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Offline robert angel

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Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« on: September 22, 2019, 08:41:42 AM »
Figured maybe this deserved it's own thread

Why is this site so damn dead?
Lack of trip reports.

Fellas, my posts are obviously all over the place. I don't do face book, as I'd get too annoyed by all the BS--no use me going there and getting pissed off.

Not giving up on PL yet, but do you guys know any other websites, blogs, 'vehicles' where posts about travel, women and just about life in general might generate some interest?

Thanks in advance....
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Offline Oiga!
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Re: two soldiers die from helicopter at end of the Medellin flower festival, sad.
« Reply #15 on: Yesterday at 06:19:10 PM »
Problem is Facebook has taken over the world and most of what you're looking for (and the rest of us too) can now pretty much only be found there. It's a real bummer. I hope this site stays up despite low traffic, what is it , about twenty years old now?
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Re: two soldiers die from helicopter at end of the Medellin flower festival, sad.
« Reply #16 on: Yesterday at 09:33:29 PM »
Quote from: Oiga! on Yesterday at 06:19:10 PM
Problem is Facebook has taken over the world and most of what you're looking for (and the rest of us too) can now pretty much only be found there. It's a real bummer. I hope this site stays up despite low traffic, what is it , about twenty years old now?

Amen. I am resistant, even antagonistic with just about every place I go online, annoyed with  them 'front loading' what THEY think I should see, wanting to link me or refuse access if I don't use fb, twitter or gmail as the portal to get in.

Hate having my phone's location on and some site/s wanting to know how I enjoyed Aldo's Pizzeria or some such thing/place.

Annoyed I have never done fb, but if I want to buy something for myself, or a gift for her, products I looked at show up on her fb page--we use the same router.

Even google ' incognito' browser page is NOT nearly as incognito as people think. Read the small print...

I mean, leave my daily life, preferences, habits and privacy alone, but continue to let me and other citizens to have venues to speak, research and share, without mandatory membership restrictions otherwise blocking me.

Guess I'm kinda what like Groucho Marx said:

"I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member."

Change 'have me' to  basically 'forcing my hand' to join or risk being somewhat  a hermit or dinosaur..

That's not to say young people are as enamored of fb as before or that it's forever.

One of my sons is as active and normal a college (UGA!) Senior as you're likely to meet. He graduates this December, has an interview with google for his 1st post college job and he almost never messes with fb, and  just occasionally uses Instagram.

Beyond professional usage, he sees it as a shallow, vain ocean of poser wannabees.

He knows I find the google experience to be bad and getting worse month by month, but when I asked him "Who scares you the most, Google (Alphabet) or Microsoft?"

He replied "No Dad--It's Jeff Bezos, Amazon--they control the CLOUD"

They control more of the cloud than everyone else put together. Once they have their 3426 satellites orbiting planet earth via their Blue Origin space program (Elon Musk's SpaceX  also plans on launching 3426) there won't be a place on earth they can't reach, dictating access, content and price to commerce/political/media content.

Think about it.

Just as for centuries military history has taught repeatedly: He who holds the high ground wins the day" --I predict orbital space dominance will do the same for corporations.

And Govts like the USA, Russia and China CAN'T compete, can't afford such plans. SpaceX and Blue Origin launch most of THEIR satellites already.

And Amazon controls most of the US Govts cloud storage/access.

Bad enough companies like fb/google run rampant over consumer and internet access, but they buy out new companies, and not just big outfits like whatsapp, Instagram etc. Google does it. Verizon is running a similar game.

As the malls killed main street mom and pop owned shopping experiences, Amazon is killing the malls. Wait and see, or just ask Sears.

I'm not begging govt 'big brother' not pushing for making internet access, say to people at work, illegal, but do you ever wonder:

How much work productivity is lost to people twittering (on their own private phones) their work days away on social, entertainment and porn apps?

Sure 48 states are pressing for govt action stopping monopolization like corporate behavior by fb and google but the smartest minds say at best they might be 'dialed back' a bit --that they----like those criminals at Bank of America, who were criminally lending sub prime  money, then foreclosing on the victims when the bubble they so much helped create collapsed,  they're now like the US Govt called Bank of America:

--> """Too big to fail."

Fine them, chastise them, but kill them? They dare not!

I want some site that along with  PL, while mainly male focused, isn't stone age, bonehead male focused--not mamby pamby, but not flying off the handle to the left or right of anything, but a venue for "spirited discourse" or questions and commentary. NOT a bunch of sheep.

Don't know much about 'blogging' and while I'm green on knowing about that venue, my wife seems to think that might be a good outlet for my ramblings.

But again, I don't like joining up with stuff and what little I've seen of blogging doesn't seem to have action, reaction--the 'give and take' that PL has..

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Offline robert angel

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2019, 08:44:14 AM »
I know, part of the problem is my posts are too damn long!
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Offline mambocowboy

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2019, 09:51:30 AM »
You'd be a great blogger and I'd read it. Who knows, maybe it'd lead to more opportunities to write and connect with other interesting people...

Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2019, 09:51:30 AM »

Offline robert angel

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2019, 04:23:07 PM »
You'd be a great blogger and I'd read it. Who knows, maybe it'd lead to more opportunities to write and connect with other interesting people...

Thanks Man. My wife has been telling me the same thing. I am just not a techy type, and then I'm disorganized too. So when I showed your post to her, she said she'd help set it up. We'll see if I even take her up on it,  but thanks!!

Hell she drops $40 a month for the local old fashioned (real paper!)  local and WSJ  papers delivered to our driveway (and often unread) so I ""don't get depressed with my new retired life""

She says beyond posts, the way 2 go now is Vlogger, not blogger, but while some might be perved out at video of a guy my age happily married to a cutie who looks less than half his age, some might find it interesting. waiting for a train wreck to occur.

Maybe a bit of that, travel and adventure, trying to figure the mysteries of women all around the world and wherever a ramble might lead, might  interest some guys.

But damn the potential money, sponsors & samples sometimes sent to Vloggers, I dunno about video---I've got a face that was made for radio!!!

Don't want something that sounds like WORK!

But Mambo, P.L members to a one, anybody here with"Hero Status" from making  enough posts, to an extent this site has chronicled years of our lives and we each have stories to tell. And boy, we've told some!

And 'back in the day' we tried to help many a newbie, who more often than not, did it his own way anyhow, damn the results.

And just like they may never learn, may we never quit trying to run a reality check or two by the newbies.

My 'chronicles' are even 99% true!

I've had a helluva lot of fun, done enough stuff to wipe the shine off a holy woman's eyes--guilty as charged, but I've changed just a few things in my posts to protect the innocent! (Innocent before they met me anyway, lol)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 08:27:55 PM by robert angel »
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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2019, 06:07:17 PM »
Thanks Man. My wife has been telling me the same thing. I am just not a techy type, and then I'm disorganized too. So when I showed your post to her, she said she'd help set it up. We'll see if I even take her up on it,  but thanks!!

Hell she drops $40 a month for the local old fashioned (real paper!)  local and WSJ  papers delivered to our driveway (and often unread) so I ""don't get depressed with my new retired life""

She says beyond posts, the way 2 go now is Vlogger, not blogger, but while some might be perved out at video of a guy my age happily married to a cutie who looks less than half his age, some might find it interesting. waiting for a train wreck to occur.

Maybe a bit of that, travel and adventure, trying to figure the mysteries of women all around the world and wherever a ramble might lead, might  interest some guys.

But damn the potential money, sponsors & samples sometimes sent to Vloggers, I dunno about video---I've got a face that was made for radio!!!

Don't want something that sounds like WORK!

But Mambo, P.L members to a one, anybody here with"Hero Status" from making  enough posts, to an extent this site has chronicled years of our lives and we each have stories to tell. And boy, we've told some!

And 'back in the day' we tried to help many a newbie, who more often than not, did it his own way anyhow, damn the results.

And just like they may never learn, may we never quit trying to run a reality check or two by the newbies.

My 'chronicles' are even 99% true!

I've had a helluva lot of fun, done enough stuff to wipe the shine off a holy woman's eyes--guilty as charged, but I've changed just a few things in my posts to protect the innocent! (Innocent before they met me anyway, lol)
Looking forward to it. Thanks for keeping me posted.

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2019, 08:49:11 PM »
Looking forward to it. Thanks for keeping me posted.

It'd take some gumption,  not sure if I'd be up for it, be it blog, never mind vlog.

But w 5000 some posts here, I (really any of us here) could probably pull some golden nuggets out and post--most of us have had ups n downs, wonderful experiences and wrecks of different kinds that some might find interesting.
Great just to hopefully reinvigorate this place, cross referencing our experiences,
piquing folk's interest back to here should anything come of it.. Ya never know.....

It sounds all good to me, except I'm bad n lazy
« Last Edit: September 25, 2019, 08:20:14 AM by robert angel »
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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2019, 10:56:10 PM »
Figured maybe this deserved it's own thread

Why is this site so damn dead?
Lack of trip reports.

Fellas, my posts are obviously all over the place. I don't do face book, as I'd get too annoyed by all the BS--no use me going there and getting pissed off.

Not giving up on PL yet, but do you guys know any other websites, blogs, 'vehicles' where posts about travel, women and just about life in general might generate some interest?

Thanks in advance....
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Offline Oiga!
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Re: two soldiers die from helicopter at end of the Medellin flower festival, sad.
« Reply #15 on: Yesterday at 06:19:10 PM »
Problem is Facebook has taken over the world and most of what you're looking for (and the rest of us too) can now pretty much only be found there. It's a real bummer. I hope this site stays up despite low traffic, what is it , about twenty years old now?
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Offline robert angel
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Re: two soldiers die from helicopter at end of the Medellin flower festival, sad.
« Reply #16 on: Yesterday at 09:33:29 PM »
Quote from: Oiga! on Yesterday at 06:19:10 PM
Problem is Facebook has taken over the world and most of what you're looking for (and the rest of us too) can now pretty much only be found there. It's a real bummer. I hope this site stays up despite low traffic, what is it , about twenty years old now?

Amen. I am resistant, even antagonistic with just about every place I go online, annoyed with  them 'front loading' what THEY think I should see, wanting to link me or refuse access if I don't use fb, twitter or gmail as the portal to get in.

Hate having my phone's location on and some site/s wanting to know how I enjoyed Aldo's Pizzeria or some such thing/place.

Annoyed I have never done fb, but if I want to buy something for myself, or a gift for her, products I looked at show up on her fb page--we use the same router.

Even google ' incognito' browser page is NOT nearly as incognito as people think. Read the small print...

I mean, leave my daily life, preferences, habits and privacy alone, but continue to let me and other citizens to have venues to speak, research and share, without mandatory membership restrictions otherwise blocking me.

Guess I'm kinda what like Groucho Marx said:

"I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member."

Change 'have me' to  basically 'forcing my hand' to join or risk being somewhat  a hermit or dinosaur..

That's not to say young people are as enamored of fb as before or that it's forever.

One of my sons is as active and normal a college (UGA!) Senior as you're likely to meet. He graduates this December, has an interview with google for his 1st post college job and he almost never messes with fb, and  just occasionally uses Instagram.

Beyond professional usage, he sees it as a shallow, vain ocean of poser wannabees.

He knows I find the google experience to be bad and getting worse month by month, but when I asked him "Who scares you the most, Google (Alphabet) or Microsoft?"

He replied "No Dad--It's Jeff Bezos, Amazon--they control the CLOUD"

They control more of the cloud than everyone else put together. Once they have their 3426 satellites orbiting planet earth via their Blue Origin space program (Elon Musk's SpaceX  also plans on launching 3426) there won't be a place on earth they can't reach, dictating access, content and price to commerce/political/media content.

Think about it.

Just as for centuries military history has taught repeatedly: He who holds the high ground wins the day" --I predict orbital space dominance will do the same for corporations.

And Govts like the USA, Russia and China CAN'T compete, can't afford such plans. SpaceX and Blue Origin launch most of THEIR satellites already.

And Amazon controls most of the US Govts cloud storage/access.

Bad enough companies like fb/google run rampant over consumer and internet access, but they buy out new companies, and not just big outfits like whatsapp, Instagram etc. Google does it. Verizon is running a similar game.

As the malls killed main street mom and pop owned shopping experiences, Amazon is killing the malls. Wait and see, or just ask Sears.

I'm not begging govt 'big brother' not pushing for making internet access, say to people at work, illegal, but do you ever wonder:

How much work productivity is lost to people twittering (on their own private phones) their work days away on social, entertainment and porn apps?

Sure 48 states are pressing for govt action stopping monopolization like corporate behavior by fb and google but the smartest minds say at best they might be 'dialed back' a bit --that they----like those criminals at Bank of America, who were criminally lending sub prime  money, then foreclosing on the victims when the bubble they so much helped create collapsed,  they're now like the US Govt called Bank of America:

--> """Too big to fail."

Fine them, chastise them, but kill them? They dare not!

I want some site that along with  PL, while mainly male focused, isn't stone age, bonehead male focused--not mamby pamby, but not flying off the handle to the left or right of anything, but a venue for "spirited discourse" or questions and commentary. NOT a bunch of sheep.

Don't know much about 'blogging' and while I'm green on knowing about that venue, my wife seems to think that might be a good outlet for my ramblings.

But again, I don't like joining up with stuff and what little I've seen of blogging doesn't seem to have action, reaction--the 'give and take' that PL has..

Suggestions? ???

here is an article that lists Medellin facebook groups that have thousands of followers.

Nobody goes down to Colombia anymore with the single minded obsession of finding a wife as far as I know.

If you go to Medellin and are interested in women.... it is a fore gone conclusion that you will have more women than you can handle. And since there are many women that are on these forums for Medellin ....posts that talk exclusively about how to hook up with Medellin women are usually erased as the American women find them offensive.

The information on this board is overall counter productive unless you are normally a person that is victimized by women. And if that is the case.....just stay home. jajaja

When the marriage agency scene died so did the threat of meeting potential green card sharks. There were never that many anyway but the few that existed were concentrated in agencies. Now the agencies  are gone and so is the chance of meeting up with them.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2019, 11:09:18 PM by Calipro »

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2019, 06:40:07 AM »

here is an article that lists Medellin facebook groups that have thousands of followers.

Nobody goes down to Colombia anymore with the single minded obsession of finding a wife as far as I know.

If you go to Medellin and are interested in women.... it is a fore gone conclusion that you will have more women than you can handle. And since there are many women that are on these forums for Medellin ....posts that talk exclusively about how to hook up with Medellin women are usually erased as the American women find them offensive.

The information on this board is overall counter productive unless you are normally a person that is victimized by women. And if that is the case.....just stay home. jajaja

When the marriage agency scene died so did the threat of meeting potential green card sharks. There were never that many anyway but the few that existed were concentrated in agencies. Now the agencies  are gone and so is the chance of meeting up with them.

Everything changes. A lot of guys are disgruntled with life--with their jobs, their wives/GFs or lack thereof.

What few people who come here anymore seem to illustrate that.

Marriage is a dying institution that is increasingly losing it's appeal-- even amongst people who want and do have children.

But most people still want somebody/s that turns them on and wants them around them fairly regularly. We are by and large, social, sexual beings by nature.

Maybe I'm naive, but I refuse to believe that facebook is basically 'it' one in and of itself, impenetrable, and that it's the end all, not even 'just about it' for exploring international and domestic affairs.

I know fb is currently the 800 pound gorilla out there, I just don't care for it and increasingly, neither do other people. Don't relish the thought, but I still wouldn't rule out checking it out. Know thy enemy....

That said, I rarely check my wife's fb----I trust her--have verified trust. WE almost never even look at what's on/in each other's phone--I bet THAT's unusual.  She doesn't care about P.L, unless she's not getting the attention she more than deserves and craves because I'm posting here. But I balance things out.

More than the disgruntled women you described on the Medellin fb spots, trying to stifle others from posting what they feel doesn't serve their own best interests, I think there are still guys out there who are interested in woman specific topics, as well as general interest posts.

Some might come off like losers, some like alpha wolves, some like maniacs, but I think a lot of them are still out there and that they'd be interested in what's mostly 'guy talk.'

But while  everything's changed, 'marriage agencies' and dating sites seem increasingly dated (and deeply flawed) I think that somewhere out there there's still a market for guys who want to talk about desirable women, where they might be and how to get them.

The Cupid sites, sites like plenty of fish too, have become even worse than the USA based ones, which were?are pretty dismal already.

Calipro, you've been the Cheshire Cat in the catbird seat for so long down there that perhaps, sitting immersed in pussy heaven, that maybe you don't quite recall the feeling  of 'going in cold'--in not having a grip, a game plan, never mind 'game'

You've 'been there, done that'--are still nailing it. I remember a loooong time ago being afraid of 'no' --- of rejection and not realizing there were hot, desirable babes that were interested in me. Took a while!

"Veni, Vidi, Vici" now for you and I, but legions remain....

Even hunters had to learn how to hunt, no matter how instinctual the hunger urge.

I salute you--mission accomplished, and then some (how's that daughter doing?) but I think that given the right venue, set up correctly--and maybe it could be here, reworking what's been static or dying for a while now, could generate some helpful, mostly guy focused info-tainment.

I obviously don't have the answer/s, so that's why I'm throwing it out here!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 09:12:54 AM by robert angel »
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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2019, 06:34:18 PM »
misplaced post
« Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 07:06:40 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2019, 07:19:56 PM »
Everything changes. A lot of guys are disgruntled with life--with their jobs, their wives/GFs or lack thereof.

What few people who come here anymore seem to illustrate that.

Marriage is a dying institution that is increasingly losing it's appeal-- even amongst people who want and do have children.

But most people still want somebody/s that turns them on and wants them around them fairly regularly. We are by and large, social, sexual beings by nature.

Maybe I'm naive, but I refuse to believe that facebook is basically 'it' one in and of itself, impenetrable, and that it's the end all, not even 'just about it' for exploring international and domestic affairs.

I know fb is currently the 800 pound gorilla out there, I just don't care for it and increasingly, neither do other people. Don't relish the thought, but I still wouldn't rule out checking it out. Know thy enemy....

That said, I rarely check my wife's fb----I trust her--have verified trust. WE almost never even look at what's on/in each other's phone--I bet THAT's unusual.  She doesn't care about P.L, unless she's not getting the attention she more than deserves and craves because I'm posting here. But I balance things out.

More than the disgruntled women you described on the Medellin fb spots, trying to stifle others from posting what they feel doesn't serve their own best interests, I think there are still guys out there who are interested in woman specific topics, as well as general interest posts.

Some might come off like losers, some like alpha wolves, some like maniacs, but I think a lot of them are still out there and that they'd be interested in what's mostly 'guy talk.'

But while  everything's changed, 'marriage agencies' and dating sites seem increasingly dated (and deeply flawed) I think that somewhere out there there's still a market for guys who want to talk about desirable women, where they might be and how to get them.

The Cupid sites, sites like plenty of fish too, have become even worse than the USA based ones, which were?are pretty dismal already.

Calipro, you've been the Cheshire Cat in the catbird seat for so long down there that perhaps, sitting immersed in pussy heaven, that maybe you don't quite recall the feeling  of 'going in cold'--in not having a grip, a game plan, never mind 'game'

You've 'been there, done that'--are still nailing it. I remember a loooong time ago being afraid of 'no' --- of rejection and not realizing there were hot, desirable babes that were interested in me. Took a while!

"Veni, Vidi, Vici" now for you and I, but legions remain....

Even hunters had to learn how to hunt, no matter how instinctual the hunger urge.

I salute you--mission accomplished, and then some (how's that daughter doing?) but I think that given the right venue, set up correctly--and maybe it could be here, reworking what's been static or dying for a while now, could generate some helpful, mostly guy focused info-tainment.

I obviously don't have the answer/s, so that's why I'm throwing it out here!
My married neighbor confided wife she's having an affair with another man. She is 38, he's 30.i also know plenty of married people at work having affairs. I think the institution of marriage is definitely in danger...

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2019, 08:51:57 PM »
Everything changes. A lot of guys are disgruntled with life--with their jobs, their wives/GFs or lack thereof.

What few people who come here anymore seem to illustrate that.

Marriage is a dying institution that is increasingly losing it's appeal-- even amongst people who want and do have children.

But most people still want somebody/s that turns them on and wants them around them fairly regularly. We are by and large, social, sexual beings by nature.

Maybe I'm naive, but I refuse to believe that facebook is basically 'it' one in and of itself, impenetrable, and that it's the end all, not even 'just about it' for exploring international and domestic affairs.

I know fb is currently the 800 pound gorilla out there, I just don't care for it and increasingly, neither do other people. Don't relish the thought, but I still wouldn't rule out checking it out. Know thy enemy....

That said, I rarely check my wife's fb----I trust her--have verified trust. WE almost never even look at what's on/in each other's phone--I bet THAT's unusual.  She doesn't care about P.L, unless she's not getting the attention she more than deserves and craves because I'm posting here. But I balance things out.

More than the disgruntled women you described on the Medellin fb spots, trying to stifle others from posting what they feel doesn't serve their own best interests, I think there are still guys out there who are interested in woman specific topics, as well as general interest posts.

Some might come off like losers, some like alpha wolves, some like maniacs, but I think a lot of them are still out there and that they'd be interested in what's mostly 'guy talk.'

But while  everything's changed, 'marriage agencies' and dating sites seem increasingly dated (and deeply flawed) I think that somewhere out there there's still a market for guys who want to talk about desirable women, where they might be and how to get them.

The Cupid sites, sites like plenty of fish too, have become even worse than the USA based ones, which were?are pretty dismal already.

Calipro, you've been the Cheshire Cat in the catbird seat for so long down there that perhaps, sitting immersed in pussy heaven, that maybe you don't quite recall the feeling  of 'going in cold'--in not having a grip, a game plan, never mind 'game'

You've 'been there, done that'--are still nailing it. I remember a loooong time ago being afraid of 'no' --- of rejection and not realizing there were hot, desirable babes that were interested in me. Took a while!

"Veni, Vidi, Vici" now for you and I, but legions remain....

Even hunters had to learn how to hunt, no matter how instinctual the hunger urge.

I salute you--mission accomplished, and then some (how's that daughter doing?) but I think that given the right venue, set up correctly--and maybe it could be here, reworking what's been static or dying for a while now, could generate some helpful, mostly guy focused info-tainment.

I obviously don't have the answer/s, so that's why I'm throwing it out here!

My daughter is doing great. I couldn't be happier with my decision to have a baby in Colombia.

Overall I don't think this forum is very helpful....I truly believe that the message here is a negative one and does a disservice to anyone truly interested in finding a wife abroad. And I have to say that for the most part..... the guys that seek out advice on meeting women overseas for marriage are for the most part losers.

Guys should just go to Colombia and meet women in the most natural way possible. Instead of trying to be one trip wonders and meeting only women that have an expressed desire to marry a gringo that she doesn't know well and leave behind everything she as ever known.

I have to say I like Medellin much more than Cali at this point. The women are not all that interested in leaving this place. So I don't know that it would be the best place for a guy to find a wife in a short amount of time.

My advice to any lurkers that are left here is .....just go to Colombia. Meet women on facebook or any social platform and make friends and just go out and socialize. And when you find one that you really really like.....make sure she wants to have your babies....before you ask her to marry you. If you don't want children then don't marry a Colombian woman unless you are into older women whose children are grown. But I still wouldn't do it. There really is no point in a marriage for a Colombian woman if there aren't children involved.

If you tell a Colombian woman that you don't want children then she will know that you just want to get married so you can bring her to the states so you can have a trophy wife that will put out. And if she tells you she doesn't want to have children right now then you know you are just a meal ticket. So don't marry her.

I know a gringo in the states right now that is having problems with is Colombian wife because she wants to have a child and he doesn't want anymore children. If you want to get married to a woman that doesn't want to have children then you are probably better off going for a gringa.

I was checking out a while ago and was stunned by the amount of  women in there mid to late 30's that don't have children and say they want to have children someday. And I'm thinking....bitch if it ain't isn't going to be any day. LOL!

It is hard to imagine that they are that I suspect that they really aren't interested in children at all and just say they want children someday because is sounds nicer.

Personally I think that women on match should tell guys that they are working on their cat colony and aren't really interested in having a family. jajaja

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2019, 07:48:13 AM »

My daughter is doing great. I couldn't be happier with my decision to have a baby in Colombia.

Overall I don't think this forum is very helpful....I truly believe that the message here is a negative one and does a disservice to anyone truly interested in finding a wife abroad. And I have to say that for the most part..... the guys that seek out advice on meeting women overseas for marriage are for the most part losers.

Guys should just go to Colombia and meet women in the most natural way possible. Instead of trying to be one trip wonders and meeting only women that have an expressed desire to marry a gringo that she doesn't know well and leave behind everything she as ever known.

I have to say I like Medellin much more than Cali at this point. The women are not all that interested in leaving this place. So I don't know that it would be the best place for a guy to find a wife in a short amount of time.

My advice to any lurkers that are left here is .....just go to Colombia. Meet women on facebook or any social platform and make friends and just go out and socialize. And when you find one that you really really like.....make sure she wants to have your babies....before you ask her to marry you. If you don't want children then don't marry a Colombian woman unless you are into older women whose children are grown. But I still wouldn't do it. There really is no point in a marriage for a Colombian woman if there aren't children involved.

If you tell a Colombian woman that you don't want children then she will know that you just want to get married so you can bring her to the states so you can have a trophy wife that will put out. And if she tells you she doesn't want to have children right now then you know you are just a meal ticket. So don't marry her.

I know a gringo in the states right now that is having problems with is Colombian wife because she wants to have a child and he doesn't want anymore children. If you want to get married to a woman that doesn't want to have children then you are probably better off going for a gringa.

I was checking out a while ago and was stunned by the amount of  women in there mid to late 30's that don't have children and say they want to have children someday. And I'm thinking....bitch if it ain't isn't going to be any day. LOL!

It is hard to imagine that they are that I suspect that they really aren't interested in children at all and just say they want children someday because is sounds nicer.

Personally I think that women on match should tell guys that they are working on their cat colony and aren't really interested in having a family. jajaja
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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2019, 07:52:26 AM »
My married neighbor confided wife she's having an affair with another man. She is 38, he's 30.i also know plenty of married people at work having affairs. I think the institution of marriage is definitely in danger...

I'm seeing it more and more too--and in people in their 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's! And they are usually looking for someone 5 years or more younger to have extra marital affairs with.
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2019, 07:52:26 AM »

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2019, 09:44:38 AM »

I'm seeing it more and more too--and in people in their 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's! And they are usually looking for someone 5 years or more younger to have extra marital affairs with.

I guess the extramarital age of the human "cougar' hunting younger males has gotten increasingly younger.

I am fortunate that my wife 'self regulates' all her home and work situations. She's just more aware and wanting me to always know I come 1st--our time, our 'date nights' are all but written in stone and any rare professional  socialization or outside 'hanging out with the girls' requires MY permission.

I am fortunate that I feel like she works with a mormon like group of married white boys and junior league girls, but I know temptation's everywhere. Anyway for now, it appears my luck's holding.

Although slap my pretentious ass for writing my wife almost never checks my cell phone.

She insisted on doing so last night and for a while there, it WASN'T pretty!
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2019, 02:03:38 PM »

I guess the extramarital age of the human "cougar' hunting younger males has gotten increasingly younger.

I am fortunate that my wife 'self regulates' all her home and work situations. She's just more aware and wanting me to always know I come 1st--our time, our 'date nights' are all but written in stone and any rare professional  socialization or outside 'hanging out with the girls' requires MY permission.

I am fortunate that I feel like she works with a mormon like group of married white boys and junior league girls, but I know temptation's everywhere. Anyway for now, it appears my luck's holding.

Although slap my pretentious ass for writing my wife almost never checks my cell phone.

She insisted on doing so last night and for a while there, it WASN'T pretty!
Way too much temptation and very easy to cheat these days.  The internet and electronic communication increases access to temptation so it's literally at our fingertips....

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2019, 06:16:53 PM »
Way too much temptation and very easy to cheat these days.  The internet and electronic communication increases access to temptation so it's literally at our fingertips....

You can say that again. It is no easy task being a faithful husband in Colombia. I have almost [snip]ed up a couple times and I haven't even made it to the one year mark.

Offline mambocowboy

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2019, 07:43:59 PM »

You can say that again. It is no easy task being a faithful husband in Colombia. I have almost [snip]ed up a couple times and I haven't even made it to the one year mark.
You have great self control. It would be very difficult for a gringo living in Colombia not to give in to temptation. I'm only there 2 weeks at a time and the interest from women I get there is completely different than the States. In the States I'm pretty much invisible except I have a younger, hot wife...

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2019, 08:19:12 PM »
You have great self control. It would be very difficult for a gringo living in Colombia not to give in to temptation. I'm only there 2 weeks at a time and the interest from women I get there is completely different than the States. In the States I'm pretty much invisible except I have a younger, hot wife...

We have had  a modest house in my wife's country for 5 years now. We've improved it, adding air con, even a 2nd story and a veranda from which to watch the world below go by. It's not grand, but it's nice.

It's legally mine, but  I have never set foot in it.

Why? It's sooo close to temptation.  A big new mall is now pretty close by, where I would be the 'new white meat' to a lot of babes who don't see that flavor much, it's close to a pool and to a beach resort frequented by locals, then there's tons of massage parlors, where for a few bucks it's inevitable that some woman is  gonna want to make certain I have an 'extra happy ending'

Other P4P girls, checked every week for STDs peddle their wares in various areas.

Everything is somewhere between free or very inexpensive.

I'll be there for a few weeks next year and it almost scares me.

I push the boundaries pretty good already right here in the states and thus far, forgiveness has been divine. But over there, push could come to shove, as I'd sure as hell feel like I'm some combo of rock star and kid in a candy store and it could finally come back to bite my ass.
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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2019, 09:04:59 PM »

You can say that again. It is no easy task being a faithful husband in Colombia. I have almost [snip]ed up a couple times and I haven't even made it to the one year mark.

Cali we’ve never met but I’ve always felt like our personality types and perhaps even our approach to dating and love are similar. No offense my friend, but I don’t think you’re gonna make it. Not even a year yet? HA HA!!! I feel your pain man. I tried to be a good boy in Rio. I really did...but it’s almost impossible. One thing about Colombian Girls: if they’ve made up in their minds they want you the fact that you’re spoken for IS NOT a deterrent. I’ve found most of the temptation comes from your girlfriend/wife’s friends. If you do a lot for her. Small gifts here and there. Flowers, take her out to eat. Support her, be a good father, etc. They take notice quickly because most Colombian Guys DO NOT do stuff like that. It starts with prolonged eye contact. Then there’s the occasional comment, “I wish I had a boyfriend like you,” or some BS like that. You really know something is going on when the friend is dressed up anytime you’re around. I messed up by getting drunk with one of my ex’s friends. She just so happen to be at the same club that night. Then she needed to help me home. BIG MISTAKE!!! Come to find out she had planned the entire thing. Crazy thing is if you’re single those are the types that will act like you don’t exist. But just like clothes, shoes, handbags, hair, ass, tits, etc., women don’t want it unless another girl already has it.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 09:07:45 PM by benjio »

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2019, 11:28:53 PM »
We have had  a modest house in my wife's country for 5 years now. We've improved it, adding air con, even a 2nd story and a veranda from which to watch the world below go by. It's not grand, but it's nice.

It's legally mine, but  I have never set foot in it.

Why? It's sooo close to temptation.  A big new mall is now pretty close by, where I would be the 'new white meat' to a lot of babes who don't see that flavor much, it's close to a pool and to a beach resort frequented by locals, then there's tons of massage parlors, where for a few bucks it's inevitable that some woman is  gonna want to make certain I have an 'extra happy ending'

Other P4P girls, checked every week for STDs peddle their wares in various areas.

Everything is somewhere between free or very inexpensive.

I'll be there for a few weeks next year and it almost scares me.

I push the boundaries pretty good already right here in the states and thus far, forgiveness has been divine. But over there, push could come to shove, as I'd sure as hell feel like I'm some combo of rock star and kid in a candy store and it could finally come back to bite my ass.
Yeah better to keep your distance! Yo have a great wife.

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2019, 08:18:38 PM »
Yeah better to keep your distance! Yo have a great wife.

Thanks man. I really am so fortunate. It took me about ten years to for real realize that. I was THAT damaged, gun shy because of my 1st marriage.

She's got brain smarts, but she's a humble team player (typical traditional Filipina in that way) she has tons of natural common sense too-- 'a natural.' She's just one of those innately nice people--it's like she almost never turns off the nice and caring way that IS her. A real soft touch.

One of the big bosses at work asked her in an appreciative, complimentary way: "Do you ALWAYS smile?" I can even understand her accented English speech 98% of  the time.

She's God fearing, 'walks the walk'  but doesn't hold it over my head, doesn't dismiss me as hopelessly evil when I get nasty, sarcastic, down n dirty.
She loves church, but doesn't insist we go to church every week.

My own family probably loves her more than me and her family loves me. I am far from rich (her last Toyota was 22 years old!) but never any fighting over money.

I think she looks great weighing within a few pounds of what she weighed in High School and she is a good cook--fixes my meals (breakfast served in bed b4 she goes to work) and she makes sure my clothes look good. I had to stop her from buying me a $118 bottle of Versace Eros cologne (the blue bottle--its killer) just this afternoon!

Meanwhile I'm a poor, lazy bald headed f_ _k with a wandering eye. If she ever wised up and dumped my ass, I'd  about die.

But God forbid something did happen and I survived, I'd eventually go back to the same area overseas and probably find another woman.

But there's simply NO way I could find another woman with half of her qualities,  never mind one who was (IS sexy, hot, yet wholesome) less than half my age and already a college graduate when I married her, 4 years after we first met.

You can't make sh!t like this up!

My son's from my previous marriage are good guys, but my only regret is not being able to have had more kids with this wife. I know had we, we'd have kids in high school, on their way to places like Stanford, Harvard, West Point etc.

We took a great day trip today, driving a couple miles into Florida. I used to always leave her home alone Saturdays so I could have 'my time'. I told her b4 we married "That's just the way it's got to be."

Nowadays most of the time I'm happier  just hanging with with her at home chilling, us going out on different, fun local Friday night dates, us doing mini vacation day trips like today's or planning longer ones.

"Up on Cripple Creek" (The Band)

"Up on Cripple Creek, she sends me
If I spring a leak, she mends me
I don't have to speak, she defends me
A drunkard's dream if I ever did see one..."

Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2019, 09:27:35 AM »
Thanks man. I really am so fortunate. It took me about ten years to for real realize that. I was THAT damaged, gun shy because of my 1st marriage.

She's got brain smarts, but she's a humble team player (typical traditional Filipina in that way) she has tons of natural common sense too-- 'a natural.' She's just one of those innately nice people--it's like she almost never turns off the nice and caring way that IS her. A real soft touch.

One of the big bosses at work asked her in an appreciative, complimentary way: "Do you ALWAYS smile?" I can even understand her accented English speech 98% of  the time.

She's God fearing, 'walks the walk'  but doesn't hold it over my head, doesn't dismiss me as hopelessly evil when I get nasty, sarcastic, down n dirty.
She loves church, but doesn't insist we go to church every week.

My own family probably loves her more than me and her family loves me. I am far from rich (her last Toyota was 22 years old!) but never any fighting over money.

I think she looks great weighing within a few pounds of what she weighed in High School and she is a good cook--fixes my meals (breakfast served in bed b4 she goes to work) and she makes sure my clothes look good. I had to stop her from buying me a $118 bottle of Versace Eros cologne (the blue bottle--its killer) just this afternoon!

Meanwhile I'm a poor, lazy bald headed f_ _k with a wandering eye. If she ever wised up and dumped my ass, I'd  about die.

But God forbid something did happen and I survived, I'd eventually go back to the same area overseas and probably find another woman.

But there's simply NO way I could find another woman with half of her qualities,  never mind one who was (IS sexy, hot, yet wholesome) less than half my age and already a college graduate when I married her, 4 years after we first met.

You can't make sh!t like this up!

My son's from my previous marriage are good guys, but my only regret is not being able to have had more kids with this wife. I know had we, we'd have kids in high school, on their way to places like Stanford, Harvard, West Point etc.

We took a great day trip today, driving a couple miles into Florida. I used to always leave her home alone Saturdays so I could have 'my time'. I told her b4 we married "That's just the way it's got to be."

Nowadays most of the time I'm happier  just hanging with with her at home chilling, us going out on different, fun local Friday night dates, us doing mini vacation day trips like today's or planning longer ones.

"Up on Cripple Creek" (The Band)

"Up on Cripple Creek, she sends me
If I spring a leak, she mends me
I don't have to speak, she defends me
A drunkard's dream if I ever did see one..."

The above in a nutshell: 'Having a great wife who's all about spending Saturday and Sunday with YOU,  who feels that making you feel happy is what makes her happy, rocks!!'

And guys, 'dates', daycation trips, weekends and ESPECIALLY  if you have kids, still getting away and doing sh!t like you're two horny college kids on spring break helps a hell of a lot.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 09:29:06 AM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2019, 09:56:50 AM »
Cali we’ve never met but I’ve always felt like our personality types and perhaps even our approach to dating and love are similar. No offense my friend, but I don’t think you’re gonna make it. Not even a year yet? HA HA!!! I feel your pain man. I tried to be a good boy in Rio. I really did...but it’s almost impossible. One thing about Colombian Girls: if they’ve made up in their minds they want you the fact that you’re spoken for IS NOT a deterrent. I’ve found most of the temptation comes from your girlfriend/wife’s friends. If you do a lot for her. Small gifts here and there. Flowers, take her out to eat. Support her, be a good father, etc. They take notice quickly because most Colombian Guys DO NOT do stuff like that. It starts with prolonged eye contact. Then there’s the occasional comment, “I wish I had a boyfriend like you,” or some BS like that. You really know something is going on when the friend is dressed up anytime you’re around. I messed up by getting drunk with one of my ex’s friends. She just so happen to be at the same club that night. Then she needed to help me home. BIG MISTAKE!!! Come to find out she had planned the entire thing. Crazy thing is if you’re single those are the types that will act like you don’t exist. But just like clothes, shoes, handbags, hair, ass, tits, etc., women don’t want it unless another girl already has it.

Good luck.

While back I wrote how I was in line with a nice piece of jewelry to purchase and behind me was a pretty hot Colombiana. The line was slow and I wasn't sure if my wife would like the 14K white gold with diamonds cross, set on a lovely box cut chain. She doesn't like anything too ostentacious. So I took pics and sent them to her real quick. I asked the Colombiana behind me, who was watching the whole exchange with interest, if she thought it was nice. She saw my wife's pic when I opened my phone commented on how pretty she is and said:

"Yes--I sure wish I had a husband who was like you!"

I was pretty sure this woman was married to some guy who for 40, 50+ hours a week or longer, worked, a guy she hardly saw---that if I were to revert back to 'full bad dog mode' I had a great chance to set up some extracurricular sex. 9 to 5, on the side. Delivering the mail, hehe...

At Publix supermarket and at Ross Dress 4 less, where alot of the local, more exotic looking women  tend to shop, similar scenarios play out.

The right words, sometimes it's just something like "That dress/those shoes look great on you" -"Love those mangos" and timed right, will have a babe grabbing my arm, repeating "Yessss" all but waiting for me to ask "Can  I call you?" It's a bit of an ego boosting cat and mouse game, but why should I go for that woman, that 'cheese'  that looks and smells great on the outside, when I know I've already got 5 star cheese waiting at home, warm, fresh to the  core and waiting??

Colombia or the Philippines---I just don't think that living there, being married and going out alone, and being around a lot of hot, wanton women would work out well for my marriage.

But that day at the store, with that long, tall drink of water the hot morena Colombiana mama represented looking over my shoulder, well,  there was temptation for sure, and pun intended--it was HARD walking away!

« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 06:27:50 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2019, 09:56:50 AM »

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2019, 07:29:31 PM »

While back I wrote how I was in line with a nice piece of jewelry to purchase and behind me was a pretty hot Colombiana. The line was slow and I wasn't sure if my wife would like the 14K white gold with diamonds cross, set on a lovely box cut chain. She doesn't like anything too ostentacious. So I took pics and sent them to her real quick. I asked the Colombiana behind me, who was watching the whole exchange with interest, if she thought it was nice. She saw my wife's pic when I opened my phone commented on how pretty she is and said:

"Yes--I sure wish I had a husband who was like you!"

I was pretty sure this woman was married to some guy who for 40, 50+ hours a week or longer, worked, a guy she hardly saw---that if I were to revert back to 'full bad dog mode' I had a great chance to set up some extracurricular sex. 9 to 5, on the side. Delivering the mail, hehe...

At Publix supermarket and at Ross Dress 4 less, where alot of the local, more exotic looking women  tend to shop, similar scenarios play out.

The right words, sometimes it's just something like "That dress/those shoes look great on you" -"Love those mangos" and timed right, will have a babe grabbing my arm, repeating "Yessss" all but waiting for me to ask "Can  I call you?" It's a bit of an ego boosting cat and mouse game, but why should I go for that woman, that 'cheese'  that looks and smells great on the outside, when I know I've already got 5 star cheese waiting at home, warm, fresh to the  core and waiting??

Colombia or the Philippines---I just don't think that living there, being married and going out alone, and being around a lot of hot, wanton women would work out well for my marriage.

But that day at the store, with that long, tall drink of water the hot morena Colombiana mama represented looking over my shoulder, well,  there was temptation for sure, and pun intended--it was HARD walking away!
HARD to walk away lol! My wife loves Ross too...but yeah I meet so many American women who fall short of my wife in every category.  The only ones who can hold a candle are the foreigners...

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Re: Internet decline in access, quality of experience
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2019, 10:09:13 AM »
HARD to walk away lol! My wife loves Ross too...but yeah I meet so many American women who fall short of my wife in every category.  The only ones who can hold a candle are the foreigners...

Maybe it's human nature that we're attracted to what's not common, female wise. Then again, how many white women, and that's just the ones who'll admit it, want a  'tall, dark and handsome' lover?

It's to the point of cliche.

100 years ago it was Rudolph Valentino, later it was Antonio Banderas, the Inglesias...

Then again, in the fifties, who couldn't find Marilyn Monroe or Sophia Loren desirable, although other than boobs n curves, totally opposite in looks, mannerisms and speech?

We all tend to want some things that we don't have or can't get.

Like I could go for some Ben n Jerry's  Chocolate Chunky Monkey, mostly because I don't have any right now.

Not just interpersonally. The wealthiest people who have more money than they could ever spend, want what's left that they don't have more than enough of  --> POWER--political ties, offices. Then more often than not, something saucey and sexy on the side too.

Being content with what we have is rarely 100% all the time.

I'm just glad that Leonardo Decaprio always goes for those tall thin S. American super models, because my shortish wife says he's the only guy she'd leave me for.

I'm glad she also says Leo's not aging well, that he's chubby and that he increasingly looks too much like his good buddy, pervy, ancient Jack Nicholson!

And that was 7 years ago, before the beer belly and him hanging on the beaches like a beached whale, baseball cap on backwards, looking like po white trash, lol.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 10:22:38 AM by robert angel »
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