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Author Topic: New international Dating Website  (Read 17803 times)

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Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: New international Dating Website
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2018, 07:51:04 AM »
Are you out of your mind LOL

Do you really think for a moment that guys are passing up on the gems in the US just so they can get worst women in Colombia jajaja

I don’t know what happened to you in colombia but I think you should spend a couple years dating in the US so you can learn to appreciate it again

No thanks I dont want dried up grandmas

But some guys do ok..mostly the 25 yo body building disk jockeys with the 40 yo cougars..I guess

I guess I am exagerating. Or maybe even trolling a bit.of course it is wayveasier to get laid in Colombia but the incidence of mental instability in women  is still higher in Colombia I would argue..

Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: New international Dating Website
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2018, 07:54:05 AM »
"Pathetic excuse of feminism." Wow! not too sure how to take this but maybe a little young, cant get a date period or just having a someone that is ok with picking up bar whores? I dunno, I was totally career minded for the longest. Had no problem getting laid and dropping some chick who was talking about having kids with me by the second or third date. Then I shacked up with a woman for about 5 years when I hit 35, eventually broke up with her and hit the dating scene at 40. Don't know what it was like where your at in the prairie states it's a friggin nightmare. Here's a few of my experiences in no particular order. First off I had gone back to college and was sitting in a class when a question was posed as to who tried online dating. Me and another guy my age didn't raise their hand while 40 other people around us raised their hand. This alone changed my mind about internet dating and the stigma of the stereo type. So I thought I would try an app that a recently divorced friend of mine suggested called POF (Plenty of fish). Cool I thought. I'm done with the old school of picking up women in churches, bars, grocery stores, gym, matchmaking friends (the last one of those wasted 5 years of my life).

1. Call her Sara. She was my first POF online date. We chatted about a week until I could get the time to meet her. Profile says she doesn't smoke but drinks which is cool since I recently quit smoking and wanted to keep it that way. She sounded and looked great. I arrive at a sushi joint and we go in and order food and start chatting as she is messing with her phone. Then I realize that her full attention is not on me and she notices and apologizes making the comment, "Sorry, I got involved with this new game that I'm addicted to." (really? That's how I rank on your attention span?) we make it through supper and go to another winery and sit on the back deck and the next thing I know she is lighting up a cigarette. During conversation I'm keeping polite and finding out more and she talks to me about her daughter. (another thing she lied about) As I'm talking to her she makes comment about her daughters adolescence is taking hold...she doesn't need a man but she wants one in her life. I basically got the "My life sucks and I want you in it so I can make your life miserable to.) I parted ways politely and drove for home.

2. I'll call her Cheryl. Cheryl was a deputy Sheriff a county over I discovered. She looked good as hell in her photo but when I met her I quickly discovered that she was not as tall and thin as I thought as she got out of the car at a restaurant I was looking at a blonde 6'7ft shaved grizzly bear standing upright. I had a pleasant enough dinner date with her and good conversation. When I got back I mentioned to the same friend who advised me of the POF that I went out with this woman and mentioned she was a police officer as he was too.
"Uh oh" he said.
"What?" I asked.
 "My advise is to never date a cop, trust me, bad Idea?" he replied.
"Why's that?" I queried.
"You'll find out." he said.
And boy did I. This woman would call at all hours of the night 3:am and want to talk for an hour. Never mind that I have to work in the morning. Conversations quickly went weird as I picked up on a certain Alpha personality. Not the strong woman type but the bully type or someone had some serious trust and control issues and I just picked up something weird that my subconscious was saying "RUN!" I wrote up a nice long let down letter, sat on it for 48 hours to make sure it was the right thing to do. I then called her and basically had the conversation with her outlined in the letter softly that its the "It's not you it's me." speech. I thought it went over well until the very next day when a local city cop was parked out near my car and followed me to work...for a month every morning.

3. I'll call this one Claire. She was cute as hell. Same age as me with two boys, a bit of a gamer and enjoyed World of Warcraft I believe. I thought nothing of it. Anyway we meet and I'm thinking I'm going to bang this chick for sure. Take her to a Sushi joint and quickly find out that she has never eaten sushi as she tries to manipulate chopsticks like a new born deer which was cool. What happened next was out of a dating comedy as she gave up on chopsticks and decided to try and eat with both the chopsticks, hands and mouth as she looked like a bulldog trying to bite at a stick while eating a wasabi filled grilled cheese sandwich. All the while other patrons gasp in wonder as they look over at us. Ok, I can shrug it off as o well, new experience for her. We go back to my place figuring I'm going to introduce her and my headboard. At this time her son's start tag teaming her about every 15 minutes and she shuts me down at a slider into second base because of the phone calls. As I'm driving her back she gets into an argument with one of he sons and I get a bit of the skinny on this woman as she says she encouraged her kids to drop out of school, she's going to be loaded soon as she wins her insurance settlement she has been fighting a couple years now and that she is living with her father and her best friend is... I think I caught myself doing 80mph at one point in a 55mph trying to get her azz home and out of my vehicle. I was tempted to make her do the 10mph tuck and roll but at least stopped in her driveway and as soon as she was out I hit reverse and sped away.

4. Kate, oh man. She was divorced about a year with a guy I used to work with and we met on chance. She was classy in her dresses, sexy as hell, had money as selling medical equipment, cool 9yr old son, and a great personality er personalities. Caught her husband cheating on her and gave him the boot. I went out with her a couple times and had a few rolls in the sheets that was probably the best sex ever for both of us. Then one night we are talking and she says, "Would you let me F#@* you?" She asks.
"Sure." I say not fully grasping what she was asking.
"I mean with a strap on." She says
"Really?" I ask
"Yeah, I've been watching some fem-dom and think I'd really like to try it."
"maybe." As I'm thinking to myself "poker face dammit, poker face."
"Oh not right now, It would be a ways in the future." She says to me looking passive.
From that point on our relationship changed as I realized that she felt rejected like she was planning that to happen that night. We just sort of went our separate ways. Still friends on FB but we never chat or even hit like on each others posts. Damn, she was fine though, but I guess there some things money cant buy like a Strap on in my azz.

5. Stephanie, She was right after Kate and I met her on POF. Medical billing transcriptionist working from home. I cant say much other than I really wasn't into her after sitting out side with my buddy (same one who recommended POF) having a beer when his phone beeps he looks at it and asks,
"Hey! Isn't this the chick your meeting tonight?" he says as he shows me his POF message back and forth with her as he is dirty talking back and forth for a lay.
"Yeah, in about an hour and a half." I say a little shocked
"Sorry bro" he says.
"No problem man...say can I borrow the keys to your house..and can you come home about 10pm."
"[snip] yeah brother," he says with a grin while flipping his keys.
I went and picked her up and brought her over for a few beers on the back deck and within an hour had her on the bed for an old pump and dump. Getting back dressed and walking her out, my buddy pulls into the driveway. I toss his house keys to him and say I'll be back in a minute once I drop her off. He's grinning ear to ear and I'm keeping straight faced as I use my peripheral vision to see the priceless expression on her face. She never said nothing but we all knew.

6. Cathy, oh man Cathy was a hoot. Photographer and short stint as a journalist for a local TV station. She came from a wealthy tobacco/horse farm family in Connecticut. She looked good when she came back from the dude ranch she would ride horse with and take photos in the back country ready to ride one more. I gave her a shot for a couple months. When we met she said she didn't drink but by date 2 we were always drinking together but not too much. I picked up a little that she quickly started to criticize my decisions, likes, taste and not constructively more of a irritable sort of mean way. That little voice in my head was telling me this is not going to last." I had suppressed that little voice in my 5yr relationship many times when I should have cut bait and left that toxic relationship. One more chance (or one more lay) I think as I invite her over and we do a Netflix and chill as she gets inebriated, becomes a total obnoxious drunk and passes out. No way could I get it up after that tirade. I got up off the couch, walked to my bedroom and shut the door with her still passed out on the couch. The next morning, she's gone. All my stuff is still there and I never heard from her again. Thank god!

7. Emily, Woman was bonafide and only one reason I knew here name. I met her at a bar in a large mall. Looking a hot mess I no sooner walk into the place and walking toward friends meeting me there. She grabs me and asks me to take her to her car to F#$%. I'm down and we go out in my jeep and pull over to a dark area and do the wild dirty while she is crying. Weird I know, but I kept going. She tells me it's her last night of freedom. We finish up and she jumps out and squats to take a pee in the parking lot. jumps back in and we drive back over to the bar, get out and walk back in and she disappears to another corner. My friends are all laughing as I tell them what happened. They apparently know her and she owns a Bridal Shop in town. Turns out she got busted for fraud, tax evasion or something of the like and was going to prison the very next day for 4 years or more.

These are just a few but so many other train wrecks I met. I always used to laugh at the dating comedies until I hit that 40yr old mark and then oh man I'm stuck in one. The new flavor of the week was fun for a little while as with apps like Tinder, POF etc are easy to meet women and get laid. I'm just in that settle down mode and find a things common in many women and it's not just "Feminism." Many woman at this age are just wrecks, getting out of bad relations ships, situations etc and just sort of have this attitude about them in many cases. They all want to be adored but I think many have a difficult time in trying to be ladies. (except Kate, but hey, I'm not taking a bullet in the arse for anybody.). It's too common any more that women try shove ladies into the classification of "Trophy Wife", "Gold Diggers", and "Princesses" or helpless weak women that are stay at home moms. Not saying there are not those out there but there are women out there that make their husbands feel appreciated, valued, wanted, needed and hold together a family. In turn we as men give them that adoration they want without even hesitating as you have a lady in the house that you want nothing more but to please as they are your number one priority. I want a lady and a lover, not just simply my best friend. Problem is that those women are already in happy relationships. I don't think I am alone in this as I see many guys my age or older that have never married yet they are good guys...they just don't put up with $hit. It's easy to dismiss from a certain point of view. I have friends that married their high school sweetheart or early 20's that will never be able to comprehend what is out there if they get divorced/widowed/widower.

Shouldnt date women from the insane asylum

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Re: New international Dating Website
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2018, 01:13:42 PM »
Shouldnt date women from the insane asylum

Fosgate's post was great and funny as hell in parts. I actually laughed out loud. Of course no one here acknowledges, or maybe there's a lack of a 'sense of humor' around here for a few years now. Really little acknowledgement when someone writes an excellent post, period.

But online profiles and the actual person, are usually two very different things. It's rare that you can tell if they're real, quirky or psycho at first. At best, you might glean that they're poorly educated,  flaky, have a real weird sense of humor, are materialistic or probably are not totally truthful.

How people see themselves is often self delusional or at best, perhaps it's what they'd like to be.

Most of us lie to our own selves subconsciously when we look in the mirror for starters. I don't see a guy who's a day past 45 y/o, maybe because I don't feel that old, I dunno...

I did the and cupid sites. Used to dread 1st dates, the dress rehearsals, then the 'play'---errr, 'date'.

 Nowadays for people in their mid 40's and up, I guess it's Zoosk that's hot lately for relationships. For a quick bang, I guess Tinder covers a lot of range.

But I can attest to having had dates with women who had great profiles, but within a date to maybe several dates, finding out they were very different.

Many had a lot of emotional baggage that they in various ways projected onto males in general, many had a variety of personality disorders, addictions, a severe lack of this, too much of that--or were just psychos, who's nuttiness wasn't apparent at 1st.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 02:37:17 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Re: New international Dating Website
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2018, 01:13:42 PM »

Offline Wildstubby

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Re: New international Dating Website
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2018, 08:15:11 AM »
Robert angel said:
Fosgate's post was great and funny as hell in parts. I actually laughed out loud. Of course no one here acknowledges, or maybe there's a lack of a 'sense of humor' around here for a few years now. Really little acknowledgement when someone writes an excellent post, period.

But online profiles and the actual person, are usually two very different things. It's rare that you can tell if they're real, quirky or psycho at first. At best, you might glean that they're poorly educated,  flaky, have a real weird sense of humor, are materialistic or probably are not totally truthful.

How people see themselves is often self delusional or at best, perhaps it's what they'd like to be.

Most of us lie to our own selves subconsciously when we look in the mirror for starters. I don't see a guy who's a day past 45 y/o, maybe because I don't feel that old, I dunno...

I did the and cupid sites. Used to dread 1st dates, the dress rehearsals, then the 'play'---errr, 'date'.

 Nowadays for people in their mid 40's and up, I guess it's Zoosk that's hot lately for relationships. For a quick bang, I guess Tinder covers a lot of range.

But I can attest to having had dates with women who had great profiles, but within a date to maybe several dates, finding out they were very different.

Many had a lot of emotional baggage that they in various ways projected onto males in general, many had a variety of personality disorders, addictions, a severe lack of this, too much of that--or were just psychos, who's nuttiness wasn't apparent at 1st.
No doubt that most if not all of us can identify with the experiences Fossgate5 wrote. I am also not delusional with the fact that women say the same thing about us as guys! As far as 'emotional baggage', they all, (let's face it, we do too!), carry some. It all depends on what you can tolerate. To me, I have a measuring stick that is called my 'ex-wife'! You may laugh but whilst I was enduring the 'great war', I sought the services of a therapist. He was my ex's before she left, so he knew her way of thinking and such. Because of that he told me that it would be very easy for me to accept another woman similar to my ex. He told me not to do it because I would be in the same boat again only instead of 25 years, 2~3 years. So I have yardstick to measure women with. I may be prejudiced, but I am not going to ruin my life or someone else's. Period! So learn from each experience and let it be your guide. Learn what you can put up with and what you can't tolerate. I think eventually, you, (and I) will find someone who fits well in your life. Not perfect, but adequate enough.

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Re: New international Dating Website
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2018, 08:43:35 AM »
Robert angel said:No doubt that most if not all of us can identify with the experiences Fossgate5 wrote. I am also not delusional with the fact that women say the same thing about us as guys! As far as 'emotional baggage', they all, (let's face it, we do too!), carry some. It all depends on what you can tolerate. To me, I have a measuring stick that is called my 'ex-wife'! You may laugh but whilst I was enduring the 'great war', I sought the services of a therapist. He was my ex's before she left, so he knew her way of thinking and such. Because of that he told me that it would be very easy for me to accept another woman similar to my ex. He told me not to do it because I would be in the same boat again only instead of 25 years, 2~3 years. So I have yardstick to measure women with. I may be prejudiced, but I am not going to ruin my life or someone else's. Period! So learn from each experience and let it be your guide. Learn what you can put up with and what you can't tolerate. I think eventually, you, (and I) will find someone who fits well in your life. Not perfect, but adequate enough.

WIld...highly recommend you.go to this site and read the whole thread..and keep an open.mind

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Re: New international Dating Website
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2018, 09:31:36 AM »
Worst than the US is what I have heard
Definitely one of the funniest PL posts I've read in my 8 years on this site. But it also highlights how difficult it is to date in the US if you are 40 or over.....

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Re: New international Dating Website
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2018, 09:47:47 AM »
    Robert angel said:No doubt that most if not all of us can identify with the experiences Fossgate5 wrote. I am also not delusional with the fact that women say the same thing about us as guys! As far as 'emotional baggage', they all, (let's face it, we do too!), carry some. It all depends on what you can tolerate. To me, I have a measuring stick that is called my 'ex-wife'! You may laugh but whilst I was enduring the 'great war', I sought the services of a therapist. He was my ex's before she left, so he knew her way of thinking and such. Because of that he told me that it would be very easy for me to accept another woman similar to my ex. He told me not to do it because I would be in the same boat again only instead of 25 years, 2~3 years. So I have yardstick to measure women with. I may be prejudiced, but I am not going to ruin my life or someone else's. Period! So learn from each experience and let it be your guide. Learn what you can put up with and what you can't tolerate. I think eventually, you, (and I) will find someone who fits well in your life. Not perfect, but adequate enough.

    I think that both sides are inevitably effected to various degrees by the "ex factor". And it's long been known that in terms of personality, behavior and even looks, we often after a long relationship ends, go for a person that subconsciously or not, has many of the same characteristics that our ex had. 

    People have told me my wife looks like my ex, but I don't see it. My ex's face has more often than not been 'pouty' and smirking looking.
     She's several inches taller, painfully thinner and she's 25 years older. And good thing she's a critical cardiac nurse, coz she's always serious as a heart attack...

    On the other hand,  just last week, one of the big bosses at my wife's company commented in a nice way: "You always seem to be smiling"---it's true, and she can bring up the spirits of a whole room.

    And inside, she's almost unfailingly nice--- but she's no dummy and can read wicked peoples ways and be aware of their potential to "throw her under the bus" to advance their own careers. But she still might think forgivingly 'oh--they maybe have have sad things in their lives I don't know about--I'll pray for them."

    People at her corporate job have noticed and complimented her, while saying things like: "Yea, kill them with kindness--way to thank her and welcome more of her 'help'--great letter back to the bitch"

    She's  no Don Corelone, but she "She keeps her friends close, and her jealous enemy's closer" and tries to never let people outside her inner circle Know what she's thinking...."

    But damn, I think she could find a silver lining in a chunk of coal...

    Meanwhile, my 1st wife can never, ever, let a grudge go. I once won a hundred million dollars. Well, 'almost' --- there was ONE stipulation: I had to get my exwife to say THREE words to me. I explained the stipulation dictated that upon her saying the three words, something maybe like "that sounds good"---she'd get 50 million, I'd get the other 50 mil.

    She looked at me and dead pan as ever, simply said:

    "You lose"

    (joke, but indicative of her mindset)

    Somebody cuts me off in traffic and my wife very well might say: "Honey, stop--maybe someone in their family is very ill-- you never know--grant them grace."

    Meanwhile, I want to say: "Honey, get my 45 out of the glove box-- careful, there's one in the chamber."

    But back to my preramble, ( yikes, another new word?) people often do remarry folks who are once again prone to drug, alcohol and other addictions, people who have extremes in temperament, including becoming physically violent when angry, along with other negative characteristics---and there are books full of such characteristics.

    Sometimes a woman's so hot looking, we're freaking blind to maybe her having "666" tattooed on her forehead, just under the hairline, LOL.

    While you have to be cautious in soliciting a large number of person's--even your family's initial opinion on a prospective bride,  especially an overseas spouse, it's good to have a great friend or a select few, who's judgement you trust weigh in---if they've REALLY come to know her and you can accept that they do.

    In my first marriage. I asked my best friend to be my Best Man at the wedding. He'd known my 1st wife, who was already living here, as long as I did. They'd never had a disagreement.

    Yet he said: "Robskie, love ya like a brother, but I just can't do that--I don't think you're right for each other". He came to the wedding out of respect alright, but his feelings turned out to be spot on, dammit....He thought highly of my current wife from the git go and was at that wedding too.

    But we usually don't see dangerous similarities when we're infatuated and 'in love' and as such, the resultant second train wreck's usually just a matter of time,  as history does tend to repeat itself...
    « Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 11:30:27 AM by robert angel »
    Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #32 on: March 31, 2018, 11:00:08 AM »
    WIld...highly recommend you.go to this site and read the whole thread..and keep an open.mind

    I have a hard enough time dealing with the betas on this board that can't help feeling sorry for themselves and are full of sad stories to tell. But betas giving other betas advice will NOT work.
    You need to get advice from people that aren't easily taken advantage of. And that is where I come in. LOL!   

    First time you meet, they are all over you, "I love you," etc etc. On the second date, she's sad "I lost my job, and if I can't pay my rent, I'll be out on the street with nowhere to live". Tugs at the heart strings, especially when she has a little child.

    I don't normally date women with children there is a lot of distractions when children are involved. If the father doesn't care enough to make sure his child has a roof over his head why should you. Guys that take care of women that have other guys children are enablers.
    They let women go out and [snip] alpha males that have no intention of forming a family and have children with them while the betas end up having to help the woman out so they can get a decent piece of ass.

    If you find yourself in the above situation there is nothing to do but walk away. She has already pegged you as a loser that likes her more than she likes you or she would never have asked you to pay her rent on the second date.

    Hope the guy at least got laid on the first date. jajaja

    ]There are many variations of this, "My sister needs an operation, or she may die. We can't afford health insurance, and I love her so much, she is the only person in the world that I have" .

    Same thing again....she has pegged you as a loser that wants to be with her more than she wants to be with you. If this keeps happening than some serious self reflection is in order.
    Betas telling betas this is common is not good....this kind of stuff rarely happens to me and if it does....there is no further communication at all.
    I can't really tell you why Colombian women don't try to abuse me in this way....maybe I don't come across like I am totally infatuated with them. Or that I some how think more of them than myself.....but if you have experienced this type of behavior more than a couple times with Colombianas I think you should start by taking a hard look at yourself and what you can do to improve your interactions with women.

    She takes you to a shopping mall, and drools over something she loves. Looks at you with puppy dog eyes, and she has even trained for many years to bring tears to her eyes just at the right moment. You'll feel so good buying it for her. But after you've gone home, she takes it back to the shop for a refund.

    I actually had this happen to me once for the first time when I turned 50. jajaja

    But since I never bought her the Iphone I have no idea whether or not she would have taken it back for cash.
    The chick was extremely hot and good in bed and maybe if my ego wasn't as big and I had very few options with other women....I might have had a beta moment and bought it for her. jajaja

    She needs to go shopping for a new bed. She finds one she likes, but when she gets to the checkout, she suddenly realizes she doesn't have any money. If you're hard enough to ignore this, or pretend you don't understand, she will then pull out her credit card, which she didn't know she had in her purse. Guess what? Its declined. She looks at you ...... Seriously, who goes shopping with no money, and a credit card that's useless? If you don't smell a rat here, there's no hope for you,

    I never had a situation where something like that happened. But I don't go shopping with women that aren't my girlfriends. But if the situation did arise I think I would have handled it like a colombian guy would. Just say I would love to help you but I can't right now. Which translates into "you aren't [snip]ing me enough for me to buy you that right now." jajaja

    I did by a mattress for my current girlfriend....but it was my idea....I just hate sleeping on one of those hard foam colombian mattresses.

    I could go on and on....but what is the point....unless you some how change the way you look at yourself and women there will be no change in your relationships with women ever no matter where you go. You will still have problems.

    I think I have one more advantage that the average beta doesn't. I think I'm pretty good at picking women to go out with that already want to sleep with me. I don't just randomly go out with women to see if they like me. If I don't get the impression that they want to [snip] me I just never ask them out at all. 

    The first night making love should be a really special occasion, (she says), so you book a holiday somewhere nice ........ but she is embarrassed that her night clothes are old. This actually happened to me ... so I said ok, order a nice sexy baby doll nighty. She did, and the total bill for clothes came to over 3 million pesos. (I dumped her on the spot, and took another girl on the holiday to save wasting it, haha.

    Never go on holiday with a woman that you have never slept with before. I have seen betas do this because they think it will improve there odds of getting laid....usually turns out to be a nightmare for them. I know a guy that actually slept in the same bed with a Colombiana on various occasions and still couldn't  get any. Now that is pathetic.
    « Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 11:49:38 AM by Calipro »

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #33 on: March 31, 2018, 01:13:29 PM »
    This guy is just giving examples

    Ridiculous ones I admit..

    Some guys have run into in the past

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #34 on: March 31, 2018, 01:21:43 PM »
    This guy is just giving examples

    Ridiculous ones I admit..

    Some guys have run into in the past

    The problem is he thinks they are relevant examples
    And worst part is some guys can relate to him LOL

    The guy reminds me of Gato and that isn’t good
    « Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 01:27:31 PM by Calipro »

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #35 on: March 31, 2018, 04:11:42 PM »
    elexpatriado said:
    WIld...highly recommend you.go to this site and read the whole thread..and keep an open.mind
    Been there, read that! My buddy 'Coladmin' told me before he took his website down, "If a woman asks you for money for family, children, mother, etc., throw the red flag! They were able to survive before you came into their life. They will survive the same way if you are out of it!"

    Offline robert angel

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #36 on: March 31, 2018, 05:45:44 PM »
    elexpatriado said:Been there, read that! My buddy 'Coladmin' told me before he took his website down, "If a woman asks you for money for family, children, mother, etc., throw the red flag! They were able to survive before you came into their life. They will survive the same way if you are out of it!"

    Did a very expensive 'one trip, one woman' thing, spending a few weeks with a pretty, well educated woman. She had a well behaved young son, as well as a good job.

    It didn't take long  for the kid to begin (coached?) to address me as "Dad" and for this woman, who I'd never known to have issues supporting herself before, to having a regular procession of life crisis situations, all needing my money to resolve.

    On top of that, she was terribly jealous, even calling me at my workplace.

    When I broke up with her, she informed me that she wasn't surprised,  because she'd been looking for a sign--- a signal from God, telling her that I was indeed 'the one' for her.

    Sometime later,  she married a wealthy engineer from England. He stayed in her country, married her and spoiled her materially. But it wasn't long before he left her, moved back to England and was able to divorce her from there, leaving her bitter, high and dry.

    I didn't know that God worked in the financial sector!
    « Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 05:52:18 PM by robert angel »
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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #37 on: March 31, 2018, 08:30:17 PM »
    Robert angel said:
    Did a very expensive 'one trip, one woman' thing, spending a few weeks with a pretty, well educated woman.
    I made that same mistake also. We were good during the texting and the talking. But when I visited her, I knew in the first 5 minutes it was bad chemistry! Spent another 2 days in a country where I didn't know anyone (other than an ex girlfriend who actually salvaged a day for me). She was also much younger than me, (32). From that point on I didn't date anyone younger than 38. Personally, I don't mind dating the older ones, (my last one was 55!). As long as they have their head on tight, it makes no difference to me!

    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #37 on: March 31, 2018, 08:30:17 PM »

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #38 on: March 31, 2018, 09:23:24 PM »

    Never go on holiday with a woman that you have never slept with before. I have seen betas do this because they think it will improve there odds of getting laid....usually turns out to be a nightmare for them. I know a guy that actually slept in the same bed with a Colombiana on various occasions and still couldn't  get any. Now that is pathetic.

    That happened with me was with a beautiful colombian babe.... ...BUT I had explosive diarrhea from the barranquilla Instead of making the moves to bone down, I had to suffer in every way while trying not to not soil the bedsheets, after embarrassing myself on the crapper. 

    09/08 saw morena goddess on Jamie's website
    09/08Began writing/webcamming future wife
    10/08Visited BAQ to meet future wife
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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #39 on: April 01, 2018, 12:32:44 AM »
    This guy is just giving examples

    Ridiculous ones I admit..

    Some guys have run into in the past

    2/13/2018 07:16 EST


    If you dont treat her specifically like a "working girl"....with expectations of how many times a week for sex..for so much money..
    Shes gonna try and manipulate you.

    Thats what interesadas do. Thats why they are worse than prepagos.

    LMFAO! I'm starting to see why you give the advice ...that you do. LOL!
    « Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 12:35:26 AM by Calipro »

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #40 on: April 01, 2018, 06:07:44 AM »
    Quote from: Calipro link=topic=5104.msg135468#msg135468

    2/13/2018 07:16 EST


    If you dont treat her specifically like a "working girl"....with expectations of how many times a week for sex..for so much money..
    Shes gonna try and manipulate you.

    Thats what interesadas do. Thats why they are worse than prepagos.

    LMFAO! I'm starting to see why you give the advice ...that you do. LOL!

    Take it out of context.I was responding to a guy who thought "sugar daddy " relations were okay...and I said if you want those tyoe of relations you have to set ground rules..otherwise she will walk all over you

    Never said I agreed with those type of relationships or think they are the best type..quite the opposite

    Read the whole thing..dont just cut and paste
    « Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 06:13:04 AM by Elexpatriado »

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #41 on: April 02, 2018, 11:31:55 AM »

    Take it out of context.I was responding to a guy who thought "sugar daddy " relations were okay...and I said if you want those tyoe of relations you have to set ground rules..otherwise she will walk all over you

    Never said I agreed with those type of relationships or think they are the best type..quite the opposite

    Read the whole thing..dont just cut and paste

    I don't know about the context but I think these quotes are telling. Personally I don't think you should be sending pics of your puta to other guys. She might have her barrio boyfriend off you for exploiting her. And we can't afford to lose you as a valuable forum contributor

    2/8/2018 20:29 EST

    Akabe a do a calculation.. cost per lay. If its many more times than sex with a hooker, and you arent getting anything else out of it..time to leave

    2/8/2018 20:42 EST

    Finally a thread with a little honesty.
    You dont marry these putas..just bang them-
    The last one I was with was screwing around with her ex in Mexico. I banged her before she left and when she came back.

    I am gonna send him the pictures. And Whatsapp notes.(date posted)

    The schmuck made her part of the family. Introduced her to his family and 2 daughters.

    I told here "What kind of influence you gonna have on the girls? Teach them to be Putas?
    « Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 11:42:36 AM by Calipro »

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #42 on: April 02, 2018, 04:06:32 PM »
    Years ago I used to wonder why some guys waste their time and money in going overseas to go bang some of these girls. Stationed in Germany I was two doors down from a guy (Call him Z)that would bang on my door every Saturday morning.
    He would ask "Want to go with me to Frankfurt?"
    "What do you want to do there?" I asked back
    "Oh go to a few clubs and the red light district." He'd reply.
    "Sorry man, don't have the cash right now." I'd respond.
    Two mechanics went with him once and told the story that they all went in to a Red Light club. They all came back out about the same time except Z just lit up a cigarette and just said he just needed to catch his breath and he's going back in. He did that another time as well. Three shots into a prostitute before they left. This was just as the Army in Germany began it's "Single Soldier Initiative" where we could only have military issued equipment always ready for inspection and we could dress our rooms however we wanted so long as it was clean. 1st Sergeant came through a walk through of Z's room and we just hear TOP say "Jesus man! No wonder why your not married! Girls come in here and they freak right the hell out." You see Z had his room wallpapered in Hustler and Penthouse centerfold spreads along with a Hustler magazine rack that was about waist high stuffed with raunchy mags. Yeah, Z was a freak or a Sexual Tyrannosaur, your pick.

    Anyway, Women were always for the most part fun, free spirited, positive attitude until I hit about 40. Maybe that is some trickle down of the 80's or just an era sort of thing. But if I was in my 20' or 30's, single and had the choice of dating some of the negative attitude (Can't Don't), mean women. I would probably schedule my vacations around some of these areas and setup a gaggle of honeys to bang while I was there until you find the right woman to marry. (I say that in the idea of consensual adults, not some creepy sex tourists screwing teens and toddlers.) Apps like Tinder and POF make it a lot easier to get a bed warmer for a night but there always seemed to be a catch to it. Like married women posting that she is single in there and you bang her only to have her husband track you down. (I know a couple people have this happen.), women finding out where you live and sitting outside your house or stalking you etc.

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #43 on: April 02, 2018, 05:52:25 PM »
    I think what surprises me most about expat
    Is that he seems generally disgruntled  and disappointed in Colombian women as a whole
    While the few mongers I know in Medellin seem to be very happy and in general have a very good opinion of their women

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #44 on: April 03, 2018, 10:29:39 AM »
    I think what surprises me most about expat
    Is that he seems generally disgruntled  and disappointed in Colombian women as a whole
    While the few mongers I know in Medellin seem to be very happy and in general have a very good opinion of their women

    I've ran across both types of men in Latin America. I don't know Expat so I'm not trying to say he's one of the "disgruntled" types, but those guys usually initially went to LA with preconceived notions of what women SOTB were like, then a few bad experiences changed their minds. The guys that are content and happy with young, beautiful, dating women in countries like Brazil in Colombia have accepted that it is what it is. For most of these girls beauty is all they have to offer. It's their only tangible commodity. The culture there teaches them they should get something in exchange for it. They are also more than well aware that beauty is fleeting. In their minds their self worth depreciates with age because they are becoming less and less attractive as they get older. This is where the whole "you have to get married before 30" stigma comes from in Colombia. Once I spent significant time there and understood this the playing field became even. It really doesn't matter if the girl is a prepago, interesada, sugar baby or what you think is an honorable "good girl." If she's hot it's going to cost you. At the very least a lot of your time; but usually much, much more.

    If you want to have great sex with a really beautiful girl then do what's necessary to make that happen. Don't bitch about the nature of hot women, the prerequisites involved in bedding her or subsequent BS after the fact. If you want a woman to clean your house get a maid. If you want a woman to cook ask your maid to learn or hire another one that does. They're not very expensive in Latin America. If you want a woman to be faithful to you take her virtuousness into consideration more than her T&A. Every single time I've dated a girl in Colombia and she was unfaithful I found out. They are HORRIBLE at living double lives and usually someone will just outright tell you what she's doing out of jealousy. To have all those characteristics wrapped into one woman you'll probably have to play the field a while. Be patient and enjoy yourself. If you can control your emotions and think at least a little with your big head the journey is so much better than the destination.

    One thing about the feminist movement in North America and Europe is it taught even the most beautiful women that they have a choice. They don't have to value themselves based on the way they look. They can study. Be successful...independent. Self made and self sufficient. Your average, exceptionally good looking Latina between 18 and 30 years old rarely considers the possibility of her making her own way. She may end up truly falling for you, but at first I can guarantee you she was thinking, "what can I get out of this guy." That's just the way it is.

    You actually have to respect their viewpoint. Most young beautiful women in the U.S. these days is happy with being associated with a man that has status. The fact that he's rich is enough for a lot of them. He doesn't have to give them money. The fact that he's well known or even very famous and they can take pictures with him and post them all over social media holds a tremendous amount of value. The guy doesn't have to commit to them or marry them these days. They'll sleep with a guy just because he is who he is. In Latin America that's usually not enough. They need and expect to be provided for.
    « Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 10:42:23 AM by benjio »

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #45 on: April 03, 2018, 12:56:23 PM »

    I've ran across both types of men in Latin America. I don't know Expat so I'm not trying to say he's one of the "disgruntled" types, but those guys usually initially went to LA with preconceived notions of what women SOTB were like, then a few bad experiences changed their minds. The guys that are content and happy with young, beautiful, dating women in countries like Brazil in Colombia have accepted that it is what it is. For most of these girls beauty is all they have to offer. It's their only tangible commodity. The culture there teaches them they should get something in exchange for it. They are also more than well aware that beauty is fleeting. In their minds their self worth depreciates with age because they are becoming less and less attractive as they get older. This is where the whole "you have to get married before 30" stigma comes from in Colombia. Once I spent significant time there and understood this the playing field became even. It really doesn't matter if the girl is a prepago, interesada, sugar baby or what you think is an honorable "good girl." If she's hot it's going to cost you. At the very least a lot of your time; but usually much, much more.

    If you want to have great sex with a really beautiful girl then do what's necessary to make that happen. Don't bitch about the nature of hot women, the prerequisites involved in bedding her or subsequent BS after the fact. If you want a woman to clean your house get a maid. If you want a woman to cook ask your maid to learn or hire another one that does. They're not very expensive in Latin America. If you want a woman to be faithful to you take her virtuousness into consideration more than her T&A. Every single time I've dated a girl in Colombia and she was unfaithful I found out. They are HORRIBLE at living double lives and usually someone will just outright tell you what she's doing out of jealousy. To have all those characteristics wrapped into one woman you'll probably have to play the field a while. Be patient and enjoy yourself. If you can control your emotions and think at least a little with your big head the journey is so much better than the destination.

    One thing about the feminist movement in North America and Europe is it taught even the most beautiful women that they have a choice. They don't have to value themselves based on the way they look. They can study. Be successful...independent. Self made and self sufficient. Your average, exceptionally good looking Latina between 18 and 30 years old rarely considers the possibility of her making her own way. She may end up truly falling for you, but at first I can guarantee you she was thinking, "what can I get out of this guy." That's just the way it is.

    You actually have to respect their viewpoint. Most young beautiful women in the U.S. these days is happy with being associated with a man that has status. The fact that he's rich is enough for a lot of them. He doesn't have to give them money. The fact that he's well known or even very famous and they can take pictures with him and post them all over social media holds a tremendous amount of value. The guy doesn't have to commit to them or marry them these days. They'll sleep with a guy just because he is who he is. In Latin America that's usually not enough. They need and expect to be provided for.

    The more I read credible posts like the above, the more lucky I realize I am. I have to worry about retiring next month and unless I don't sleep in Mon. - Fri., having to possibly give up breakfast in bed.

    After over a dozen years, I may rediscover Pop Tarts and instant oatmeal. If that's the case, she'll at least have the coffee made before she heads off to work.

    Meanwhile, she's excited about not having to wash iron my dress shirts and pants every week.

    I even learned how to make ice cubes, boil water and found where the vacumn cleaner is.

    She's a very happy young lady!
    Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #46 on: April 04, 2018, 12:05:08 PM »

    One thing about the feminist movement in North America and Europe is it taught even the most beautiful women that they have a choice. They don't have to value themselves based on the way they look. They can study. Be successful...independent. Self made and self sufficient. Your average, exceptionally good looking Latina between 18 and 30 years old rarely considers the possibility of her making her own way. She may end up truly falling for you, but at first I can guarantee you she was thinking, "what can I get out of this guy." That's just the way it is.

    I think the worst thing the feminist movement has done for to get them thinking that they can have a guy that is more handsome than they are pretty.

    A guy I know living in San Francisco once told me "I hate the 69'ers ....not the football team.
    I love the football's all these 6's that think they are 9's that I hate. jajaja

    In rarely see a woman with a guy that is better looking that her. It's a great place to be a guy. Most American guys would be shocked at the shear number of highly attractive women you can get with here....just by leading an attractive lifestyle. Regardless of the thought process of Colombian women.

    Very good looking guys that like having sex with semi attractive women in the US will never see the value in Colombia.

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #47 on: April 04, 2018, 02:13:46 PM »

    I think the worst thing the feminist movement has done for to get them thinking that they can have a guy that is more handsome than they are pretty.

    A guy I know living in San Francisco once told me "I hate the 69'ers ....not the football team.
    I love the football's all these 6's that think they are 9's that I hate. jajaja

    In rarely see a woman with a guy that is better looking that her. It's a great place to be a guy. Most American guys would be shocked at the shear number of highly attractive women you can get with here....just by leading an attractive lifestyle. Regardless of the thought process of Colombian women.

    Very good looking guys that like having sex with semi attractive women in the US will never see the value in Colombia.

    You can tell 'em but you can't tell 'em much.

    I have never been able to persuade any American guy to see any benefit to going south and I am talking about guys who have good careers and money but spotty success with women. They just can't think outside their little boxes.

    It reminds me of the time that I was in Palo Alto, CA at a conference and the speaker was complaining about high real estate prices. I told him that I had just bought a house in Texas in a town outside San Antonio for $30,000. He flat out refused to believe that this was possible. It was incomprehensible to him.

    Same with the guys. They just can't or refuse to believe that their terrible situations regarding women could be remedied. They think that everywhere else is just like where they are. They are prisoners of their own limited viewpoints.

    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #47 on: April 04, 2018, 02:13:46 PM »

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #48 on: April 04, 2018, 04:18:02 PM »

    You can tell 'em but you can't tell 'em much.

    I have never been able to persuade any American guy to see any benefit to going south and I am talking about guys who have good careers and money but spotty success with women. They just can't think outside their little boxes.

    It reminds me of the time that I was in Palo Alto, CA at a conference and the speaker was complaining about high real estate prices. I told him that I had just bought a house in Texas in a town outside San Antonio for $30,000. He flat out refused to believe that this was possible. It was incomprehensible to him.

    Same with the guys. They just can't or refuse to believe that their terrible situations regarding women could be remedied. They think that everywhere else is just like where they are. They are prisoners of their own limited viewpoints.

    I think most of the guys here are quite different than most other guys around them in their feelings and approach towards pursuing women and probably in life overall as well.

    You almost need a thick skin, a "Feck em all and whatever they think, I'm gonna do it MY way" attitude. That mindset can serve well later on when you find that you and her ARE different than pretty much all the other couples around you.

    There's a population of other couples around us with wives from abroad, but we rarely mix with them. Case in point perhaps. I'm fortunate that my family's (hers too) has always been cool--open minded about us, but if that wasn't the case, I'd keep our distance more measured there too.

    Having a "Me and you--against the world" attitude towards a number of various situations-- being friends, confidants, partners and lovers, bonds undiluted by family and social circles, will keep you together a lot better than if you're bending to the winds those others might blow your way.

    Being independent, perhaps even self centered, adventurous and willing to take chances, probably describes most of the guys here.

    More winners here IMO, but some chronic losers too. And having loved and lost several times, but not letting it keep you down for long, puts you in the winner's circle, me thinks. 

    You can be self centered,  but not have horse blinders on your head--mindset --blinders that keep you from seeing and considering options outside your immediate environment. Not afraid to "get on the plane"

    But some guys could be amongst the most fertile grapevines, around vines busting out with the sweetest grapes---yet usually be found complaining that the grapes are sour. Pitiful.
    « Last Edit: April 04, 2018, 06:09:37 PM by robert angel »
    Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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    Re: New international Dating Website
    « Reply #49 on: April 05, 2018, 08:34:32 AM »

    I don't know about the context but I think these quotes are telling. Personally I don't think you should be sending pics of your puta to other guys. She might have her barrio boyfriend off you for exploiting her. And we can't afford to lose you as a valuable forum contributor

    2/8/2018 20:29 EST

    Akabe a do a calculation.. cost per lay. If its many more times than sex with a hooker, and you arent getting anything else out of it..time to leave
    2/8/2018 20:42 EST

    Finally a thread with a little honesty.
    You dont marry these putas..just bang them-
    The last one I was with was screwing around with her ex in Mexico. I banged her before she left and when she came back.

    I am gonna send him the pictures. And Whatsapp notes.(date posted)

    The schmuck made her part of the family. Introduced her to his family and 2 daughters.

    I told here "What kind of influence you gonna have on the girls? Teach them to be Putas?

    I am not worried or scared of anyone.My friends all know the woman

    She isnt a "Puta " in the strict sense of the word..just doesnt have the same morals as me..quite an evil woman actually

    I am sure you have run across quite a few women like that yourself.

    Dont think she she should be manipulating a guy with young daughters and a family. Anyway, already done, the guy in Mexico and his family are well aware about the woman. She really had him sucked in. If he wants to keep exposing his family to a vile sociopath narcissist, that's okay.

    I am not disgruntled and not a monger by any means. I have never used any of to see Prepago services. Though if I could be 100% guaranteed I would not end up  with a disease, I would gibve it some thought and  consider it.

    I actually enjoy my life here. Dont want to get into too many details..I am in a new relationship now..see how it goes..I just find the "crazy" women interesting from a psychological perspective, thats why I put out some of these posts.. more interesting than a guy who has been together with his Colombiana 10 years I think..

    I am looking for a serious long term relation like anyone else, but have been thinking with the little head a few too many times like many guys.

    CaliPro.. although I dont agree with a lot of what you write, I respect what you say. Maybe you can do the same for others without belittling and being sarcastic and judgmental. Not just me, but other guys here.

    Some guys like older women. Some guys like women with kids. Some guys think that when you get married , you should be sure of the woman and be with her for life..and being married too many times is just a waste of life. Some guys think you should allow the woman to work and study, you have her own space and she have hers..and you trust her enough you dont have to be with her 100% of the time. Otherwise, if you dont trust her, what  is the point of getting married? Some guys think a DNA test Shouldnt be required, because if you trust her enough to have a baby, why would you  need a DNA test?

    Okay I know you may have said these things "tongue and cheek" or they may be taken out of context, (like you have taken mine)but my point is, everyone has different tastes, boundaries, principles, needs, morals  and upbringing.

    Of course I agree with you 100%, you dont want to come out as too desperate and give away your self respectto any woman. Call it being "Beta" or whatever. When the Sh1t gets too much, it is time to leave.

    Everyone has their own experiences and opinions. We should respect others opinion and not be judgmental and condescending. Your "right answer" may not be the same as mine and vice versa. Your upbringing will not be the same as mine. Same with Gatos, Benjis or anyone else.

    I respectfully wish you the best in your relation with your Colombiana and your new child. I sincerely hope it turns into a permanent, happy relationship


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