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Author Topic: Passport Bros- ZKG's Viewpoint #1  (Read 2163 times)

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Passport Bros- ZKG's Viewpoint #1
« on: July 28, 2023, 09:51:20 PM »
This Passport Bro phenomenon is really interesting.  In some ways Planet-Love was the gateway to this Passport Bro tidal wave, and in my opinion think its actually one in the same.

Planet-Love was/is about options for dating and marriage, so is P-L. 

There are some distinct differences however.  As I stated in my Miscellaneous Ramblings #2 I think most of the Passport Bros are really focused on mongering (smashing lots of foreign) women.  Of course this is my opinion, I haven't seen anything to encourage me that the movement is about seeking marriage.

The most influential red-pill podcast for men on the planet is Fresh and Fit.  I am a regular watcher.  Also many other Red Pill content has contributed to the idea that you should go where the women are Fit, Fun, Feminine and submissive and will make excellent potential wives (Coach Red Pill, Kevin Samuels, Pearly Things, etc.).  Some focused on finding a wife but all focused on the reality of female nature in today's relationship dynamic.

But Passport Bro's?   It will be interesting to see how this phenomenon plays out over the next few years.

Looking for wives or looking to smash?

Based on the definition of Passport Bro, it really defines me and every other man on P-L

This website was so helpful in guiding me in my search for a wife.  It was peer driven with some really great men that had a singular focus- helping each man find the best wife possible and providing the best real world advice with no spin no bull.

I really think if a Passport Bro needs expert guidance on finding a foreign spouse this is the place to start.

When I started looking for a wife I really had simple clear and sincere motivations, take a look at my posts.

Some of my criteria were (not in any particular order of importance)

Honest and Sincere
Good Partner/Wife/Mother
Hard Working
Younger than me (Half my age + 7yrs was my measure)

Deal breakers, red flags:

feminist or non-traditional
independent woman
hooker/sugar baby/open minded
well travelled with pictures and posts
children by multiple men and never married once
previously divorced/separated

All the selection criteria and the deal breakers and red flags must be put in perspective.  This is where P-L is so valuable because it brings together the expert opinions of all the members who really want to see men have success in finding a foreign spouse.

Was I a Passport Bro? 

Let's talk about it

More to come....Next Up Breakdown of selection criteria and red flags

Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other -"sins" are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not sinful-just stupid.) RAH


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