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Author Topic: BAQ trip #3 - 17 days  (Read 5545 times)

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Offline Montrealer

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« on: March 20, 2006, 05:42:25 PM »
So I got back Saturday from visiting my fiancee in Barranquilla.  If you are new and don't know of my previous trips, please read "5 weeks in BAQ" and my other trip report which I think is still on the old PL board.

Hotel - I stayed at Vallclaire Suites again.  They gave me the same room which I liked because it was nearly double the size of the others and had a balcony overlooking the pool.  Again, not the best hotel in the world, but safe, spacious and friendly staff.  And very easy on the wallet at about $45 a night.

Post-Carnival - I arrived the day after the Carnival, and was expecting to find chaos still around, but the city cleaned up really quick and there were only a few remnants of the Carnival left.  Many nice pictures in Buenavista mall.  Next time I'll make my reservations early so I can see the party.

I arrived on March 1st after visiting my daughter and ex-wife in Mexico for 10 days.  My daughter turned 2 years old on Febuary 24th.  I hadn't seen her in a few months and she grew quite a bit.  She is so precious, I wish I could spend more time with her.

So back to Barranquilla.  When I arrived my fiancee LS met me at the airport.  I was the first to get off the plane and through immigration.  As I walked to the baggage claim area, I saw her waiting outside and she saw me.  With a big wave and a kiss blown, I went to get my bags.  And of course, since I was the first one off the plane, my bags were the last to come through.  When I finally got them and past security, she greeted me with by jumping up on me and giving me a big hug and kiss almost knocking me over.  I missed her so much since the last 6 weeks I haven't seen her and she obviously missed me.

We hopped in a cab and took off to the hotel.  Once there, she gave me one of the most adorable gifts I have ever received, a pillow with an iron on of our photo with a sweet comment that she stitched in herself.  I know, not the most masculine gift one can get, but the fact that she put so much effort into making such a personal gift for me was very warming.  I also had a few small gifts I picked up for her in Montreal.  Nothing as special as what she made for me though.  After unpacking, we headed over to her house to see her family.  I've been worried about her mom lately because she was not feeling well.  It turns out she had a herniated disc and may need surgery.  At that point, I offered if I could help in anyway to make sure she gets better, but the husband said she was covered by his insurance and it wouldn't cost a cent.  I was happy to hear that she the mom was going to be getting better, and felt re-assured once again about the quality of family that I was getting involved with.  (I think some people on this forum made me paranoid, so I find myself always throwing these little tests out to see how she or her family respond.  Again, I am confident in my choice of woman.)

The next day, she caught me up to date with the wedding planning.  She handed me all the receipts she saved and told me how much money has been spent and whats left to pay.  I was very impressed with her organization, probably because I'm not that organized.  I briskly looked over the receipts, but had no intention of counting pesos.

I was happy with all the decisions she made for the wedding ceremony, with the exception of having a buffet instead of a banquet meal.  I always thought buffets were cheezy at weddings and still do.  But she opted for it because it was about 1/4 of the cost.  I'm still uncertain if I am for the savings over the style of the wedding, but she assured me that it would be good.  I was reassured about a week later when I tried the food at a sample supper.  It was pretty darn tasty.  Typical Colombian food with a touch of french flare.

I was down there for the elections.  I don't know if the elections were for the president or what, but regardless of the "ley seco" many people were drinking.  And her family was definately in on the affair.  Her step-dad bought 48 Aguillas and we drank them all day on the front of the house.  I never commented on the beer before, but I have tried most of the local brands and like Aguilla the best.  It reminds me of U.S. Budweiser.  Still not as good as Canadian beer, but gets the job done.  Speaking of Budweiser, I did find a store that sells them.  We found them in the shopping center in Villa Country, but nowhere else.  I think it was a Carrefour, but I could be wrong.  I did get a free Aguilla girls calendar in one case of beer I bought.  Damn those Aguilla girls are hot.

We didn't do any excursions this trip because her step-dad had to work almost every day.  So we spent alot of time just hanging out, saw a couple movies, went to the pool, spending time with her family, and so on.

I know my report isn't as detailed as before, and that's because everything is going very good.  We have yet to have any real argument.  We seem to be on the same page with everything.  We share the same sense of humour and are constantly cracking jokes on the street, in taxis and just having a good time in general.  We love eachothers company and never seem to bore of eachother.  

Our favourite hobbies are "dias de flojera" or lazy days.  Where she would come over to the hotel for breakfast then we would nap till about 11 then watch TV or play board games or sit around and talk curled up in bed.  Debate on what to order for lunch, then go for a walk to somewhere nearby for a drink or a coffee or something.

I am hoping to head back before April 17th so I can go on a week long camping trip that there family takes ever year near Santa Marta.  I haven't gone real camping since I was a kid.  The last time was when I was 21 and the camp had a jacuzzi and an outdoor bar.  Not really "roughing it", but am hoping to get the real experience if my work load allows me to leave.

When I arrived back in Montreal, it was about -10 C, which believe it or not, felt really nice.  I don't think I could handle the hot weather on a daily basis all my life.  Maybe when I retire.

As far as immigration and the student visa steps go, I hit a small snag.  When I filled out the application for the school, I put the wrong program.  She was denied, because she didn't have the pre-requisites.  So, today, I went to see an immigration lawyer/consultant and told him what I wanted to do.  He said he does this for more than 100 familes a year and it won't be a problem.  He knew the student visa process, the school registration process, the sponsoring after she arrives.  So I decided to pay him his outrageous fee so that I don't make the same mistake again.  He says that she should have the student visa in her hand within 6 weeks, and he would do all the work and we would just have to provide the right documents.  Works for me.

Not much else to share with you all, but if anyone has any questions, go ahead.
Send more divers, the last ones tasted great!  -  JAWS

Offline conocerme

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 04:00:36 PM »
Montrealer - thanks for the trip report.

So how does it work in Canada with the immigation and student visa?  I take it you plan to bring her to Canada on the student visa and then marry her down in Colombia later?

If you can get her up to Canada to see how she does in your environment before you marry, that could be a real plus.


Offline Montrealer

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 05:48:48 PM »
Living together before marriage is not in the plan as her family is fairly religious.  Plus it's not a deal breaker for me.

How we plan on doing things is getting her accepted in an University to study french, because foreign students who study french in Quebec pay the same rate as residents instead of foreign exchange students rate which are about 8 times more expensive.  Then apply for the student visa in Bogota embassy.  Once she has the visa, we will marry in Colombia.  Then she just has to change the marital status on her visa.  Then once she is in Canada, she is not obligated to leave while I am filing the sponsorship paperwork.  However if she does leave, she may not be allowed re-entry without a new visa.  So we can just keep renewing her student visa and she can get a second BA in french to add to the BA in Computer Systems Analysist that she already has.  Once she has her student visa renewed she can come and go as long as her visas are valid.  In Canada this is allowed, as Canada allows for dual intentions, meaning foreigners can apply for more than one type of immigration status at the same time.
Send more divers, the last ones tasted great!  -  JAWS

BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 05:48:48 PM »

Offline conocerme

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 07:37:30 PM »
Montrealer - sounds like it is a lot easier process than all the crap we have to put up with here in the States.  Especially since the INS got put into the Department of Homeland Security.  Fees have doubled and a lot of things take twice as long.  You would think when you reorganize something like the INS you would try to IMPROVE the agency instead of making many things worse.  Thank God I am at the end of that process with my wife close to completing Naturalization.  I don't envy anyone starting out on this process here in the U.S., especially when you throw IMBRA into the mix.

Your talk of Aguila beer reminded me of the many beers in Colombia.  Poker, Costena, Club Colombia, Ancre.  My in laws would send me beer up to the U.S. when someone was traveling up here because they know of my fondness.  I recall in Venezuela there was a monopoly and everyone drank "Polar".  A good beer that I believe I heard is owned by Pepsi.

Anyway, you should try to go camping if you can make it.  Colombia is a beautiful country.

Good luck-


Offline Montrealer

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2006, 09:06:12 PM »
Canada does definately have certain advantages over the immigration process, but at the same time less options.  We don't have a fiancee visa such as in the US.  We can sponsor our fiancee but if she's outside the country, she must stay there till the process is done, about 6 months to 2 years, that is unless she can get to Canada on a different type of Visa.

It's a loophole that Canada knows about and has no intention of changing, but it still makes things a little more time consuming.

As for the Polar beer, I'll have to see if I can find it on the net.  Alot of beer companies sell stuff through middlemen in the US for foreigners like us to buy.  But if not, Canadian beer still kicks most beers butt. :lol:
Send more divers, the last ones tasted great!  -  JAWS

Offline conocerme

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2006, 07:10:23 PM »
Montrealer -

How easy do you think it will be for your future in-laws and your novia's family (brothers/sisters) to visit you in Canada after your novia/wife moves there?  I am sure you have read how difficult it is for a Colombian to get a tourist visa here to the U.S.

Hey Budweiser is an "import" down in Colombia and expensive.  I rarely drink the U.S. domestic beers, but if I do, I do not mind a Miller High Life.  I was never dissappointed with a Polar in Venezuela.  Canada does have good beer.  No argument there.


Offline Montrealer

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2006, 09:02:27 PM »
As for the family being able to visit here on a tourist visa, I think the step-dad won't have a problem getting a visa seeing as he's a pensioner and has a long work contract with a telephone company.  The mom may be able to get a visa based on her husbands credentials, but the brothers and sisters have probably less than a 1% chance of getting approved on a tourist visa, seeing that one just started University and the two brothers have been out of school for more than 3 years with no job or post-grad education.  But that's okay, I have no problem with returning to Colombia often so she can visit her family.  And if her family did come up it would probably be only her parents anyways.

Although, Canada probably would approve more people for tourist visas than the US on a general basis I believe, but not by much.

I tried to find the Polar beer online, but no luck.  I might check with the liquor commision here in Quebec, since they do carry many Asian, Indian and African beers.
Send more divers, the last ones tasted great!  -  JAWS

Offline jediknight

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2006, 03:55:22 PM »
i was wondering how your plans were going and i'm glad that things are moving along. did you check out any car rentals for the wedding, i remember you mentioning something about a mercedes coupe? anyway, we're starting to plan our wedding also in barranquilla, my fiance has been looking at invitation designs, gowns,etc. we'll be getting married at the Inmaculada, but haven't decided on the reception nor the honeymoon. where are you two going for the honeymoon?

Offline Montrealer

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2006, 04:07:21 PM »
For the honeymoon we're going to San Andreas and staying at the Royal Decarum Aquarium.  It's an all inclusive resort.  Here's the link.

As for the rest of the wedding plans, we're pretty much locked into everything.  Everybody has been paid or given the appropriate deposits.  She's handling all that stuff and just keeping me the reciepts.  For the reception, we picked an outdoor setting on the beach with those giant white tents.  I haven't seen the location yet, but she tells me its beautiful.  As for the car rental, she's almost tracked one down, but if not, somebody gave me a number to a guy that has a Benz.

When is your wedding date?  Seeing that your getting married at the Inmaculada, I take it this is your first wedding in a church.  I wasn't allowed because my first marriage was done in a church and would need about a year and a half to get it annulled.
Send more divers, the last ones tasted great!  -  JAWS

Offline jediknight

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2006, 04:25:45 PM »
yes it'll be our first wedding for the both of us and it's important to us that it's done in a catholic church, which is why we've had to wait a year because i need to finish my sacaraments before hand. i'll be done with everything very soon for easter and then we can set a date, probably by aug. we were thinking of dec but there are too many things going on with the holidays so we're shooting for the end of summer. she's looked into the availability of the church and various reception halls and aug is all clear for now, seems people get married before july. anyway, we are considering san andres also, i'll look into the decameron. by the way, the car that your fiance is checking out, is it white? an old or newer car? i'd like any info on it if you wouldn't  mind, i'm looking for an old white car, but if nothing comes up we'll see what we can get. thanks and good luck with your camping trip.

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2006, 04:47:21 PM »
So far we've tracked down an antique burgandy colored Benz, but I'll know more later on this week about the white one.  I'll keep you posted.  We checked the availabity of the better churches and they were all fairly clear.  I only wish we could have gotten the marriage done in the church also.  Not because I'm religious, but it just makes for a better ceremony.
Send more divers, the last ones tasted great!  -  JAWS

Offline jediknight

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2006, 05:01:26 PM »
a church wedding is nice. it goes along with the way my fiance and i have always imagined. one thing about the church ceremony, i was told that they are done in the evening from 6 until 9pm, so there are 3-4 cermonies every hour if it's a busy night, i'm not used to that but i guess that's how they do it in la costa, i've always imagined a wedding during the daytime. did she get a wedding dress yet? are you renting a tux or taking one with you? well, thanks for the info and please let me know anything with regards to the car, either one, the benz or the white one. good luck with all of your plans

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2006, 06:54:48 PM »
As for the churches schedule, I never ran into any church that said the weddings are only done during evening.  When I was looking into it, they gave me the option to rent for the hour.  If I remember it was between 300 000 and 500 000 pesos donation.
Send more divers, the last ones tasted great!  -  JAWS

BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2006, 06:54:48 PM »

Offline Looking4Wife

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2006, 08:43:12 PM »

Good trip report.  The BAQ elections were local elections, not presidential elections.  I don't know the scope of the local elections (i.e. whether it just included the city or the state also).

Offline doombug

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2006, 09:27:16 PM »
Quote from: Montrealer
For the honeymoon we're going to San Andreas and staying at the Royal Decarum Aquarium.  It's an all inclusive resort.  Here's the link.

The resort looks kick ass.  When checking the rates, I couldn't help noting this disclaimer at the bottom of the page:



"I can get a great look at a t-bone steak by shoving my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."--Chris Farley

Offline Montrealer

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2006, 11:32:12 PM »
Yeah, the entire website is littered with bad english, but I'm going to do the reservation through or expedia.  They give me a rate of $151.13 CDN a night.  That comes to about $132 USD for an all inclusive resort.  About half what I would pay in Cancun for a simular resort.
Send more divers, the last ones tasted great!  -  JAWS

Offline jediknight

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2006, 07:13:50 PM »
i'm leaning towards the Decameron Isleno, from the reviews i've been reading it appears to have the best beach and that is what my fiance and i want. getting an all inclusive from the decameron permits you to goto all of the hotels and check them out so we may hotel hop for the different restaurants or activities.

Offline Montrealer

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BAQ trip #3 - 17 days
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2006, 10:15:59 PM »
From what I read about the reviews, it does look like Isleno does have the best beach, but what sold me on the Aquarium was the enclosed ocean pool with fish floating and the round buildings hanging over the water.  I'm hoping for both of us to get drunk one night, hang a bed sheet out the window and go skinny dipping, and then sneak back in and hope no one notices us.
Send more divers, the last ones tasted great!  -  JAWS


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