chest at that number....all I was saying is there were women interested in me regardless of my race. I didn't comment on what they looked like (although the majority of them were at the very least attractive), whether they had children, etc. It's amazing to me how recently stating any fact about yourself on this board that's remotely positivel is automatically perceived as braggadocio.  ???

People in Latin America will often say "moreno" instead of "negro" because negro (and "indio" as well) is sometimes used as an insult and some people get offended when you call them negro.

This is very true. I'm sure Bernard has his own set of experiences but no one in Colombia has EVER referred to me as "negro." Also not sure what her saying that has to do with any level of honesty. I saw pictures of her ex's. They were all my color or darker. Why would a woman just outright say that for no reason in Colombia? That's nothing to be proud of or boast about...what would be her motivation?  ??? ??? ???

My track record on the coast is actually the worst. I had a lot more luck in Cali and Pereira.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 10:37:13 AM by benjio »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #441 on: August 28, 2014, 10:11:07 AM »
I think on the coast it's a little more accepted, especially with you being a very light skinned Black man.
That being said, there is a huge difference between dating, and sometimes dating on the sly, and actually marrying.  I actually think you might be surprised at the number of Ukrainian women who would date you, but as you said, marrying would be a whole different matter.

Although I'm not too familiar with the agency scene and how it works, but I'm sure this Jamie guy urges many women to show up.  What is the normal show up rate for a fat, bald, old white guy?  If it is 20-25 I wouldn't be puffing my chest out too much if you got 30-35.  How many showed up out of curiosity? And maybe because you were younger than most.  You said in the linked post that some said in their profiles "no blacks".  I think at the end of the day, and behind closed doors, this is the case amongst the majority of non-black women in Colombia.  I hear it from their mouths all the time and understand the culture greatly.  And if a woman is being honest, she wouldn't say "me encantan los morenitos"...she would say "me encantan los negros"....

Regardless, as always there are exceptions, and I'm sure it's the case in the Ukraine also.
a colombiana who's attracted to black guys would not say "negro." She'd definitely say "moreno" as it's much more respectful. My mother in law, when she gets upset with my father in law (who's dark as night) shouts "oye, negro!"...


Do an advanced search from my profile for my posts, referencing the word "racism." I've talked about being rejected for being black in Colombia so much on this board it doesn't make sense for me to continue to mention it. ESPECIALLY BY BLACK COLOMBIANAS!!!! Believe me.....I've been there. I will admit however, that I've been to some of the most high end places in Bogota and I've never had a problem getting in. Put on a nice suit and a pair of Italian Loafers and you'd be surprised how far it goes. I'm still curious you remember the name of any of these places?
I think that alot of times, the lighter skinned Colombianas actually prefer darker men, and the darker skinned women prefer lighter skinned men. My wife, who's half black half mestizo, prefers white men with blue eyes. The American rapper look with dreads and gold teeth is repulsive to her...The only black men she finds "simpatico/lindo" are black men in suits. In fact, she's always surprised when she sees a black man in a suit on TV (lets you know how racist Colombia is)...Me , I definitely prefer darker skinned women. In Colombia, some of the black women like my wife have "ojos achinados" or "cat eyes" which gives them an exotic, sexy look...


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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #442 on: August 28, 2014, 10:28:42 AM »
My ex-girlfriend (Astrid) always call her niece 'Negrita' even though she is mixed (with white mother and 3/4 black father)

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #443 on: August 28, 2014, 11:00:40 AM »
My wife, who's half black half mestizo, prefers white men with blue eyes.

A lot of women in Latin America are like this in my experience. They go CRAZY for blue/green eyes for some reason. I got compliments on my eyes even from MEN in Peru....

My ex-girlfriend (Astrid) always call her niece 'Negrita' even though she is mixed (with white mother and 3/4 black father)

Friends and family members do call eachother "negro", "negrita" ,etc. It isn't considered offensive when someone you know well says it. It is often said in a kind of teasing way.

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #444 on: August 28, 2014, 11:20:40 AM »
The original inhabitants of the Philippines (about 30,00 40,000 years ago, it depends on the source) are very short, African looking people called "Negritos' or 'Aeta' and like indigenous people in most nations, boy have they been screwed over. From what I've seen, they mostly live in the mountains away from populated areas, living under what's best called 'rudimentary' conditions.

Once or twice a year, the govt. tries to round them up and bring them to town to give them food and other items, as supposedly a gesture of charity.

>>The original people of the Philippines were  ancestors of the people known today as Negritos or Aeta. They are very small people with a dark skin and curly brown hair.<<
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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #445 on: August 28, 2014, 01:55:24 PM »
Mmmmm....I think you guys need to do a little more research on Jamie's before making some of these assumptions. His track record isn't as good as it is for no reason. I can without hesitation make the statement that he doesn't "pay women to show up." That's absolutely absurbed. And I wasn't puffing out my chest at that number....all I was saying is there were women interested in me regardless of my race. I didn't comment on what they looked like (although the majority of them were at the very least attractive), whether they had children, etc. It's amazing to me how recently stating any fact about yourself on this board that's remotely positivel is automatically perceived as braggadocio.  ???

This is very true. I'm sure Bernard has his own set of experiences but no one in Colombia has EVER referred to me as "negro." Also not sure what her saying that has to do with any level of honesty. I saw pictures of her ex's. They were all my color or darker. Why would a woman just outright say that for no reason in Colombia? That's nothing to be proud of or boast about...what would be her motivation?  ??? ??? ???

My track record on the coast is actually the worst. I had a lot more luck in Cali and Pereira.

Sure they never referred to you as "negro" to your face...Listen, the term "negro" is VERY popular in Colombia.  And especially in Cali...The vast majority of people "including negros" use the word negro instead of moreno in Cali, and is no way offensive in nature.  An ex NEGRA girlfriend of mine referred to her father "who is white" as Negro, as a term of endearment.  Her other brothers and mother did also.  You can refer to a black girl as "Negris" and it is a compliment.  Many spanish songs have been written using the term "negra" referring to a black woman.  Can't believe you spent any considerable time in Cali and not know this. 

And by having more "luck" in Cali than the coast, what is your definition of having luck?  getting laid, a kiss on the cheek?  Or a meaningful long lasting relationship?   From reading your posts, you evidently have spent much time (and money joining at least one marriage agency) to find the right girl, but it seems for whatever reason it hasn't worked out.  Do you think race has played any factor in not finding the "right" woman for you in Colombia?  Just curious, and this isn't an attack. 

Also, please keep in mind that Colombianas are very non-confrontational, and will say many things just to keep a man happy and not to offend.  With my many years of travel in Colombia and also living there, and being VERY fluent in Spanish, I just don't see how you can deny that the word "negro" is never used to describe Blacks, even by Black people.

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #446 on: August 28, 2014, 02:28:53 PM »
Sure they never referred to you as "negro" to your face...Listen, the term "negro" is VERY popular in Colombia.  And especially in Cali...The vast majority of people "including negros" use the word negro instead of moreno in Cali, and is no way offensive in nature.  An ex NEGRA girlfriend of mine referred to her father "who is white" as Negro, as a term of endearment.  Her other brothers and mother did also.  You can refer to a black girl as "Negris" and it is a compliment.  Many spanish songs have been written using the term "negra" referring to a black woman.  Can't believe you spent any considerable time in Cali and not know this. 

And by having more "luck" in Cali than the coast, what is your definition of having luck?  getting laid, a kiss on the cheek?  Or a meaningful long lasting relationship?   From reading your posts, you evidently have spent much time (and money joining at least one marriage agency) to find the right girl, but it seems for whatever reason it hasn't worked out.  Do you think race has played any factor in not finding the "right" woman for you in Colombia?  Just curious, and this isn't an attack. 

I haven't spent TOOOO much time in Cali. Probably much more than the average gringo but maybe only a month or two in total broken into 5 or 6 trips. That in comparison to years in Barranquilla, Bogota and Pereira if you put together the duration of all my trips to those cities. And I'm not saying what you are saying about the term "negro" isn't true. It's just isn't my experience in Colombia. Honduras, Ecuador and Peru...most definitely a little different. I define "luck" with women as mutual, genuine interest. That can result in various outcomes. One date, a few dates. A one night stand. A relationship. Friends with benefits. It all depends on the woman and timing. And just to be clear, when I say genuine, I mean the girl isn't just looking for a gringo just to buy her a few things or foot the bill for a night out on the town. During my tenure on Colombian Cupid, most of the girls I contacted (or contacted me) and actually met up with were from and in Cali. I'm not sure why that is. Probably just blind luck.

I need everyone here to understand though....that I'm a firm believer in the numbers game. As I've stated on previous occasions before, I have been rejected MUCH more than I've actually got a phone number or an email on dry approaches. Although it's not common in Colombia, some women will just completely ignore you and walk away. For every dozen messages I sent to girls on Cupido, I probably got one response, and 90% of those response resulted in NOTHING! I have definitely dated some very attractive girls in Colombia, but that's probably only because for every one of those, 50 others told me, "no" (or nothing at all).

Also, please keep in mind that Colombianas are very non-confrontational, and will say many things just to keep a man happy and not to offend.  With my many years of travel in Colombia and also living there, and being VERY fluent in Spanish, I just don't see how you can deny that the word "negro" is never used to describe Blacks, even by Black people.

That's true...but again, just not my experience in Colombia. I've been all over Latin America and believe me when I say, I have most definitely been called "Negro" more times than I can count. But as you can see by reading the post of other members here with experience in Colombia, "Moreno" is much more commonly used. I'm of the same opinion.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 02:32:07 PM by benjio »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #447 on: August 28, 2014, 02:50:05 PM »
I haven't spent TOOOO much time in Cali. Probably much more than the average gringo but maybe only a month or two in total broken into 5 or 6 trips. That in comparison to years in Barranquilla, Bogota and Pereira if you put together the duration of all my trips to those cities. And I'm not saying what you are saying about the term "negro" isn't true. It's just isn't my experience in Colombia. Honduras, Ecuador and Peru...most definitely a little different. I define "luck" with women as mutual, genuine interest. That can result in various outcomes. One date, a few dates. A one night stand. A relationship. Friends with benefits. It all depends on the woman and timing. And just to be clear, when I say genuine, I mean the girl isn't just looking for a gringo just to buy her a few things or foot the bill for a night out on the town. During my tenure on Colombian Cupid, most of the girls I contacted (or contacted me) and actually met up with were from and in Cali. I'm not sure why that is. Probably just blind luck.

I need everyone here to understand though....that I'm a firm believer in the numbers game. As I've stated on previous occasions before, I have been rejected MUCH more than I've actually got a phone number or an email on dry approaches. Although it's not common in Colombia, some women will just completely ignore you and walk away. For every dozen messages I sent to girls on Cupido, I probably got one response, and 90% of those response resulted in NOTHING! I have definitely dated some very attractive girls in Colombia, but that's probably only because for every one of those, 50 others told me, "no" (or nothing at all).

That's true...but again, just not my experience in Colombia. I've been all over Latin America and believe me when I say, I have most definitely been called "Negro" more times than I can count. But as you can see by reading the post of other members here with experience in Colombia, "Moreno" is much more commonly used. I'm of the same opinion.

Negro is Negro and Moreno is Moreno....they are absolutely 2 separate color and feature types.  Lebron James is a Negro, a typical dark skinned latin person without black features would be a Moreno.  Colombian Blacks who refuse to be categorized as a Negro or are insulted by the term are in denial.  Those who embrace "La Raza Negra" are proud of it and find no offense.

Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #447 on: August 28, 2014, 02:50:05 PM »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #448 on: August 28, 2014, 03:01:47 PM »
Negro is Negro and Moreno is Moreno....they are absolutely 2 separate color and feature types.  Lebron James is a Negro, a typical dark skinned latin person without black features would be a Moreno.  Colombian Blacks who refuse to be categorized as a Negro or are insulted by the term are in denial.  Those who embrace "La Raza Negra" are proud of it and find no offense.

I have heard latinos (Peruvians) call black guys "morenos" as well, even though technically "moreno" means someone with a brown/tan skin color and in Spain it is used to describe someone with brown hair.

I found this link (a forum from Costa Rica) where they discuss moreno vs negro

Some quotes:

Yo no soy negro, pero soy moreno y no me molesta que me llamen moreno o negro porque soy descendiente de familia de color. Lo que pasa es que depende de quien es el que te está llamando (llámese negro o moreno) se puede malinterpretar, porque para los negros en casi su totalidad no les agrada que una persona caucásica le llame 'negro' (dependiendo de la relación que tengan la persona que llama negro y al que llaman negro)

yo opino de que mas bien a algunos negros les molesta que les digan negros, porque segun ellos es un termino despectivo

Yo tengo varios amigos negros, y ninguno se ofende por que se les llame negro, pero creo que como han dicho ya, todo depende del contexto en el que se utilice la palabrita, a mí por lo menos me choca las personas que llaman morenos a personas negras.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 03:15:49 PM by Gavan »

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Re: Bit of a Dilema
« Reply #449 on: August 28, 2014, 03:15:49 PM »
Again, I am referring to COLOMBIA....not Peru, nor Costa Rica

Here is a Colombian journalist referring to the annual Festival Petronio Alvarez which is held every year in Cali to celebrate the music and culture of the Afro Colombians in the Pacific region of and see how he describes the musica y cultura NEGRA...

Now, can we put this to rest?  With all due respect, I don't want to throw my Colombian resume out there...some people might just know a little more than you guys.  LMAO


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