Asian International Dating Forums => Asian -> General Discussion => Topic started by: Fosgate5 on September 03, 2016, 08:01:14 PM

Title: Davao Bombing
Post by: Fosgate5 on September 03, 2016, 08:01:14 PM
You know you done messed up if MILF offers to team up with the govt to hunt your ass down and kill you.

Title: Re: Davao Bombing
Post by: Fosgate5 on September 03, 2016, 11:02:49 PM
Japan is offering troops.
Title: Re: Davao Bombing
Post by: robert angel on September 04, 2016, 02:24:17 PM
It's really hard to get an accurate count, but it looks like at least 40 abu sayaff terrorists have been killed off since last Wednesday's Davao bombing. Just a start. Hit pretty close to home, as my youngest sister in law is a Senior at Ateneo, one of the top colleges there, very close to the bombing site and where she and her friends often go to grab a bite to eat. She had thought of going that night, but decided to stay home and watch some Korean soap opera instead.

Now the Philippine President, President Rodrigo Duterte did a remarkable job keeping Davao City one of  the safest cities in Asia over the two decades he was Davao's Mayor. That's a major reason why I didn't mind buying a house there. I can walk anywhere there at 3AM and unlike in too many places in the USA, not unconciously be patting my butt, making sure my phone and wallet's still there, or being on the lookout for sketchy looking people. It's not like where in my own city here, where we know there's rough neighborhoods close to wealthy neighborhoods, where you just don't go, or parks that we consider 'off limits' after sunset. Now Dutertes' son is Mayor of Davao,  which has become the second largest city in the110 million population Philippines.This is good.

But President Duterte actually had the balls in July to fly into what's got to be the, or damn near the flat out epicenter of Islamic extremism/terrorism, Basilan Island. In a speech, he urged those elments to "shun hatred."

Duterte draws a lot of international criticism for condoning 'shoot to kill' against criminals and he doesn't kiss up to anyone, including China, the USA and the United Nations. Not saying that 'the end justifies the means' in all cases, but in a nation with as much corruption, overall infrastructure issues and drug problems as does the Phillipines, you could argue the case.

Call him a "Cowboy" or "The Punisher" as many have for years, but the fact is that never mind that he won the election, but it sure seems like he's won the approval of the majority of Filipinos since then as well.

Yes, even the MILF, the Moro Islamic Liberation front---long considered almost allies, if not the same as the terrorists, has come out against abu sayaff, a terrorist group widely acknowledged as existing more to make money from cowardly acts of terrorism and kidnappings than to promote any political agenda.

The Japanese have stepped forward. The Philippine Army, who's leaders once took USA military arms and intelligence info and sold it to the very terrorists the 'aid' was meant to combat, are now much cleaner. Similar to the Philippine's police force, also now much cleaner, as Duterte investigated corruption, actually naming names and unlike previous Presidents, cutting off the corrupt, rather than simply pretending to 'do something.'

Last but not least, you can be sure there's plenty of US Military 'advisors'---boots on the ground, with technology that from the sky on a moonless night, can tell if it's a rat or rabbit below the jungle canopy below and how to take them out. There's too much ground, too many islands, too much sea to exterminate the vermin, but rest assured, they're working on it.

This is going to be interesting.
Title: Re: Davao Bombing
Post by: Jhengsman on September 05, 2016, 07:12:22 AM
What are the Japanese doing? Beyond the clickbait site posted above which looks like a similar one saying Taraji P. Henson was fired from the TV show Empire while every other news site says she is the breakout TV star of the last two years but a google news search is pulling up nothing.

Erringly the teleserye Ang Probinsayo had been airing a major plot line of a bent congressman, the protector of a drug dealing organized crime syndicate pulling off a series of bombings to try to turn the administration's away from the war on drugs
Title: Re: Davao Bombing
Post by: robert angel on September 05, 2016, 09:33:33 AM
What are the Japanese doing? Beyond the clickbait site posted above which looks like a similar one saying Taraji P. Henson was fired from the TV show Empire while every other news site says she is the breakout TV star of the last two years but a google news search is pulling up nothing.

Erringly the teleserye Ang Probinsayo had been airing a major plot line of a bent congressman, the protector of a drug dealing organized crime syndicate pulling off a series of bombings to try to turn the administration's away from the war on drugs

Looks like you're right. While according to the BBC in September 2015 the Japanese govt. voted to allow the use of their military forces abroad for the first time in seventy some years , it was contested in Japan itself. Doesn't appear that they're anywhere near to sending troops and shedding Japanese blood in the Philppines. Your description of that above link as 'click bait' was almost too polite, it's just not true what that link is saying. But there certainly are other countries involved.

President Duterte, once pissed off and resolved to go after something or somebodies, is a force to be reckoned with. He might not like a lot of things about certain nations, including the USA, but if he can get them to help fight terorism, albeit on his terms, he'll let them 'assist'.
Title: Re: Davao Bombing
Post by: Fosgate5 on September 05, 2016, 01:52:22 PM
Yeah, I should have checked the source on that. Thought it would be odd to even consider letting in a country which once invaded it and committed the atrocities it did with the intent of exterminating the people of Manila. I'm not so sure Duterte would accept any troops on the ground on the ground with the recent criticism from the UN and US. I think he is smart enough to accept cash and material but I doubt he will accept troops. He has orders to kill on sight which is not part of the UN or U.S. ROE (Rules of Engagement). That alone would create conflict by the  UN and US serving up a fresh bowl of criticism of lack of human rights. I think on their own with Duterte at the helm he currently has the support from the bombing to exterminate the group from the local populace. However, he needs to strike while the anvil is hot and use the crap out of the 114  M113A2 Armor Personell Carriers we just sent him.