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Miscellaneous Ramblings #2
« on: July 14, 2023, 01:49:30 AM »
ZKG here,

I'm back in USA for an extended period working.  Covid kinda changed my work location so more time in USA and less time in Asia. 

Haven't posted for years....I really thought the P-L website was no more. 

Good to see it still up and running but I scanned the posts.  Not much activity....lots of new online outlets for dating and relationships.  Time changes everything.

Anyways some thoughts and observations...

Philippines is changing (of course nothing stays the same). 

First I think less serious men are coming to Phils for wives?  Maybe I'm wrong but I see a lot more content online, tik-tok, facebook, youtube, instagram related to passport bros?  Now this may be a somewhat generic term but it seems to hint of more of mongering than searching for a bride, is it just me thinking like this?

I've talked to a few guys at the airports, bars and just in casual meetings about this passport bro phenomenon.  I never revealed I was married to pinay so they felt free to talk.  In most cases these guys were focused on the fun aspect and not on finding a wife.

On the flip side, I've been helping a friend find a Filipina suitable for marriage.  He is blind so I'm kinda playing his surrogate and making the initial contact performing some due diligence searching for red flags and then if they pass muster, I will hand off to him. 

The vast majority of the Filipinas I chatted were garbage.  Of course I have to say these women are from online dating sites so its not really representative sample of single Filipinas.  In my experience 90% of online Filipina are hookers/prostitutes/sugar babies etc....i.e. garbage. 

Regular Filipinas (non hookers) are not really looking to date a foreigner and are rarely online looking for a bf or husband.  The maybe 5% who are looking to date a foreigner are comprised of regular pinays and prostitutes, all on the same dating platforms.

In maybe 300 contacts I found 1 that was decent.   I really don't think meeting Filipinas online is worth the time, effort and expense.  Also Filipinas lie.  You may get exactly what you tell the Filipina you want!  You will never know the real person.  You may get an ex-hooker with a well used nookie! 

This is of course my limited online search's so take it with a grain of salt.  But in my opinion I think this is somewhat representative of today's reality.

Also, I think the sugar baby/sugar daddy movement has destroyed both sides and has created a lose/lose for women and men.  The women lose because they get cash but are essentially glorified prostitutes, the men lose because they get the beautiful woman but are essentially JOHNS that lose the women when the cash runs out. 

The sugar baby/sugar daddy movement is at epidemic levels in the Philippines, Its not really new here but its really exploded in the 10 yrs.

In my humble opinion a Filipina makes the best wife.  But I really think its going to become more difficult to overcome these new issues. 

Just my thoughts....

Back to work


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Offline benjio

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Re: Miscellaneous Ramblings #2
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2023, 06:06:56 PM »
Same in Colombia and Brazil. Relationships are predominantly transactional now. And it’s no one’s fault in my opinion. I think social media has a lot to do with it. No one’s satisfied with average now. Normal men want exceptionally beautiful women because they are constantly bombarded with images of them. They don’t have the status or money to get them in the US or Europe so they are hopping on planes. On the opposite side attractive women see other attractive women on social media going on lavish trips and receiving expensive gifts, so they are convinced that’s the treatment they’re entitled to because they are attractive. The stigma associated with being a prostitute or a gold-digger has all but disappeared. Women are being encouraged to act this way and any level of judgment from other people has now been deemed as “slut shaming.”

In addition to all this the institution of marriage in the Western World has lost all integrity. Men in the U.S. in particular are of the opinion it simply isn’t worth the risk. Considering women are normally the partners in a relationship that insist marriage is necessary act to solidify the commitment, the percentage of them filing for divorce after the fact is staggering! The initial popularity of the foreign bride movement finds its roots in single men that were frustrated after losing their families and fortunes in divorces. Now everyone’s in it for instant gratification and the notion of building any legacy or a future with a life partner is an afterthought. Interesting times we’re living in.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2023, 06:17:24 PM by benjio »


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