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Offline thekfc

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #350 on: January 21, 2011, 09:00:23 PM »
I also think that in the next couple of years we will start seeing 3D-compatible games but first the ownership of 3D televisions in the homes have to increase.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

Offline robert angel

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #351 on: January 21, 2011, 09:09:25 PM »
I don't think many if any, of us would've thought a year or two as of last summer, that the Droid X 'smart phone' would be pushing hi definition (720i) video, with HDMI out, micro USB, an 8 megapixel camera, and running at 1.0 MHz.

Most people, given the chance, would've probably picked RIM's Blackberry to rule the roost. Today, the Android platform outsells the iPhones. Today, anyways.

Nothing's ever static in technology and to no surprise, phones in the USA are running at 1.2 MHz and Motorola reasonably predicts 2.0 MHz in less than a year. I don't think many of us really know what smart phones will have in two years, except that many will be like techno Swiss Army knives, handling  mail delivery, web browsing, music, video streaming, word processing and much, much more, for a couple hundred dollars or less.

Heck in Asia, you can load your credit into them, buy almost anything and unlock your house or car with your 'phone'. Here, I can program my home's TV from work, or just watch high definition programing on it. I paid $99 for my Droid X, not too bad considering, although the two year contract, which is really closer to 18 months, fairly sucks.

I have to handle it to those Apple peddlers though. Their phone, their iPad, iPods and other Apple products, have a finesse about them, a certain sense of 'feel' in how they work, a certain style, that sets them apart. They almost scream 'come play with me' --very  user friendly. The Android platform, being open source, has it's advantages and in a way, hits at the weakness of Apple products--and at it's reliance on propitiatory applications and limited peripheral linkages available.

I like the iPad, but was shocked to find no USB port and not even a slot for a digital photo memory card. Other features are lacking too, (memory, even in their top of the line) but like other companies, such as Canon, they leave out desirable features to only add one or two with each new edition. Keeps the loyal customers buying.

But there's always a better mouse trap anda faster pussy cat down the line and I think companies like Motorala, HTC, Samsung and Nokia, to name but a few, are still 'in the game' and a competitor or even a surpasser for the iPad isn't too hard to envision.

Like Apple, Sony relies heavily on propitiatory marketing technology and the bloom has long been off of their roses.

Samsung is now the biggest electronics company on the planet and yet they feel, as do many other Korean companies, somewhat like illegitimate stepchildren. Why? Because they don't have a single product that seen alone, is as instantly identifiable with the company that made it as say the iPod or Walkman (remember the 'Walkman', boys?
They feel that until they have that cachet of something/s that represent 'instant brand name recognition', they will forever be seen as 'also rans'.

After all, I don't think Korean behemoth Hyundai wants to forever remembered for it's mid 1980's initial car offering in the USA, the nicely Italian styled 'Excel' that was so awfully built that some said it's best feature was the fact that it came with a rear window defroster standard. That way, when it broke down every winter and you pushed it, your hands stayed warm!

Some might argue that Korea is the 'new Japan' and that Hyundai is sniffing up Lexus's rear, nowadays. Few remember how the first Honda cars sold in America were total crap.

Honestly, I don't think any of us can accurately predict where technology and industry will be at in two, five or ten years, except to say it will surpass many dreamer's expectations.
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #352 on: January 21, 2011, 11:26:28 PM »
Not a joke at all, and I will be the first to call Windows CE/Mobile the garbage it is.

The phones I am talking about will be Dual/Quad Core, 1.6-2GHz, Out-of-order execution ARM A9/A15 or better level processors that will completely destroy the current generation of Intel Atom(in-order execution) processors on clock for clock performance, watts/frequency, and low power states. The shipping this quarter Motorola Atrix has 1GB of RAM onboard, it is not unreasonable to expect 2GB as a minimum spec for these phones in two years.

Desktop experience will be on par with today's sub-2GHz(Not Atom) multi-core laptops with equivalent RAM. Actually, it will be slightly better with all the gpu acceleration that is becoming popular.


I started programming with the MFC's, VC++, FoxPro and VB3 way back in the early 90's, and MS was promising pen computing as the next wave in user interface, a promise unfulfilled.  

Who fulfilled that promise?  Apple with the Ipad.

Next MS promised a richer user experience with a more robust UI and enhanced security.  They deliver Vista, a loser and resource hog, even by MS standards.

As a user and owner of most of MS product line I am privy to all of the promises made and unkept by Redmond, and there are many.  But one promise that they always keep is that to run their OS you need the latest and greatest hardware and a huge HDD and lots of expen$ive memory to run their products.

Why do I make that point?  Because with MS its always the promise of whats "next", not what you can purchase "now".  

Look at your above specs

"The phones I am talking about will be Dual/Quad Core, 1.6-2GHz"

As with all of MS Software, you need this horsepower to match the present performance of a similar smart phone offerings from Blackberry, Droid OS or Iphone operating with a CPUs with much less power and performance.

I exclusively used MS Windoze Mobile 5 and 6.  I wanted to upgrade my HTC smart phone to Windoze Phone 7, but....oh yeah, doesn't meet the minimum hardware requirements.  

So, I switched to a Blackberry.  Blows anything I've experienced in Windoze Mobile away!  And guess what, no more crashes, hanging and frozen screens.  You don't have to reboot the Blackberry OS 10 times a week, it just works and its fast!

Now we have Windoze Phone 7, the latest iteration of MS smart phone offerings.  I've only heard rumors but I've yet to see many people using this OS.  I'm skipping it, been there done that got the t-shirt.  Windoze smart phone market share is only 9% for good reason, it should be less.

Woody you stated "With the MS announcement of Windows 8 on ARM, a lot of MS initiatives finally made sense."  Are you forgetting that NT operated on RISC platforms?  Specifically MIPS R3000/R4000, and Alpha, with PowerPC, Itanium, and AMD64.  Over the last 20 years MS has dropped support for every major processor type and eliminated RISC base processor (ARM) support.

Why?  Main reason is because RISC based kernels require tight assembler code!  There are few languages in common use today (more than a factor of 5) more safer and more maintainable than assembler, line for line.

The MS paradigm is bloatware, VC++, C# and VB, these platforms require less real coding knowledge and allows anyone to write sophisticated apps quickly.  As Woody says, "just a checkbox in Visual Studio!"

The relative power is another matter; you can often do a lot more in 1,000 lines of VB than you can in assembler, BUT the trade off are apps that require more HDD space, more processor, more memory and are less secure.

Some of our esteemed posters argue that Windoze is attacked more by viruses because its more popular and every one is using it, and thats why the hackers target the Windoze OS more than any other.

Well, the real reason hackers love Windoze is very simple.  The OS and the apps are not written to be secure on purpose!  That is why you have to purchase 3 or 4 additional software packages such as virus, malware protection.  They want you to spend more money; they create a market for Symantec and McAfee, and their plan works!

Finally, the indication that MS will re-enter the RISC support arena again is the most obvious indication that Redmond admits its shortcomings.  Why write tight code when you don't have too?  

Well they are going to have to, as the form factors get smaller and smaller- tablets, gaming, smart phones- RISC is essential because of its more efficient processing, smaller package, lower operating temps and lower power requirements.

To the posters that disagree with my viewpoint, post yours, stop name calling.

I'm off topic, of course, but just giving my viewpoint on what others have already posted.

My advice to the smart shopper, look around, don't just purchase the cheapest PC or smart phone, read the online reviews!


« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 11:30:04 PM by z_k_g »
Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH

Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #352 on: January 21, 2011, 11:26:28 PM »

Offline Jedironin

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #353 on: January 22, 2011, 06:26:20 AM »

On a lighter note,

Anyone think this is the infamous she/him/it scammer Cris?

Just wondering.


Nope, that's not her.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.

Offline thekfc

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #354 on: January 22, 2011, 07:01:23 AM »
To the posters that disagree with my viewpoint, post yours, stop name calling.
The only name calling that I see is someone degrading a product by calling it windoze.

I also see that  everyone who is posting is giving their viewpoint - to each his own.

My advice to the smart shopper, look around, don't just purchase the cheapest PC or smart phone, read the online reviews!
Best advice -  try it out yourself, play with it, see how it performs, see how the features you want (not what somebody else like) works, put it to the test. I do not know about other places in the country but here in NYC you can go to the Apple, Nokia, Samsung, or any major retailer and try out a product.
You are the one who wil be using the product and you want to make sure that the products works for you - read the reviews but also have first hand experience/testing.

Remember many online reviews are nothing but a bunch of crap, a lot of them are bias, they tend to lean towards one product or another and may give the better "review" to the product that gives them more "perks".

Now I am now off to a private screening of the new Jackie Chan & Andy Lau movie - "Shaolin".
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #355 on: January 22, 2011, 09:27:57 AM »
"don't just purchase the cheapest PC or smart phone"
how about if i only want a dumb phone  ;D ;D ;D

p i g  ;)
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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #356 on: January 22, 2011, 03:17:01 PM »
The bait was a beautiful young woman. She had several tasteful pictures in modest surroundings, casually dressed. The profile was very tame with just the normal I'm looking for this and that with the prospect of marriage. There was nothing to raise any immediate flags. It started with an email and a quick introduction. Then came a quiet and reserved reply. There was none of the "lets get married I'm in a hurry" stuff. In fact it was just the opposite. It was lets go slow and really get to know one another.

We chatted, and over a month or two we became pretty close; close to the point that if we didn't chat I missed it, it was nothing big but I missed it. She was walking to the chat cafe everyday morning and evening to chat with me; going out of her way to make time available for us. I'm still on my guard here but I like this gal. Shes open, honest (so I thought), highly intelligent, and technologically up to speed. She has realistic goals and dreams. She knows that it will take time IF we decide that we're for one another.

Its probably three months now and shes never asked me for a cent. I wanted to help so after asking several times to pay for the chat time and being refused, I finally convinced her to let me
pay for one months chat time. I sent $50.00 because that is the smallest amount that I could send. She disappeared for two days and the alarms and bells went off. OK I sent money and she ran. At least it was only $50.00 right? Nope not the case.

The next evening shes on line waiting for me and she immediately starts a video chat. WTF!!! What is this with a webcam???? Shes NEVER had one. The story is that she had almost enough money saved to buy a laptop and the $50.00 I sent was enough to put her over the top so she got it. She wasn't on line because she was waiting for the internet to be connected at home. All of this was totally believeable. Flags lowered, but here is where additional flags should have gone up. She never ever mentioned that she was saving for a laptop. Thinking back we talked about everything and she never said a word. Although this may again be part of her not asking for money. She never not one time ever asked for a cent. She may not have said anything thinking that it would seem like asking. I really have no idea. Regardless, I think the laptop should have been a flag. It may have been payday from the previous scam victim. Who knows.

We continue to talk and over the next 3 months or so I start to seriously like her. So I start asking about visiting and explaining that I want to come meet her. That's when the idea of her trying to get a visitors visa pops up. This should have been a flag. I'm ready to spend serious money on her and here comes the next part of the plan. Based on what I had read here I told her that it was a waste of time. That it wouldn't happen, couldn't happen. She wouldn't hear it. She went to work and over the next month she gathered all the documents. She showed me her tax ID, birth certificate, passport, work history, and scheduled an interview. FLAG TIME!!! Where is she getting the money for all of this? I should have looked into this and found out for myself specifically what would be required but I thought it was a moot point because there was NO WAY she was going to get the visa! I totally missed this one. NEVER EVER move ahead without knowing exactly exactly exactly what is required.

She had the interview and the wait was supposed to be two weeks to know something. I didn't even bat an eye. It could be two weeks or two years, it ain't happening. Two weeks went by and then part of the 3rd week and she was wired tight waiting for word one way or the other. I endured it because I KNEW she was going to be disappointed. Then the day came!!! I GOT IT I GOT THE VISA!!! That is the day I started this thread.

I asked when she wanted to come here. I was just a stoked as she is now!!! This can't be happening. I was stoked to the point that I totally let down what was left of any guard that I had up. You all tried to rein me in but I wouldn't have anything to do with your nay saying. YOU WEREN'T THERE!!! You didn't see the hard work she went through, you hadn't talked to her for 8 months, NONE OF YOU knew what was really going on here!!!! Well I guess you did, but by that time I wasn't willing to listen. The truth be told you all pissed me off. What could you know!!!  

She said she wanted to get here as soon as possible. Heck I wanted her as soon as possible too. So she went to a travel agent and got a valid itinerary and she showed it to me. I checked the flights YES, all good info. See none of those guys know what they're talking about! I asked what the tickets cost and she told me. Shes has still to this point never not one time ever asked me for money. The next day I'm standing at Western Union and you all know the rest of the story.

This is a fairly precise recount of the major points of how this all went down. What did I miss? I know I should have listened to all of you now, but this setup was pretty amazing. She, maybe he, but I almost doubt that now, took all the time in the world to let me walk into the trap. This wasn't your typical scam. I don't care what anyone says about fat Uri, to me this was totally different. This was more of a hunter and the hunted. This was a stalk and very carefully crafted and executed plan. She was always able to recount anything that I had told her, even weeks later she would remember and be able to almost quote what I had told her. It wasn't as if she was nodding and agreeing with everything I said, she heard it, she stored it, and was able to recall it with amazing clarity.

Pick it apart. I'll add details as you ask for them. Lets not let anyone else get taken by this guy/gal/ whatever...

« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 03:46:19 PM by Bill_McC »
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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #357 on: January 22, 2011, 03:49:24 PM »


When you started talking about coming to visit her, was she receptive to the idea, or did she attempt to talk you out of it?

Have you had any more contact with her since the e-mail confessing that "she" was a "he"?

Did you know that she (he) also goes by "Kris" (with a K) online?


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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #358 on: January 22, 2011, 03:56:48 PM »
Maybe you can tell, maybe not. I'm over the hurt feelings and embarassment and now I'm PISSED! I want to shut this piece of waste down and not ever let her have another shot at anyone else. The only satisfaction I'll ever get from this is knowing that just maybe someone else can keep from getting taken by reading this thread.

I think the Ladyboy email was an attempt to embarass me, to gross me out, and make me walk away and drop it; to make it so embarassing that I wouldn't say anything and it almost worked. I almost ran away and crawled into a corner and didn't say anything. I think this is one very very sharp female.

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #359 on: January 22, 2011, 04:05:43 PM »

When you started talking about coming to visit her, was she receptive to the idea, or did she attempt to talk you out of it?

Have you had any more contact with her since the e-mail confessing that "she" was a "he"?

Did you know that she (he) also goes by "Kris" (with a K) online?


She wasn't against me coming it was more of a "wait I want to try this first". We both knew that I could only visit there for two weeks and that she could come for maybe 3 to 6 months. It was more of a "lets try this first" and keep you coming here as a reserve plan. So to answer honestly, no she wasn't dead set against me coming.

No, there has been no further contact.

Another flag I missed!
Yes I saw the facebook page with the Kris and the explaination was that it was her sister playing games on facebook and not really her account. I had totally forgotten about that. I sent that account a friend request and never got a response. When I asked why she didn't accept the request was when she told me it was her sister.

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #360 on: January 22, 2011, 04:12:50 PM »
My wife sister owns an internet cafe & one of her hieces work in an electronic store, so I will give a little info on the subject.

Having internet connection at home in the philippines is expensive. The primary purpose of having internet at home is for folks to talk to their families who are oversea. A lot of people will not spend their hard earn money to have home internet unless they a good job, can afford it or have some else pay for it. It will be better & cheaper to just pay for an hour of internet chat time at a cafe.

Also the going price for a used laptop is around 18,000 Php (about $400) - not many can afford that.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #361 on: January 22, 2011, 04:16:36 PM »

Yep, 'she' definitely sounds pretty sharp Bill!

Where did 'she' say 'she' lives? Which city/town?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #362 on: January 22, 2011, 04:21:32 PM »


This was a few years back, but the last time I checked, home Interent access over there was somewhere around $35/month and that's with a limited number of minutes/month.

Is that still the case from your knowlege?

Dave H?


Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #362 on: January 22, 2011, 04:21:32 PM »

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #363 on: January 22, 2011, 04:22:13 PM »

Not sure if you read any of my old posts.

I encountered over 300 pinays searching for the right  one.

Of course each conversation was unique but I asked the same questions in ALL of my initial conversations.

1. Are you single?
2. Do you have children?
3. Have you ever been married?
4. Are you a virgin
5. Are you a Lady Boy?

I came up with these basic questions by reading the P-L archives extensively and Stickmanbangkok's posts.

I was having some great conversations early on, and then one she/him/it informed me that "I am a Lady Boy".  I ended that conversation immediately and made sure I added that to my list of must ask questions.

Did you ever flat out directly ask was him/her/it - "Are you a Lady Boy?"

As far as the con game is concerned.

Bill, your emotions were in charge, he/she/it didn't have to do much else but keep the carrot in front of your nose.

The laptop?  The Visa?  The Computer virus?  

All clear red flags, you had he/she/it busted!

Don't give this crook more credit than is due.  You wanted to believe and you did!  Your personal perception became your truth!  

You ignored the red flags, no sophisticated new con here.

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #364 on: January 22, 2011, 04:22:29 PM »
Tondo(?) area of Manila. I've deleted and trashed her address and phone number and all the other notes I had on her. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I was in a "I have got to get rid of anything to do with her" mode a few days back.

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #365 on: January 22, 2011, 04:28:33 PM »

This was a few years back, but the last time I checked, home Interent access over there was somewhere around $35/month and that's with a limited number of minutes/month.

Is that still the case from your knowlege?

Dave H?


My wife currently pays 1200 pesos a month, she got the service so we can chat in private when she is not at the cafe. I am not sure what the limitations are...I will ask her later.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #366 on: January 22, 2011, 04:34:19 PM »
5. Are you a Lady Boy?

You ignored the red flags, no sophisticated new con here.


I'll add this to my list of questions in the future. No I didn't ever ask. In fact the thought that she might be never crossed my mind. Honestly I doubt that she is and had I asked the answer would have been no I'm not, I'm 100% real female or Filipina or something along that lines.

Yeah I missed the flags, but this gal took MONTHS to get it set up. She knew exactly how to make it work without ever seeming to be scamming or asking for anything. All the rest I've run across wanted a quick payday and were easy to see through. This was like a well rehearsed play from the first contact until the no show. She never forgot anything I told her. I wonder how many others shes taken with this. Several I would imagine because she knows exactly how to play it. Very well rehearsed...

"Always do right. That will gratify some of the people, and astonish the rest." -- Samuel Clemens

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #367 on: January 22, 2011, 04:37:23 PM »
Tondo(?) area of Manila.
We did pass through that area when I accompanied my wife to visit a Ninang in Caloocan.  If I am not mistaken, I think it is right next to Manila Bay.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #368 on: January 22, 2011, 04:56:17 PM »
Another flag I missed!
Yes I saw the facebook page with the Kris and the explaination was that it was her sister playing games on facebook and not really her account. I had totally forgotten about that. I sent that account a friend request and never got a response. When I asked why she didn't accept the request was when she told me it was her sister.

I can say for sure that if you send a fb request to a family member of someone you are chatting with, they will not just turn your down.

My wife have 10 nephews & 6 nieces & I am FB friends with all of them. We exchange messages & comments on a daily basic -not just between us but also with "friends of friends".  I think that I may have exchange comments with over 500 friends of theirs. I even had to turn off my email notification as I was being flooded with notifications.

So a sister would not have turn down your request, she would have accept as she would want to know about the guy her sister is chatting with.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #369 on: January 22, 2011, 07:25:15 PM »
I can say for sure that if you send a fb request to a family member of someone you are chatting with, they will not just turn your down.

My wife have 10 nephews & 6 nieces & I am FB friends with all of them. We exchange messages & comments on a daily basic -not just between us but also with "friends of friends".  I think that I may have exchange comments with over 500 friends of theirs. I even had to turn off my email notification as I was being flooded with notifications.

So a sister would not have turn down your request, she would have accept as she would want to know about the guy her sister is chatting with.

I had the boyfriend of a niece come up and "friend" me. Its a strange new world, whoever has the most friends on facebook wins. I guess like MySpace is that Friendster is losing members?

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #370 on: January 22, 2011, 08:01:11 PM »
I had the boyfriend of a niece come up and "friend" me. Its a strange new world, whoever has the most friends on facebook wins. I guess like MySpace is that Friendster is losing members?
That is common for them to add you as a friend. There were times that I got a request & I had to as my wife or one of the kids who is that person or if none of them is online, I would go to their (wife/niece/nephew) profile & see if that person is a friend of theirs.

I look at the number of friends that my wife's niece & nephews have FB and it is like 400 & up and only about 10% are mutual friends between them and if you combine them - that would be somewhere around 5000+ different friend.  Then if you add in their "friends of friend" that would be a pretty huge number. If you want to find something or someone, very likely one of those kids will know or know someone who knows - all they have to do it put it through "their network".  Don't be surprise if you ask someone in Manila about something related to Davao & they come back with a "perfect" answer for you.

I don't think any of them uses Friendster any more.
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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #371 on: January 22, 2011, 09:01:59 PM »
I guess like MySpace is that Friendster is losing members?
MySpace is for adolecents and the pedophiles who prey upon them.
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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #372 on: January 22, 2011, 11:30:52 PM »
I myself don't do any of that FB crap,too much potential for drama.
I am sure it may have some good sides but i just don't know of any


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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #372 on: January 22, 2011, 11:30:52 PM »

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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #373 on: January 23, 2011, 08:40:52 AM »
I myself don't do any of that FB crap,too much potential for drama.
I am sure it may have some good sides but i just don't know of any



I have three grown children. One is in Michigan going to school, one is in Arizona going to school and the other is a professional musician that travels extensively and is very difficult to contact because his life is always at night. Keeping in contact with the three of them is simple on Facebook. I've also hooked back up with two old Air Force buddies that I hadn't seen in over 20 years. We all met on Bourbon Street last spring and got reacquainted over oysters and a few adult beverages.

Call it crap as you wish, but to some its a very useful tool. You simply have to control it.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 10:35:28 AM by Bill_McC »
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Re: I'm totally amazed
« Reply #374 on: January 23, 2011, 08:50:54 AM »
Agree - I've been back in touch with quite a few old friends who I lost contact with over the years, and made a few new ones. Never had anything bad come of it.


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