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Author Topic: Internet decline in access, quality of experience  (Read 5235 times)

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Offline robert angel

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2019, 11:40:23 PM »

My daughter is doing great. I couldn't be happier with my decision to have a baby in Colombia.

Overall I don't think this forum is very helpful....I truly believe that the message here is a negative one and does a disservice to anyone truly interested in finding a wife abroad. And I have to say that for the most part..... the guys that seek out advice on meeting women overseas for marriage are for the most part losers.

Guys should just go to Colombia and meet women in the most natural way possible. Instead of trying to be one trip wonders and meeting only women that have an expressed desire to marry a gringo that she doesn't know well and leave behind everything she as ever known.

I have to say I like Medellin much more than Cali at this point. The women are not all that interested in leaving this place. So I don't know that it would be the best place for a guy to find a wife in a short amount of time.

My advice to any lurkers that are left here is .....just go to Colombia. Meet women on facebook or any social platform and make friends and just go out and socialize. And when you find one that you really really like.....make sure she wants to have your babies....before you ask her to marry you. If you don't want children then don't marry a Colombian woman unless you are into older women whose children are grown. But I still wouldn't do it. There really is no point in a marriage for a Colombian woman if there aren't children involved.

If you tell a Colombian woman that you don't want children then she will know that you just want to get married so you can bring her to the states so you can have a trophy wife that will put out. And if she tells you she doesn't want to have children right now then you know you are just a meal ticket. So don't marry her.

I know a gringo in the states right now that is having problems with is Colombian wife because she wants to have a child and he doesn't want anymore children. If you want to get married to a woman that doesn't want to have children then you are probably better off going for a gringa.

I was checking out a while ago and was stunned by the amount of  women in there mid to late 30's that don't have children and say they want to have children someday. And I'm thinking....bitch if it ain't isn't going to be any day. LOL!

It is hard to imagine that they are that I suspect that they really aren't interested in children at all and just say they want children someday because is sounds nicer.

Personally I think that women on match should tell guys that they are working on their cat colony and aren't really interested in having a family. jajaja

I agree guys should (as we've said so many times) "just get on the plane" and yeah, "meeting women in a most natural way possible" sounds about right. But easier said than done.

A lot (most of the lurkers coming in for advice) don't have 'game'-- they don't even have aptitude here in the states-- never mind in a nation where the language is different,  time is limited, as is probably their money. They're operating with their right arm tied to their left ankle (behind their backs) from the git go.

They're often nice easy going guys, losers in love, coming off a divorce or two, some cash in pocket, maybe a good job back home.

And they're like blood in the water for the babes, who are like piranhas, so used to dealing with the macho, male based status quo their home turf represents.

A culture where 'nice guys' who bring these babes to the states almost always get burned. Big time.

How many guys, present and past members do we know who've stayed together 15 or more years?

Thousands of members here, come and gone, yet maybe a handful make it to 15 years. Scary sh!t indeed.

But as said, now as 20 years ago, making some internet connections b4 flying there is time well spent. I say for every 4 or 5 phone numbers of women you agree on line to meet in her country's,  if you're not a corpse,  one is prolly gonna 'show you around' and you won't be stuck alone in your hotel room, watching TV in a language you don't understand.

The relics here, I mean the veterans, we're so used to flying to different places that it's so much easier. We've lost our realization at what a mind bender starting out cold really is.

Children? That and how a woman's age relates to that subject contain a lot of variables.

My opinion is that most of these women being Catholic in high birthrate nations, if they say they want to marry you even though  you're done doing the 'daddy thing' and she says "that's OK, just fine, I'm marrying YOU just because I LOVE you, not because I HAVE to have children someday"---if the woman's between age 20 and 45, (age range is wider now than b4) you ARE at a higher risk for divorce.

After we got serious,  I had to tell my wife "no more kids for me" when she was still under age 25. She was honest, saying she wanted children and being the eldest girl in a 7 sibling family, her family, their culture, expected it. By that point we were a couple years from the actual wedding (she could've ditched me easily) and yet then as now, she's been good to her word--no kids.


But if a woman says she doesn't want to have kids, remember that's unusual and sort it out as best you can, but it's simply not normal and until she's about age 45, it can bite you in the ass, but good.

Then at age 45, if you're 65, 75 y/o and the ole hard drive ain't banging, never forget that she might have another 20+ years of wanting/expecting great sex! And some women will pursue extramarital affairs to satisfy that need. So one potential ticking time bomb can be joined to, or follow another relationship time bomb.

Especially once in the USA, odds are better if you marry and live in her country, (children or not)  something most guys of 'prime fathering age', simply can't do) Then, living in the USA, it's damn hard  (I suppose) when you go to parties in the USA with women from her country and they all have children running around,  each more adorable than the next..  Baies, family photos at parties, parks, church, shopping, on FB, the TV, internet media,  and she's about the only one,  barren of cute youngins. . My wife's the perfect Auntie, Godmother, influence on kids and has none of her own to come home to.

Meanwhile, that biological clock ticks and like in Edgar Allen Poe's great short story, "The Telltale Heart" the ticking of the 'biological clock' , of the heart, grows louder as time to have her own image, a child that might care for her in her old age, fades away.

Maybe when my wife's 45 y/o I won't feel so bad about cheating the world of the best kids, as any kid she raised would be exemplary.

I took on helluva a chance there and while I'm not out of the woods on that one for another 8 or so years, I've been exceptionally fortunate. I wouldn't suggest my best friends take on such bad odds.

No, I  wouldn't recommend other's trying to defy the bad odds like I did. Again, if a girl/woman says she doesn't want to have children of her own, something  (not good in and of itself for starters) is either present in her, or is gonna raise it's ugly head sooner or later. It's not a 'potential' red flag, do yourself a favor and just consider that it IS a red flag to be avoided.

Sure, we all want 'that babe', we want her/it so bad, and we want it NOW, but there's 100's of millions of other women w/o such quandries to deal with. Suck it up, regroup and try again.

Match and Cupid sites, really pretty much all dating sites, things there have changed. And more in the women's favor. That said, nowadays with more mainstream diets, girls get fatter at a younger age. Whereas before maybe a guy age 60 was within her 'range of interest' before, now it's more likely to be 40 or 50 and they're more choosy in the younger age group..

More of them, when asked if they "want to have children" say "Not Sure" --that could mean she's a Visa, greencard shark, abnormal, frigid, incapable of bonding, selfish, just to name a few possibilities, almost all of which are negative, dangerous.

Most notably on dating sites today, they're not nearly as naive and innocent as they were 10-20 years ago and they cast a longer net for prospective mates, monkey branching with multiple branches usually available, and like the guys, hold onto more 'possible' prospect profiles for longer than they tended to a decade ago.

Like us, hedging their bets, game in play until wedding day, and maybe even after.

They're running the same game us guys ran-- like my wife says when she does something  I don't like, something that's not true to her traditions, she looks at me and says:

"Well I learned from the best--from YOU"--and she's not talking about how to load a double stack 45 caliber magazine either, she's talking about questionable relationship behaviors I've demonstrated,  things seen more frequently in the USA. She's (thank God rarely) giving me  'tit for tat'-- not tossing back her version my own bitter medicine, but she could conceivably lower herself to my level

She's faithful,  but Lord, there's temptation and I'm no model of some Saint by a long shot.

But the gals are cagier than ever before and if she doesn't want kids with you, look out, red flag there!
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 12:43:20 AM by robert angel »
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Offline robert angel

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2019, 12:39:27 PM »
I forgot to mention in the short post above that everywhere we go, as well as online, phone calls etc, with me having a young wife, everyone wants to know when were're gonna have kids. Then the worst of the bunch pry and ask "why aren't you having kids???"

So if seeing all these model beautiful hybrid mix kids of all ages running around at different events doesn't pull on her heart strings and wind her 'biological clock' even tighter, the adults, many who have no filter between their mind and mouth, are toxic.

My family was cool with it and so is her family, but hers took a few years to accept the fact. They still as always think I'm a great catch, but I'm sure they'd like to see some blue eyed kids added to the bloodline.

Damn, a lotta Asians and Latinas want to see kids of their own that have their best physical features, but with non brown eyes. Like most Miss Universe winners of late have parents from strikingly different bloodlines/cultures.

It was weird how people came up to me asking if I would sign up my sons for trendy clothing chains like Holister, American Eagle, etc. I'd typically say something brusque, like "Not gonna happen."

People always seem to want what they do not or can not have....
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline mambocowboy

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2019, 12:51:48 PM »
I forgot to mention in the short post above that everywhere we go, as well as online, phone calls etc, with me having a young wife, everyone wants to know when were're gonna have kids. Then the worst of the bunch pry and ask "why aren't you having kids???"

So if seeing all these model beautiful hybrid mix kids of all ages running around at different events doesn't pull on her heart strings and wind her 'biological clock' even tighter, the adults, many who have no filter between their mind and mouth, are toxic.

My family was cool with it and so is her family, but hers took a few years to accept the fact. They still as always think I'm a great catch, but I'm sure they'd like to see some blue eyed kids added to the bloodline.

Damn, a lotta Asians and Latinas want to see kids of their own that have their best physical features, but with non brown eyes. Like most Miss Universe winners of late have parents from strikingly different bloodlines/cultures.

It was weird how people came up to me asking if I would sign up my sons for trendy clothing chains like Holister, American Eagle, etc. I'd typically say something brusque, like "Not gonna happen."

People always seem to want what they do not or can not have....
People/strangers fawn over my mixed race kids too. A little silly and I don't like my kids getting praise for things they didn't earn...but yeah I get the incredulous " they're gorgeous! Are they yours?!" comments too, as though they are shocked I am the dad.... I would never say that to anyone but manners are in short supply at times...

Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2019, 12:51:48 PM »

Offline robert angel

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2019, 04:25:17 PM »
People/strangers fawn over my mixed race kids too. A little silly and I don't like my kids getting praise for things they didn't earn...but yeah I get the incredulous " they're gorgeous! Are they yours?!" comments too, as though they are shocked I am the dad.... I would never say that to anyone but manners are in short supply at times...

I vaguely recall as a kid a celebrity,  Art Linkletter said "Kids say the darndest things!" but hey, they're kids.

No excuses for adults behaving similarly,  but way too many have zero filter.

Then the same people often don't have the guts to speak up and defend what's right if they remotely sense it's not a popular thought.

The "silent majority" - those countless millions of US citizens who don't speak up and just a little more understandably don't vote---they're like a bunch of neutered sheep.

Just another unfortunate, embarrassing way in which Europeans and Canadians often show more likable, genteel personalities than the by now stereotypical "ugly American ".

Although globally,  I sense a lot of voter apathy these days. Doesn't equate to votes, but when is the last time we saw people like the citizens of Hong Kong take a long, hard bloody stand?

I expected the French in particular to be cool, aloof and snobby. Instead they were overall very nice, even though my French is nil.

But yeah, I didn't want to risk my kids ending up with model agency pervs or getting too big for their britches.

As a kid, I remember coming out of the congressional dining room, amazed that people I saw on the national news actually knew and liked my father.

Starstruck, I made the mistake of saying:

 "Gee Dad-- it must be NICE to be important!"

He rarely raised his voice, but on that occasion, his tone was indelibly clear:

"NO son, it's important to be NICE!!"
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 04:48:55 PM by robert angel »
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