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50,000 Posts !


Planet-Love reached a new milestone today. Member bcc_1_2 posted this message -- - which represents 50,000 messages posted at Planet-Love. This does not consider our extensive archive which contains more than 138,000 posts - and our sister site at which is rapidly approaching 200,000 posted messages.

Recently, the folks over at TheAdminZone recognized our efforts and contributions with admission into their "Big Boards" group. Among the qualifications to be accepted into that group are:

* Contains significant content in your niche
* Demonstrates a commitment towards community growth.

I've been directed to some petty comments recently suggesting that PL is struggling - including from one well-intentioned if misdirected and ignorant sycophant seeking recognition for something - ANYTHING - who posted about the possible monetary valuation of PL. What he fails to recognize (among other things) is the basis for those valuation websites are badly flawed and typically utilize Alexa as their statistical underpinnings. Anyone spending 30 seconds searching will quickly realize the fallacy of utilizing Alexa for valuation purposes (one of hundreds of examples found here -- Much more important is the SERP of a site - and in that regards, PL blows all the others away. There is no contest.

In sum - Planet-Love is doing just fine - more than fine, we are thriving. We are the largest and most vibrant site of our sort on the 'net. Thanks to all of our fine members for continuing the legacy of PL as the most informative and highest quality site serving our community - and a special thanks to bcc_1_2 for contributing message number 50,000 to the current iteration of the PL site!

- Dan


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