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April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« on: June 16, 2006, 06:49:38 AM »
A 10 day trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla and this was also my third trip to Colombia, first time was in 2002 through an agency in Barranquilla called South American Ladies, another on a solo mission to to make a final decision on my novia at the time...which I kinda screwed up because of unfinished business back at home, and this trip which I took Wed April 26, 2006 and came back Friday May 5, 2005. I am a 31 year old 6'5 black guy originally from New York and now living in South Florida for the past 5 years. My spanish is minimal at best but I can get around.

In late January, I purchased the "Find out who is interested in you" service from Jamie's agency I combed that website for 35 beautiful ladies with the intention of utilizing Jamie's agency for my trip in April. But because the updates were taking such a long time, I got sidetracked and started looking at other agencies. Thats when I gave Mark Turner a call from Amor De Cartagena. We spoke and I told him what I was looking for and we had a pretty good conversation about the service and the ladies on his website. He seemed to have a good idea of what each and every lady on his site was looking for in a relationship and their current status.

So I started combing through the Amor De Cartagena site for all of the prettiest ones that I can be introduced too. In back of my head, I figured I can go to Cartagena utilizing Mark agency and use the info Jamie sends me and make contact by myelf. My spanish is minimal at best but some how I am able to communicate, so why do I need an agency in Barranquilla?

So I came up with a list of girls from Amor De Cartagena and emailed it to Mark a couple of days prior to the trip with the exact days to schedule the appointments because my original plan was to be in Barranquilla Sunday May 30th and spend 4 days I had to meet as many ladies from ADC as much as possible in the first 4 days that I would be there. Also it was almost like a challenge because I had purchased an April tour DVD from I Love for a stunning latina, included in the DVD was profiles of all the ladies(name,address,tel,cell,bio). I made contact with her and she too was awaiting my arrival in Barranquilla.

Five days before this trip, Mark was busy acquiring new girls for his agency and was always available for my calls and giving me updates on all the new girls that he was meeting. I sent him the picture of the "this stunning latina" as sort of guide of the type of ladies I want to be introduced to and meet. 4 days realy I had no time to play around. Mark assured me that he would match it toe to toe and it became a challenge because I told him if he introduced me to a woman with those looks, I wouldn't even waste my time Barranquilla.

A day before the trip I finalized all my remaining obligations to ADC for the apt and agency fees and I secured the apt for 12 days. I had a R/T ticket Avianca $426 MIA/CART. I had a reservation at the Royal Hotel....just a reservation until I got to Barranquilla to see what was what.


I arrived in Cartagena at 4pm or so and Luis was waiting for me outside the airport. He recognized me off the bat because I sent my picture prior to the trip. We took a taxi to the apt and it was nice on the beach facing the ocean and it was such a hot day out and I turned on A/C which is located in the bedroom. I took my vonage with me so I can make my calls to the US and it worked but only after the second day. I had to re-configure the Bandwidth Saver feature because the speed is lot slower than the US but after I fixed it I made contact with everyone and they can call you directly so that was a plus.

My first question to Luis was who am I going to see first. Luis pulled out a list of girls and their phone numbers that Mark had prepared. So it was obvious that Mark didn't make the appt's ahead of time so all the appt's were going to be done on the day of my arrival. So while Luis made the calls I got settled and checked out the apts...and made these notations (I needed to do grocery shopping, needed fresh sheets and towels)
We left and hit the streets of Cartagena. This city is probably the most beautiful city I have ever seen. It felt like an old european town with the brick laden streets and cottages with the entire city built inside a fortress.

Luis set up my first appt with Girl#1 she was cute but not my type because i need to be with a taller girl due to my height and in my last relationship I was with a filipina at 5' ! so i couldn't do that anymore. When we met up with her she was with a guy and it was clear that it was her boyfriend because she was looking at us from afar because ahe spoke to Luis on the phone and was trying to ditch the guy. Finally we left and came back to the apt after I did some grocery/household shopping. Luis received the call from Girl#1 and she took a taxi to the apt.

So Girl#1 comes to the apt and she looks really cute but she was shorter than what I was looking for. We sat on the couch and I started speaking to her and she would ask me a couple of questions and the sentences that I couldn't understand Luis would come in and explain them to me and visa-versa. She was definetely looking for an american boyfriend and I said to her yeah well what about the guy you were with , Luis translated it to her and she started winking at Luis in a sense to let me know that it was not her boyfriend ...just a friend. She's young and probably thought that I wouldn't catch on, but it was too late she was scratched from the list. If she can't be honest on the first impression imagine when your in a relationship. Also its not that wouldn't understand that she was currently involved because I just popped into her life.

So she left and we got ready to hit the streets of was around 8pm. Walking the streets of Cartagena is so different at night because during the day there is alot of hustle and bustle. I bumped into a couple of american guys about 7 total all together from LA, NY & DC there for a weekend guy trip. They were hanging out in this huge courtyard having drinks with a couple of ladies. Luis and I hung out for a little bit and then made our way to Tu Candela a discoteca that plays Hip Hop, Salsa, Reggaeton and Merengue. So we had a good time left that place like 3 am so I can get ready for tommorow's next round of appts. At the club there wasn't anyone I would be too serious about because you just never know what these girls do for a living....

Next Appointment with Girl#2

She makes it to the apt at about 11:30 am and her picture looked alot better than meeting her in person. She looked like she had battle scars on both her arms and they were identical markings started to think if this was tribal in a way. But she and I spoke and had many questions for me which I answered with Luis help. But all in all she was not what I was looking for and it was a waste of time for me. After she left, Luis and I made a sandwich and started to look over the list for next potential appt.

Appointment with Girl#3

When she got to the apt, I was like okay now we are heading in the right direction she was about 5'4 Vanilla complexion nice body ...the only wrong with her she looked sleepy when i was talking to her. I dont know if the A/C was hitting her in the right place because it was a very hot day, and we decided to take the conversation to the bedroom where the A/C (no funny biz). I asked questions like what do you plan to do for the future? Are you going to school? Are currently working? It didn't looked like she did much of anything but sleep. So after a half hour with sleepy, I decided to bid her farewell and get some lunch before the next appt.

She came to the apt and mind you every girl i have seen and will see...I was responsible for their cab fare (heads up). Girl#4 I did not see her picture so I was hoodwinked into having her coming over.....when I saw her the first thought in my head was " Oh my goodness its a female Klingon warrior with huge tits" they were pratically spiiling out of her shirt. I didn't say much but the normal routine hi, how old are you, what do you do? Well it turns out she doesn't cook and isn't really doing the school thing but she says everyone in the her household cooks so she eats. I am like alright I have a professional eater here. Well considering I was hungry and couldn't real kick her out after her 5 minute entrance, I decided to take her and Luis to the mall for some lunch

We arrive at the mall and we go to the food court she orders a steak " Klingons love meat" lol, and she is just chomping away like watch me work this steak you american human. We finished our meal and went outside to escort to the taxi area to send her on her way...this alien beezwax jumps in the cab with a F$#@% toothpick between her teeth without a thank you or goodbye. I was like damn I should have had them cook that meat with motor oil!

After that we make it back to the apartment to try and call up another chica from the list Mark prepared.

Appointment with Girl#5

Luis calls her up and she comes to the apt and she looks all right. You know guys I am a very picky guy and my last girlfriend was a 10 so its really hard for me to recover and go below a 7 but the girl was a 6. She had a really wonderful personality and things were good between us as far conversations and the vibe. We decided to make a date that evening and go to Mr. Babilla a nightclub/bar for dancing and entertainment. We set the time up for 8pm and it was 6pm when she left the apt. I told Luis I have one hour to meet another girl before i step out with this chica. So Luis set up another appointment for me at 7 pm.

Appointment with Girl#6

She got there at 7:45......THIS CHICK WAS DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. Fellas I swear to you ...I live in MIAMI...Her body was the exact duplicate if not better than JLO!!! It took me 10 minutes to find my jaw which dropped to the floor when she came in. We spoke and she was digging me but there was something strange about her. while I was conversing with her, I was already late with Girl#5, so I told Luis to call her and let her know that I was on the phone with my mom in the states and as soon as I was done with the call, I would be over there. Back to Girl#6 ....she was gorgeous..she was the girl I wanted in everyway physically ..mentally she was hiding something...she lives in a town called Tulua, which is outside of Cali, but she is working in Cartagena...hmmmm??? I asked what do you do, she says she works in the hotel...Which hotel??....No answer...she diverts the answer and starts talking about me. She mentions she is willing to come to the states with me but she has been approved for a visa from switzerland. I told her that I am not in a rush to do visa paperwork until I feel that the relationship has graduated to that level of commitment. She agreed but damn in back of my mind.... Iwas like if I brought her back I would have to borrow Bush's secret service to guard her!!

We took pictures and I rushed out to meet with Girl#5 and take her to Mr. Babilla. We had a hard time getting through to her because by that time I was an hour and half late. Finally she picked up the phone and we went to pick her up. Of course I had to explain myself. She was mad at first but she relented and off we went to Mr. Babilla. There were some hot chicas dancing their asses off inside the club. I started to take pictures of the scenery and of my date...she turned out to be very jealous! She wanted to see the pictures I was taking so I showed her the pictures and she kept pressing the buttons past the club pictures, and ended up with the picture of Girl#6 aka JLO. She immediately knew that picture was taken the same night b/c I had the same shirt on! She was like oh thats why I was late picking her up...I was like NO I told her when she left, I was dressed by 6:30 and she arrived at the apt at 6:45 and left by 7:30, and that I was on the phone with my family in the states b/c of an emergency, plus I dont have a cell phone so I had to take the call. Any case she believed it and the night ended great but way too jealous for me.

Well the next morning I woke up and started thinking about my trip thus far and the night partying at Mr. Babilla when Luis knocked on the door. We had breakfast in the apt and was still talking about Girl#6 I dont think I described her well enough in the last post this girl was 5'7 curly brown hair with chinita eyes, she had tanned canela complexion with Angelina Jolie breasts and finally JLO a$$. So....Luis and I started going through the infamous list designed for me to find a quality novia.

He called a couple of girls but they were unreachable and I made the decision to intiate plan B and that was to go to Barranquilla and meet three chicas. I got two from Latin-wife and one from I love latins. It was already Day 4 so I started packing my bags to make the trek from Cartagena to barranquilla. I am not going to lie ...I was kinda nervous to travel from Cartagena to Barranquilla but i got over it real quick!

Luis and i went to the area where most of the shared ride vans were located. I picked this one company that had brand new minvans ..I think it was called Brasileiro express. I sat in the front and was very comfortable. I have no complaints whatsoever fell asleep and everything. I got to see the countryside and it was kinda of weird b/c I saw a couple of towns that looked like they were snapshots of Quentin Tarantino's flick " Dusk till Dawn".

I arrived in Barranquilla an hour and half later and the van dropped me right in front of the Hotel Versailles. I checked in and was escorted to my room...which features a king size bed, marble floors with a leather sofa, fridge and cable tv. It cost me $44 USD per day with unlimited internet. I immediately stated calling the ladies and setting up my own dates b/c by this time my spanish was enough for me to speak and make things happen for myself.

First date with Natalia

This girl was my first reason for coming down to Barranquilla. She was my latina Angelina Jolie, she is 5'7" white complexion, thick lush lips with straight black hair. She came to the hotel wearing an elegant dress with her cousin in tow...and her cousin was prettier than her. Her cousin looked like Pamela Anderson without big breasts. We sat down in the lounge area located in the rear of the hotel introducing each other.

This is Natalia (Angelia Jolie)

This is her cousin

So they were both dressed really elegant and I kinda got the picture that we were going to go out...So I asked them if they would like to join me for dinner and of course they accepted. I was dressed way too casual so I decided to go and put on my South Beach gear. I came back downstairs and they started complimenting my style and off we went. I told them to pick out a restaurant and I think they picked out one of the most expensive italian restaurants in Baq. Because we were the only ones dining at 7pm in the evening. The waiter of course suggested I try this bottle of wine and of course the ladies agreed and of course I asked him to un-cork it. (As a side note this trip was to celebrate my birthday so it was ok...and you only live once)

So we had a bottle of Italian Chardonnay and everyone ordered a main course meal and the ladies topped it off with some tiramisu desserts. Drum roll please here come the check!!!!!! ready

$55 USD I started to laugh so hard I couldn';t contain myself. If i had even attempted to pull this stunt in South Beach it would have $200+ meal. I think I was in love with Colombia at that point. We sat there talking for another hour or two discussing American & Colombian lifestyles and really getting to know Natalia. After that we got up and went back to the hotel and I kissed her good night. We decided to make plans for the next day.

So the next morning I ordered my $5USD breakfast room service which included scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and fruits and orange juice. After breakfast it was time to wait for my next appointment BAQ Girl#2.
I went downstairs to the internet cubicle b/c I had my vonage to call the states but the connection was so slow i could barely get a clear conversation so i gave up on that. Low and behold while I was in the cubicle this picture perfect model type girl was peeking inside my cubicle saying "Hans Como esta" I was like Muy Bien Muuuuyy Biennn. We sat down in the infamous seating area like I did the night before..this was beginning to ook like my! We started introducing each other and she was perfect for me she can cook like there is no tommorrow, she was totally into my conversation and Iw as into hers and she had a very genuine innocence about her. So i got up and I said if she would like to go to the zoo..while she is looking at the animals would give me a chance to scope her out under the privacy of my sunglasses...heheheheh!

We started to walk and my shoelaces got untied ..listen to this she got on her knees and tied my shoelaces..i was like wow what a nice girl. We got to the zoo and paid the admission. Suddenly this kid who works automatically attached himself to us as our tour guide. I was checking her out now guys you may think I am shallow..but I started thinking to myself she is perfect but if she has my child she will never be able to lose the weight. She definetely could do some crunches and get on the treadmill. So with those observations I kinda put her on standby b/c this is a difficult process and you cant fall in love with the first person you meet. So after a smelly time at the zoo, we went back to the hotel b/c I had to get ready for another appointment I set up from the I love latins April issue...b/c of Natalia I had to purchase the entire list so I might as well look through the names and make my own appointments.

I started looking through all of the pictures for the April issue from I Love Latins and came across a couple of chicas. I called about five that I thought were okay one had a boyfriend already, and one couldn't be reached on the phone. So I made a total of three appointments from a list of about thirty ladies.

Also I did have a chance to meet with Lizbeth and her partner Nando. They came by to my hotel to show me a book of chicas that they were in constant contact with ad knew personally. I chose about two girls from their book. One looked hot in the picture but in person, I was like damn how long do I have to endure this torture. Now the other one happened to be a Beauty queen finalist and she was very pretty but she was supposed to call me and hang out with me later on but she stood me up and I didn't call her after that.

This was all in one afternoon, it was so structured ...I was pretty impressed with my timely interview setup. That evening Natalia came by the hotel and we went to Henry's cafe (American style) bar/restaurant like a smaller TGI Fridays. We had a great time there but I got the impresson that she wasn';t really looking for a boyfriend more so the fact she got a chance to go out to fancy restaurants and cool hangouts. I asked why did she join I Love Latins she said to meet people but she preferred Colombian men. After that I got turned off with that statement. The last thing that I plan to do is to fall victim to a pretty face and a smile with no personality. So we went back to the hotel and I kissed her in the cheek and haven't called her since! I figured if she was interested she would email me and get in contact with me.....I haven't received an email so I moved on.

My flight was leaving tommorrow for Miami so I spent the evening with a girl I met at Buenavista Mall. She was originally from Pereira now working at Buenavista mall. She asked for my number through a mutual friend of mine. IF ANYONE IS IN BARRANQUILLA AND IT IS YOUR FIRST TIME OR YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE WINGING IT ON YOUR OWN. CONTACT KIKAY 310-635-3815, HE IS A TAXI DRIVER AT THE PRADO HOTEL AND HE SPEAKS ENGLISH FLUENTLY (HE USED TO LIVE IN MIAMI) He can be your wingman in Baq.

Thats how my trip ended. On my next trip I plan to use Jamie's agency International Introductions. Already 22 ladies are interested in me through the "Find out who is interested in you" service. I am planning to go 2nd or 3rd week of July. All in all i had a wonderful time in Cartagena and Baranquilla. I didn't really find what I was looking for this time around but I am hoping that my trip in July will be more fruitful. I think the agency route is much better b/c you need to surrond your self with about 30 to 40 girls at one time to narrow your search. Time is ticking and money is wasting day after day and unless your there for leisure purposes, focus is very important to reach your goal on finding that special woman.

Also I am going to Brazil for the first time with three other friends in September. We reserved two apts in Ipanema located in RIO.
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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2006, 08:22:17 AM »
Nice report, enjoyed reading it.

Offline Looking4Wife

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2006, 10:46:37 AM »
English, great report!

RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2006, 10:46:37 AM »

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2006, 12:08:22 PM »
Thanks guys. It was definetly a great much so that I am thinking about going in October.
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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2006, 01:27:04 PM »
Very entertaining read.

"I can get a great look at a t-bone steak by shoving my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."--Chris Farley

Offline bad40

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2006, 04:48:13 PM »
great report! great minds think alike. i was also planning trips to caq and brazil later this year. brazil for carnival next year including stops in natal, bahia and sao paulo.

i make frequent trips to miami/south beach. in your opinion, what are the differences between south beach women and colombianas?

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2006, 05:07:47 PM »

In south beach you are going to run into women (natives not tourists big difference) that have $$ signs on their eyelids.  Furthermore, they are doing something funky on the side...whether its stripping, escorts service or something exotic maybe even porn. Now I can't say all women because some are models but if you can't book a job what else is there to support your lifestyle?  With a colombiana you can easily tell a good girl from a bad girl in that sense because if she is a working girl, her family resides in another town. The good girl will always invite you to her parents house. Thats what I think
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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2006, 07:07:36 PM »
Quote from: English
...she was cute but not my type because i need to be with a taller girl due to my height and in my last relationship I was with a filipina at 5' ! so i couldn't do that anymore.

Hi English,

Excellent, well written report!

By coincidence, I am also 6'5" and married to a 5'0" Filipina. With us, our height was never an issue and I would sure hate to think that I might have missed out on this wonderful woman if it was an issue. Perhaps us older guys have learned to look beyond some of the physical characteristics. :)

Please keep us posted on your next trip...

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2006, 11:16:27 PM »
Interesting report. You seem like a common sense guy with your head  screwed on pretty good.

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2006, 11:38:00 PM »
Thanks UC ..Experience dealing with women has given me wisdom throughout these enchanted adventures.

Ray, I guess its because I always felt uncomfortable dancing with my girlfriend so I always said tomyself next time choose a peron that is tad taller.
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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2006, 11:08:24 AM »
agree with you about south beach "native" women! always had more fun with tourists, especially europeans.

thanks for the advice. my trip to baq should be in september. looking through the profiles jaime has, it doesnt seem like gyms are the most popular places in baq. generally, did you get the sense that being "fit" was important for the women there?

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2006, 01:00:14 PM »
Well I have an average body and I wouldn't say they are too concerned because they are not all in top top shape. So don't worry about it really just emphasize what you have to offer and the type person you are.
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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2006, 02:08:40 PM »
sorry.. i was referring to the general fitness level of women in baq. are they in shape? south beach muscle look or new york yoga look?

RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2006, 02:08:40 PM »

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2006, 02:33:44 PM »
You know you will find a little of both but I was say that the majority is the New York Yoga
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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2006, 04:21:21 PM »
there aren't that many dark-skinned women per jaime's profiles. did you encounter a reasonable amount of them on the street in both places?

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2006, 11:17:05 PM »
There are definetly more darker skinned women in Cartagena than Barranquilla. A lot of them are in Universities which is better for you ...
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Offline Chi-Ung Lopez

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2006, 04:04:51 AM »
Loved your report, brother.

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RE:  April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2006, 04:16:44 AM »
Quote from: English
Thanks guys. It was definetly a great much so that I am thinking about going in October.

Pardon my late reply, but you had one helluva trip bro. Your post gave me & others the feeling of being there with you!

A Klingon with big tits?!! :shock::shock::shock: ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!
Illegitimi Non Carborundum / Out Beyond Ideas of Wrong doing & Right doing, there is a field....

I'll meet you there...

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RE: April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2006, 01:55:28 AM »
Excellent trip report and very humurous.  You seem to think along the same lines as myself.  I agree you waste a lot of time unless you use an agency or have been to Colombia a few times.

I plan to head back down in November for another 10 day stint around Thanksgiving.  You really do need to be practical and persistent when dealing with Colombian women.  No one really jumped out at me my first time around, but I did meet a lot of nice women.  Fortunately or unfortunately (take your choice), I don't fall for women very easily or quickly.  You have in your mind what you are looking for and at this point I refuse to settle, after all I feel that I have too much to offer and too much to lose ("Pimpin ain't easy but it's necessary"

Me and the fellas are planning on doing a South Beach trip next year.  We plan to come down and kick it for a few days.  I also have family in Miami up here for a family reunion this weekend.  They have been asking me to come down.  Maybe we can hook up when I am in town (Miami)?

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RE:  April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2006, 09:02:54 PM »
Quote from: EbonyPrince
Excellent trip report and very humurous.  You seem to think along the same lines as myself.  I agree you waste a lot of time unless you use an agency or have been to Colombia a few times.

I plan to head back down in November for another 10 day stint around Thanksgiving.  You really do need to be practical and persistent when dealing with Colombian women.  No one really jumped out at me my first time around, but I did meet a lot of nice women.  Fortunately or unfortunately (take your choice), I don't fall for women very easily or quickly.  You have in your mind what you are looking for and at this point I refuse to settle, after all I feel that I have too much to offer and too much to lose ("Pimpin ain't easy but it's necessary"

Me and the fellas are planning on doing a South Beach trip next year.  We plan to come down and kick it for a few days.  I also have family in Miami up here for a family reunion this weekend.  They have been asking me to come down.  Maybe we can hook up when I am in town (Miami)?

EB anytime just give me a heads up...I am making plans now to head back down to Barranquilla..we'll see what happens this time.
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RE:  April trip to Cartagena & Barranquilla
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2006, 09:02:54 PM »
Mod Note: Duplicate post removed.
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