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Board Members and Posts


Recently I became inspired to conduct a review - not exhaustive - but a quick review of some of the posts and members making them, which occurred in the Asian and Latin boards prior to the time I became involved with those sections earlier this year.

As I have been active on the Planet-Love forums since about 1998 or 1999, I have personal knowledge of what transpired there, but admittedly, did not pay much attention at all to the other sections of the board.

Based on my cursory review, I have drawn a conclusion. I have been trying to implement a loose policy of moderation and intervention - and in the process, have exposed myself to rumor-mongering and vile accusations from some who no longer post here. I have also witnessed the ridicule of members of GoodWife who share their experiences, only to find their posts copied (in violation of the board copyright) onto other boards where they are ridiculed.

I am going to implement - for the foreseeable future - a much more stringent policy with regard to posts which fail to make a positive contribution to the board. I will take further steps to protect the board copyright and to protect that which members write here. And finally, I will work to preserve the value of this board which has contributed so much to its readers/members over the years.

I have asked several members to work with me in implementing this policy.

Those members who are here to make a positive contribution - to share their experiences with others - to learn from others who have preceeded them - those members will find the board a warm and inviting host.

Those who come here to ridicule or malign, to create rancor or disruption, to recruit members to alternative venues, or to violate the Terms of Service of this site - those people should re-evaluate and consider bypassing this site altogether. They are not welcome here and will be summarily dismissed. I will not commit to any warnings, nor to any confirmation, of the steps taken during this transition period.

I recognize the potential for a short-term loss of membership at the site as this policy is implemented and until things stabilize. Based on PM's and email I have received the past couple of months, I am confident the losses will be more than offset with the return of valued contributors who were driven away by the shenanigans of a few hooligans in the past which will no longer be tolerated.

- Dan


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